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Thread: Bad missioning experince: Opponents heal way too fast.

  1. #1

    Bad missioning experince: Opponents heal way too fast.

    I just had a very unpleasent mission experience today in Newland Desert.

    I am a just 49th level fixer. I got the mission from Avalon (Camelot) at 50% "even" difficulty. I was fortunate to be able to clear 5 various green soldiers from the mission, and entered a room with a big yellow soldier. The fight started not good, My mausser was hitting him for 30, while he was firing at me for 59 a shot. This in itself was not a serious problem. The serious problem was the fact I literally couldn't get him below 50% health. Between my Falsify Medical Records, and popping QL 50 first aid kits once a minute, the soldier was literally healing as fast as I was, without any visible assistance, and without crossing the zone entrance to the mission area.

    Usually when NPC opponents start doing that kind of damage to me I have to resort to hit and move tactics to give my HoT time to work. I would fire at the target once or twice, run around the nearest pillar or into the next room for two or three ticks of the HoT, and reengage. Up to now, this has worked fine for me (as long as I'm not facing an Enforcer or other melee-mob who can attack on the move) however this time, it just plain failed. In spite my best efforts. The soldier's hit points simply would not go below 50%. It was as if the second I moved, the solder would start his non-combat healing.

    I did have to take it to the zone three times during the combat. It seems I was able to confuse the soldier for a few seconds with my hit-and-run, and the soldier three times during the battle took off in a tangent straight off my radar. However when the soldier came back and I tried to re-engage, I got hit with the dreaded "Take it easy" message. I had to zone out and back in to continue the attack. Each time, in spite being gone less than 20 seconds, the soldier was able to go from 50% hit points, to 75% hit points.

    I hate to say it, but if this is now normal behaviour, my fixer is plain SOL. I eventually got fed up, and blitzed the mission. I just could not defeat this thing, even in spite it being even with my level. I woke up at the reclaim terminal with a token for my efforts. But this was really frustrating.

  2. #2
    I've mentioned the insane mob hitpoint regen in another thread.

    Cosmik had responded in it.

    I belief it's a bug. Hope it get fixed soon.

  3. #3
    LoL!! Konril your killing me.. Glad to see some other folks noticed this bug or whatever same stuff happened to me..

    ---> doesn't like fighting yellow mobs for 15 mins

  4. #4
    Check out Cosmiks answer in this thread

    They seem to know about the awful fast regeneration.


  5. #5

    Thank you!

    I was beginning to take it personally when my Fixer took on three missions and had to axe all three. Missions are just no longer any fun at all. Never before have I spent three or four hours with neglible gains in experience and getting to the next level is looking like anunattainable goal.

    See my other posts for more.

    I'm all for team play but it almost appears as it will be the ONLY way to play instead of being an option.

  6. #6

    Lightbulb how to deal with mobs that heal

    Just something learned while playing mobs that heal themselves and their buddies.. First off they do so with much les frequency (thank you FUNCOM) but to stop them from healing atall try this... go buy the nano Mat Mattem incompetence or the Bio Met incompetence and blast em with it as a starter.. ive found biomet alone wil do the trick.. TA-DA!! they cant use their own heals because of a lack of skill! i blew throu several missions doing that and not a single mob treied to heal himself hope this helps!

  7. #7

    somethings happened

    chaincasting mobs with infinite nano are BACK, dunno if it had to do with the client patch the other day but i just got out of a mission that took a friend and i over 30 minutes to take down 3 mobs because of insane HP regen and chaincasting the healing spell.

    One mob healed itself 12 times before we put him down, and this was after we killed his two bud's whome he was healing as well.

    it was crazy, i used about 1k in bullets, a TON of first aids, we had to take turns getting them to aggro on us so one could sit down and recharge nano while the other fought.

    we could have deleted the mission, but we were both pretty ticked off about the whole thing and so needed to see those three mobs DIE.

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