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Thread: Complaints justified?

  1. #21
    it doesnt affect PvM at all
    Please see Xente's Sylvabane argument.
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  2. #22

    Re: Complaints justified?

    Originally posted by Xente

    So, there are two solutions - eliminate stationary monsters, or cap the range so that monsters can retaliate when attacked - thats it. They capped the range at the standard range other classes are capped, for the same performance reasons. Funcom is not "out to get" NTs, they just had to make an important balance change. I'm sure they don't nerf for the sake of nerfing.

    Actually you left out something, there are more then 2 possible solutions, there is a thrid one that FC used once upon a time to deal with folks killing npc's traped in water that couldnt' hit back, namely, if you kill a mob that has no ability to attack back, you get the loot but not the exp. IMO in both pvp and pve this is a VERY valid and much better awnser to the problem, it's a more complete awnser the simply nerfing.

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