The man smiled to himself. Through the glass he could see the doctors work on the girl. They had warned him of the risks, but no one gets anywhere without taking a few risks. Besides, who is she to me anyhow? A tool... a device... no... she was victory. Through the latest illegal drugs that his men had designed, untested but they guranteed success... because of course failure would mean their execution. The girl screamed aloud in the room, oh the pain she must be in! Good... even if she does die here and now at least she left this world in that great deal of pain. Then, the scream was silented. The girl looked dead, but the next sound brought him assurance his victory would be sealed. The doctor wrapped the newborn baby around a cloth, turning he saw him nod confirming the success. A baby born under only three months time. The door to the right opened, almost on cue to tell him exactly what he already knew. So, he decided to not even look at his Second in Command and instead focused on the young Opifexian mother.

"Initial reports show that the baby has suffered no injuries or damage from the ABC (Accelerated Birth Control) Pills. The doctors wish to run some more tests however before going with the next phase of the program. Your orders sir?"

Today is a good day indeed. "Do of course as the doctor recommends. I do not want my daughter to be harmed. How is the mother?"

"Dead sir. It was as Doctor Jepra predicted when she designed the drug. The body cannot keep up with the growth of the baby, so it sacrifices itself to do so. We've been seeing it for the past few weeks, the girl became weaker and weaker. Jepra didn't think she'd even last till the birthing process... given her age... but he told me that her youth may have actually helped as the growing body had some extra energy to spend."

More confirmation. The doctor placing the sheet over the Opifexian girl. But you are no longer needed my daughter. Maybe at the end you finally learned the price of treason. "I want this body to be cut into pieces."

The Second looked aghast and could not with-hold his shock. "Excuse me sir?"

Maybe I made a mistake in this one. His heart is not as cold as it should be... but at least then I do not have to worry about him making the mistake his predecessor made... thinking they could take over my Organization. "You heard me." he responded with the icy-cold speech. "I want her arms and legs severed. I want her head removed. I want her split in half using her butt-cheeks as a divisor-point." Yes, he is too weak. I will need to see who performs these operations as I ask and see they are moved up in the ranks. "I want the body parts then sent in a box with the datapad I have laying on my desk. Do you understand soldier?" Weak... much too weak... I shouldn't have to ask! Damn these incompetents! I see his hesitation as he forms that salute, he'll need to be replaced indeed.

"Sir I understand sir!" the Second said bringing up his hand in a salute. "Though if we do that won't they be able to do some DNA analysis on the body and find out who she is?"

Yes, you see me smile because you missed the point. "I am counting on it. Now, you are dismissed, make sure that is done before the day's end."

Saluting in return to his 'current'-Second... that'll be the last time I do that, we need to be willing to do whatever we can to establish our place in this world. Omni-Tek... CEO Ross... your time is up. You stupid clans, if only you would know when to fight and when to wait this planet could've been yours! SOL, if you had realized it's worth way back when then it could've also been yours! But no! You waited, citing the 'risks' involved. Once you are grown my daughter you shall seek vengeance on my enemies. Then, you shall seek the destruction of all else that stands against me.

The Second looked to his Master's desk. Yes, there is the datapad, a few lines of text displayed on the screen. I must do as ordered...

Private Illias, who recently heard about what few underground infromants had told him, finally found the 'Hidden' Division in Omni-Tek. There is a saying within the Division that 'You don't find us we find you.' but he had found them! With the death of his fiancee' to, what he felt was, stupid actions of Omni-Tek and the Clans... he had searched for an organized network on the Planet that was not affiliated with either. After a month passed... and seven broken bones (which were mended from a hospital ward and many nano-programs), sixteen deaths (thank goodness for Rubi-Kan's 'God-hood'!), and numerous bumps and bruises... Illias had come across a name: Loria. It was what he didn't hear which intrested him most, and that was what they actually did. Unlike terrorists cells he had expected to find, nothing was in any history about them. Behind the scenes, they were the clockmakers of disaster. Wind it, then let it run... while you were not involved. The low-level department within Omni-Tek, currently listed as Food-Supplement Enhancers (FSE), was how he found him. Loria. He knew this was a man with vision and intelligence. How he had constantly fooled Omni-Tek with these so-called Departments was beyond his knowledge! Even him himself was a ghost. Constantly re-inventing himself to be someone else. Replacing employees within the Department of his choice and using it as a front. The information garnered by being within the Corporation was plentiful, keeping the organization up-to-date with all developments on *and* off Rubi-Ka.

You were, or now am... Director Kiart. I still remember the day I walked into your office and addressed you as Director Loria. You denied it, but I pressed and pressed. I doubt I would be alive now if you did not see I wanted to help you, and I do. I shall help you make these people pay for what they did to my love!

The wristcom beeped. Illias could not believe his eyes when he witness who had called him! An order sent directly by the Second of Command what an honor! Illias nodded, agreeing immediately. The girl is dead. So what? I lost my stomach the day they stole my heart.

Thus the package was sent to Charles Houston. The body a bloody mess inside. Outside, the datapad read simply:

"We are united again, and we will split you apart."

The signature of the sender followed on the next line:

"The Council of Truth"

Loria sat back in his office reading over any new information in the past few hours. He wondered if the package would even get to his sender, the words upon it could make them think it a bomb. Could? Ha! It will. But even so, they will scan it, prod it, and find nothing. No alarms will go off because there is nothing in there to make that happen. The brutal murder of a young fifteen year old girl... tsk tsk... shame on you Councillors. Omni-Tek does not take kindly to having one of thier own treated as such. You could deny it... but when did Omni-Tek ever believe your lies?

Loria's laughter filled the room. Keying into his datapad, he made a note to promote this... Private Illias with his current Second. Now there is a man who has his head on his shoulders! After sending out the replacement order, which would of course lead to the death of his so-called Second... because one cannot go down in the Hierarchy any other way... Loria got up and headed to see the Doctors.

Jacelyn. Yes. I shall let you keep your mother's name. My own flesh and blood... I know you will not disappoint me as she did.