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Thread: In Game Trade/Price Exchange

  1. #1

    In Game Trade/Price Exchange

    Okay I was posting in another forums and I had one of my rants, I will post exaclty what I put.

    It was someone Wanting a high QL rider, and the price someone gave started me off hehe.


    Im just looking over these prices, and really wish people would use this site for prices to buy and sell.

    530k for a ql200 Rider Executioner sounds about right, 3 mil for, what was it 170? YES I know they are very rare , okay For now they should cost at least 1 million, but theres noway ill have that much, for two since i use two and a yal hehe.

    Now take a look at this...

    QL1 (hehe lol) 15k

    I did 15k x 56, as i have a Ql 56 and it comes up as..
    840k, wow.

    Try take a look around that site, i think prices for some things a quite resonable.

    19million for ql200 Assault-Issue Omni-Pol Elite Battle Suit
    Yes very nice..

    Now What I am getting at is, the prices of thing people sell at are quite redicolous, yes, you found it, or it is rare, take omni elites, every wants one now and, 2mil for ql 75 helm and I got a Whole suit Except the helm for 800k give or take a few thousand from different people.

    I bout the Chest plate for 220k ql75
    If i take A QL 1 and takes its price 2k
    And then times it by the Ql 75 one i bought for 220k
    The price comes up as 150k
    Add say, 20-40k for finding it / tax rate hehe.

    Okay im going to post this in future changes also, ill edit it abit but maybe if they could make something ingame so we all know how much to buy sell stuff, if we all work together as a a tema for which side your on it would work, but some people are very greedy and ask for alot, you will always get the people who disagree and are money hungry just like you get in real life, its a game yes but, I wish prices would lower in trade for SOME items, as for the rare things, keep it high.

    (here is what im adding)

    Everyone I have spoke to agrees, and when im a trade chat, I usually congratulate the the winner of the bid i take part in.
    Ive never been in one where the bid has gone over 400k.
    But I always get into the conversation of people pricing things to high, and then if i try to sell my Elite suit for a few million, they say NOWAY , which i did for a test, i need my suit i just got it hehe.
    Thats about 95% of the reponse I got, only a few people said they would buy it and told them what i was doing to there disapointment.

    But, In Bids they should go as highas they can, thats the point in a bid, people out bid each other, but for the people who sell stuff one to one, face to face, I think the prices should lower.

    The trade chat is now a Auction room, if only there could be a place to put items in a booth where other people can look at, the item is still with the holder, you get the name of the holder from the booth, contact them and buy it at the set price.

    Id like too see this happen, im speaking for the majority of people, I know alot of you are not millionaires, maybe im wrong but most people cant afford to pay so much for something, or should be just wait till Omni pol elites become age old armor in over a years time and get it for free?

    You decide, anything else? Ideas people! Discuss!

    Happy hunting all

  2. #2
    Maybe items would list a 'recommended price' as a guideline. This would fluktuate a bit, and it might be hard to get an accurate value, but a general amount would be nice.

    People don't have a clue about how much to charge/pay for the rage things. The actual usage of an item can't always be judged by it's stats.

    Finally free from this nightmare!

  3. #3
    Someone one said to me...
    Omni pol Elite, the game version of nike.
    You pay for the name not what it gives in ac etc.

  4. #4
    No one I know pays very well for OPE. Because it's no longer rare. If they can't find it cheaply, they get a guild member to roll it or roll it themselves. Same goes for everything.

    Here's the way I figure it: anything someone else can get, I can get too. The only thing I'm paying for is the time I'm saving by not having to roll it and do the mission/get someone to do the mission.

    Very simple question to ask yourself is, 'am i paying too much for the tiem I've saved?'. You'll find very often the answer is yes... But you can get good deals too.

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