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Thread: Manual reload sometimes works, sometimes doesn't...

  1. #1

    Question Manual reload sometimes works, sometimes doesn't...

    I was wondering if I was alone in this... sometimes when I try to manually reload my gun I cannot. Other times it will work like a charm. If I cannot manually reload my gun and zone I generally can then manuallay reload it.

    My guns auto-reload just fine, however. Always have. This post JUST addresses manual reloading.

  2. #2

    Loading limit

    Hi Ripper.

    I have the following observation, that might explain the non functional manual loading.

    I am a gunslinger. One of my two pistols has a 'rather' low ammo capacity (Desert Reet;16). To not get interrupted for my specials (3 flings and 2 bursts excatly fit in one ammo clip) I reload manually after 'each' fight (if possible).
    I have recognized, that only when the actual ammount of ammo is smaller then 13 (12-) the manual reload works, otherwise the clip is regarded as full by the system. And I only get the fully loaded message when there are 16 rounds in the pistol. So there seems to be a 'buffer' zone, in which the manual reload is blocked, because the system considers the gun 'fully' loaded.

    I can only speak for some pistols, which I observed this phenomen for.

    So long,

    100% curious

  3. #3
    Yo Maximilian.

    I think you hit the jackpoint. I need to test that when I get back from the holidays.

  4. #4

    Post Potential update

    Since the patch they introduced yesterday did far more, than they announced (at least to me - first patch I remember with no drawbacks, or? - great job ) I want to update my former statement somewhat:

    I experienced yesterday several '1-bullet' loads. Means, they manual reload did work in (almost) all cases. I will check this more intensively and then give a real update.

    So long,

    100% curious

  5. #5

    reload bug

    Seems like some of this bug is weapon dependant, I have a lower level (22) soldier that uses a combination of two or three
    weapons, a steiner assault lazer to open, an e- beamer and sometimes a nova flow to finish up close. It is very rare for the nova or e-beamer to not manually reload, but extremely common with the steiner. It will fail to reload probably two thirds of the time. I started with a ql 8 steiner, and now use a ql 36 and this has happened with every one of them. I have also used other lazers and plasma shooters like the westinghouse, and icc flashpoint, and have had the same problem with all of them.

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