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Thread: NT's Nullity Sphere nano, plz change its "trade skill only" status.

  1. #1

    NT's Nullity Sphere nano, plz change its "trade skill only" status.

    Cosmik, Savant, whoever,

    if the changes that you forced on us in 13.0 are going to remain permanent despite the hue and cry from all the NT's who have found their way to this board, then please at least give us a fighting chance. With implants and a few levels at 55 I'd be able to use the Mk1 shield pretty soon if only I could get my hands on it.

    This nano was introduced with great fanfare by Funcom as the formula that would help level the playing field for us NT's and give us a fighting chance, but as it stands now it is so rare that it might as well not exist for the majority of people playing the NT profession on Rubi-Ka 1 & 2. It, and most of the other new line of nano's, are only really accessible to those players who have the levels and the contacts and resources within the game that most of us do not.

    Trade skill only is ridiculous, I am broke most of the time trying to stay on top of my armour, formulas and implants not to mention the silly cost of chargers and health kits, I can't afford to pay the extortionate prices people are asking for the Fold Space line and the later Enfraam's series, I dread to think what NT's would be getting charged by those who can make this nano and would want to sell it. I hear one person paid 5 million credits for Nullity Sphere Mk1. That is plainly ridiculous.

    Give us a break, change this item to mission reward or mission chest loot for missions of the appropriate quality level.

    Last edited by Koppo; Nov 17th, 2001 at 07:02:57.

  2. #2
    Bump. Sell them in the terminals. Making them rare only makes everyone else greedy. Ao is as much the real world as the real world is. Not many givers but always a lot of takers.
    "NT's can't over equip armor beyond implants and general buffs (no insane Intelligence or Psychic buffs) and can't overequip weapons since they use direct-damage, damage-over-time and nanoformula methods that require your actually stats and buffs to be active for you to use them. Don't complain about us being powerful when you obviously haven't even played one past level 100. NT's - the original red-headed stepchild of Anarchy Online." - Zaal

  3. #3
    Let 'em be rare loot... I *ALWAYS* save other nanos... never know when a teammate can use it to save your ass. A new heal makes great incentive for a doc to join your team... (That, or 100 nanochargers.


  4. #4
    Don't they show up as mission reward or random loot?

    Finally free from this nightmare!

  5. #5

    Exclamation I agree...

    I have yet to see one new nano program, or even hear of any of my NT friends ever finding one. And the 13.0 problems geesh....


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