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Thread: Katara sunglasses - no longer rare?

  1. #1

    Katara sunglasses - no longer rare?


    I once sold some Katara sunglasses for a pretty penny, but these days they're almost being thrown after you. Are they no longer rare, or is someone exploiting something and flooding the market?

    Would like to know..

    Lvl 43 Doc
    Head of Relations
    Omni Shadow Ops

  2. #2
    Since V13.0, these now spawn on backyard terminals with the rest of the curios, and are also available as mission rewards.

    Don't pay more than 3k for these now.
    Head Seer
    The Honored Maidens

  3. #3

    Katara sunglasses, and other special items...

    Sunglasses and tattoos were in the game at release, or I think they were. Then they disappeared. They were very rare, and if you saw somebody wearing them, you knew they were very lucky. Same with tattoos, but they were around longer than sunglasses. I had a really nice arm tattoo after tattoos went poof and lost it to a server drop. And to think, I could have sold it for millions!

    Honestly, I am rather glad this stuff was put into the game again! I am not willing to pay millions for tattoos, sunglasses and whatnot. These items serve very little purpose in the game besides making your character look good. It's nice that everybody has the chance to buy them now, rather than just the elite few who could procure them for absurd prices or were blessed to find them on missions. (A few people got Katara shades back in the day as mission rewards. )

    I had a pair of kataras during beta and that was sooo cool.
    Last edited by Misophist; Nov 21st, 2001 at 20:45:02.
    Babette, Frenetic, Misophist, Yardleigh.
    "I am the queen of France!!!"

    Ah, L'Amour!
    Bitter Films

  4. #4
    Hehe, now I see then... Good to hear that they will be more accessible, but I must admit that I feel lucky to have sold my Katara's a few weeks ago for a HEFTY amount of cash

    Lvl 45 Doc
    Head of Relations
    Omni Shadow Ops

  5. #5
    "Don't pay more than 3k for these now"

    umm - since they cost 999 creds in the omni-e backyard 1 store, perhaps 3k is a bit much. dont know about u, but i dont have much luck sellin things for 3x the store price -- hump it up to backyard 1 and pick em up urself

    the keelarr's cost 1249 in the same store - go figure.

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