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Thread: An absolutely insane and good idea

  1. #1

    An absolutely insane and good idea

    Make a static dungeon, right now, for level 200s.

    Make it absolutely IMPOSSIBLE to do with only 32 level 200s.

    Make it absolutely REQUIRE crowd control, nano debuffs (to stop really brutal nanos), and lockpickers (constantly self locking pickable doors anyone?) and trap disarmament.

    Make it cause a total dungeon meltdown 45 minutes or so, maybe variable, after the 1st person came in. This should kill everyone in the dungeon, no matter what, and reset all mobs and doorways. There should be sufficient warning of this occuring.

    Make it possible to delay this reset by obtaining certain goals..

    Make it INCREDIBLY hard to get to. In other words, it's in a zone which you can't fly in.

    Make it such an EXTREME quest that you are positively SURE no one will EVER be able to complete it.

    Make it EXTREMELY complicated. And take hours to explore it all, but not to travel through. (Yes *hours*, no chance to survive it your first time.)

    If you notice people getting lucky and getting close.. Make it a little harder. Fix whatever abuses were done that could've made it easier for them.

    Rubi-ka has 3 moons, correct? Put it on one. You'll need to be teleported there somehow.. and even then you'll need to find the entrance.. It may have multiple entrances. Any of which may lead to dead ends. You'll also need to somehow survive the lack of oxygen, radiation, and the radical temperatures. (In the light of the suns or not. Hot or Cold.)

    As for rewards..hell.. (and it will be)

    I don't know.

    This would be a *side-quest*. Like beating Ultima Weapons in the Final Fantasies.. It is to keep the level 200s occupied. They will want to explore it over and over.. To find out as much they can about it. Before they inevitibly crash and BURN. How many people, do you think, defeated all the Ultima Weapons, but have never Power Leveled?

    It may not change the story line.. in fact I hope it doesn't. Though it could reveal something that no one ever knew..

    Actually..I do know what could be a reward..


    This is a concept that is on many many muds. (Multi User Dungeon/Dimension/Domain/etc. In basic terms, a game)

    What it does is *Reset* you to level one. Sets your skills to newbie levels.. (Read: IP WIPE) Maybe increasing one or two base stats by some amount. (Often random on muds) And, on some of those muds, let's you switch to a new different class or *multi-class*.

    What this could mean in AO is that you would pick a secondary class.. The skills of the two professions would average maybe with your primary class.

    So you wouldn't be as good in the things your first class was good in. But you'd also have the advantages of the second class because.. You'd be able to use their Nano Formulas too. It would be good even for agents because then they'd be able to cast their new nanos without any penalties. You will also keep all your items and credits, though you'd have to go completely naked for the process and your implants will be tossed into a bag.

    It will probably never come to pass that the same char will remort twice. But, if it should happen.. you'd be able to add a 3rd class to your list. And on and on..

    They would also recieve some sort of very noticeable marking signifying that they have remorted.

    You'd know that you were in the presence of a god. And it would not be wise to mess with gods.

    Good reward, no?

    The point is to keep the powerlevelers occupied. This definitely does that. Also when trying to enlist the time and resources of others, they will have to get political.. No one guild should ever be able to do this alone..

    But they will try. And that's what could make this game just *awesome*

  2. #2

    Lightbulb Remorting

    Wasn't "Remorting" mentioned in the manual somewhere?
    Dual-classing, or class swapping, has been mentioned by FC before.

    But, what hasn't?

    And, the Uber-dungeon sounds good, like the planes in EQ, etc. We do need something like that.
    Make vehicles that can get into orbit or something, and have that as part of the entry requirements.

    Keep the ideas coming.

  3. #3


    Bump Bump

    This insane idea is really great!!!!! i would love trying impossible quest with a bunch of other crazy guys to become a god!!

  4. #4

  5. #5
    I second the uber dungeon. And make it have phat lewt (or something cooler, like the ability to switch to your character's name being over their head instead of their nickname). So that there's a real point to getting to 200.
    And... stuff.

    o0o 101 posts.
    "By the way, if anyone here is in marketing or advertising: kill yourself." --Bill Hicks
    "Have we turned into gerbils? People are paying money to walk up invisible steps over and over again." --Dennis Leary

  6. #6
    I wish that Funcom would take good suggestions like this into consideration. But I think even if they did it would be next to impossible for them to program. Hell they dont need to put on the moon, look how many unused zones there are on Rubi-Ka.

    Great Idea though m8!

  7. #7
    The whole point of the remorting thing was that there would be something other than 'phat lewt'..

    The name thing is interesting..but I doubt many powerlevelers, the people who are likely to want to challenge this dungeon, would care..

    I would hope that the mobs still give loot they will all obviously be over 200 anyway they should consistently give ql200 and higher loot. But not too many special items I hope. That should be reserved for the special static story dungeons.

    Remorting may have been mentioned, but not in the manual. Most likely it was in a dev chat that happened before release or something.. Stuff that they were just considering.

    Orbital vehicles..nah.

    I said the moon, because it actually wouldn't be too hard.. Unless they have data for all the zones that are EVER going to be in the game already on CD and it's impossible to add more.. They could just patch with another zone.. Have it have the Suns and Moons revolve differently than on Rubi-Ka. And add an extra celestial object for the planet itself.. Should be possible I think.

    Besides..I believe that most of the underground real estate has been taken already.

    Those aliens gotta be *somewhere*.

    Two more things to add..

    Make the entrances RANDOM and change every couple of hours.

    Make it lock the door once you're halfway in. (10/3 second grid warp is not useful? OH REALLY??)

  8. #8
    I like the remorting Idea...when you get to lvl 200 you can restart but some advantages, maybe like keep 50% of all your abilities/skills level, and also be able to be killed by ANY level person so that people don't do this just to twink out.

    I also think people should get a 1k token board as an honor from their faction if they hit lvl 200, since that is about as rare as earning that 1k token board.

    The game shouldn't end for people who get to 200 and there should be more options involved.

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