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Thread: I would like to see Doctors Spells Not Effect NT's Casting

  1. #1

    I would like to see Doctors Spells Not Effect NT's Casting

    If you have two Doc's in a group its murder on an NT. Especially if one is casting group based heals and the other giving you those un-removable heals that just spam your Nt Cast Channel constantly. Healing you 53 points constantly until they refresh it.

    I actually quit a group with that situation because the doc was adamant about it;
    "I'll stop casting group heals if you want to see everyone dieing". They kind of missed those 500 nukes once in a while too as they found that it takes all kinds to bring down a mob.

    I love Doc's, dont get me wrong but their spells are in direct competition to my casting damage or more crucially a root on some creature that is beating on me or any other member in the group.

    In a society 30k years in the future with nano bots galore I would thing that body healing would be on a different channel than direct damage programs.. Imagine my spells killing members of my group because they are out of order with the doctors. Think Multiplexing.


  2. #2

    Arrow Also...

    On the same lines as this....i (being a doctor) was team healing my team (dont worry wasnt an NT in the team). The agent in my team was being hit. He was using False Profession : Enf to buff the team with essence.

    I know that the FP range of nanos give you -2k nano ini, but WHY does that effect team heals. If i am chaining team heals, where we have numerous targets hitting each member of the team, the nanoprogram bar just refreshes itself and he never gets healed.

    It seems to make FP useless when hunting, and means that i get the blame for them dying... This, to me, makes NO sense at all.



    Hit the Road Jack !

  3. #3
    The reason for this behavior is reasonably apparent:

    When you cast a buff or de-buff on anything (including yourself) you are forcing the target's NC to run a program. When casting onto another, you are overriding what their NC is presently doing. Perhaps a chip that would allow multitasking would be good (this would sacrifice available NCU in the name of fast-casting while being healed/buffed and would increase risk of multiple debuffs hitting you at the same time).

  4. #4

    Unhappy ...

    I dissagree on the NCU upgrade Burrow Owl. Reason:

    To get the most out of your caster, you need 3 or 4 NCU upgrades. This leaves room for 2 NCU's of memory. If you get in 64 NCU's, you get 128 NCU's.

    When I say 4 NCU upgrades I meen:
    Range inc
    CPU Upgrade

    Not sure if one fit in a slot of the other.

    I am an NT myself, so the grouphealing of the doctors grow painfull when trying to get a nuke casted... Rather hopeless.

    My suggestion:
    Have 2 forms of 'program executing' lines.
    One who executes a program, and one that recieves a program. That way you could cast, and recieve buffs at the same time
    Or better yet, just make the group heals not use the executing program stuff thingy.
    ..:Dark "Xephiroth" Scorus:..
    124 NanoMage - Nanotechnican:..

    57 Atrox - Enforcer:..

    32 Opifex - Shade:..

    Ignorance is bliss:..

  5. #5
    It's programs, not spells... it's not magic, it's science! Not casters, but programmers... Why is this so hard for some people to grasp?


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