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Thread: Server Side Bug Fix

  1. #21
    Why are the mission cash distant dependant??

    ...if you take a mission in avalon, it certainly harder than in clondike... even if you take it from avalon

    What's the point of giving good cash for a grid jump? That's realy easy...

  2. #22

    Wink Distance

    Hey, suggestion.

    At level 44 I am getting about 20k a mission from Rome Green to Lush at average difficulty. I suggest you try getting missions from Rome (longest distance I have found yet). I love the idea of a distance slider though (hint, hint!). Good luck.

    Emmily, level 44 Trader on RK2
    "I am just a poor girl trying to make my way in the world. So hand over the creds and noone gets hurt."

    hope that helps

  3. #23

    locked doors

    There have always been locked doors in missions (I don't know that you can see through them: that mirror thing is a bug not the ability to see through them)

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