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Thread: A Misplaced Childhood

  1. #21


    January 29469

    For a long minute, a minute she would want to last forever, Jen closes her eyes, and tries to pretend that her life is different... that it has always been. She wishes that Cyrus and Heiji are still alive, wishesthat she has never been forced to live at the orphanage, wishes that she has parents to take care of her. The passing weeks are all more horrible than each other, and she fears that the situation will only degrade now, and never improve anymore. Unless she finds a way to definitively get out of this circle they have imprisoned her in.

    Not very far from her, although she is standing on the outside of the little crowd they're all forming, the other orphans are looking at the various vendor booths, at the merchandises displayed on the screens. It's Sunday afternoon, as as every Sunday, they are allowed to go to Harry's and buy themselves a few things with the little pocket money they are allowed. That isn't much, that never has been, and the credits are held for them by the employees who're due to watch their group, so that none of the children will run away and buy himself a ferry ticket... and yet, it's still better than nothing. A little moment of semi-freedom, before going back to the regular class schedule of the week.

    And Jen is bored.

    There is nothing she wants - and what she would like, the employees of the orphanage will never buy it for her - but she has to make them feel like she's liking this afternoon too... just a normal young girl, thinking like any other 15-years old would have. She honestly doubts that anyone having gone through years at the orphanage can ever feel like a kid again. They all have their hidden wounds... abandoned by their parents at birth, mistreated by their families, having lost their mothers during terrorist attacks, having lost their fathers in these mean little skirmishes that were still arising here and there, regularly... Some have been adopted, but rejected by their new families too. And some are too old, or too strong-minded, to be adopted. There is no doubt in which case Jen herself is; no couple has ever even wanted to simply
    meet with her...

    "Markarian? MARKARIAN! Is there something you want from this shop? And before you ask, no, I won't buy you any nano-program!" The other children turn to her, laughing; the supervisor today is a young employee going by the name of Rod Evans, and he never misses an opportunity of making a fool of her. Jen very well knows that it's not exactly her fault, that this isn't the job he had wanted, and that he'd have preferred a more important place on omni-Prime directly, but she doesn't like him either. She has a feeling that his sarcasms can go further; when Barry McCallagher and his stupid friends had tried to force her to follow them behind the school building, long after the classes were over, Evans had called her a liar when she had complained to him, saying that it was her fault, and that she should behave more properly if she wanted to avoid trouble. Since that time, Jen has simply decided that she would despise and avoid him, no more, no less.

    The girl swallows her bitter words, and simply points at a cheap necklace on the screen, not even caring about what it really looks like. She would actually have needed tools, real tools, but it isn't through the supervisors that she will get them, and it's high time for her to escape again now - to escape
    for good! She pretends to be interested in the displayed items, in what the other girls around her are saying, yet she never really keeps her eyes off the other customers. When their group moves toward the exit of the shop, crossing the path of a small team purchasing some tools, Jen seizes her chance, acting quickly, discretly, as she is used to now. It's the same, in town as well as at the orphanage. You want something, you have to steal it; you want to keep something yours, you have to prevent others from stealing it. Aiming at a tall Opifex in a coat almost too large for her, she dives her hand, finds a pocket, finds the credit card, and takes it without even a glance toward her victim. Her trained fingers can already feel that the card bears no other name than the bank's that has delivered it, and she represses a smile of satisfaction - an anonymous card, not a personalized one. She will be able to use it in any booth, provided there are still credits on, but the group had entered barely a few minutes before the children left, and who would go to a shop to purchase some items if there is nothing left on their cards? Jen accepts the risk. She'll find out later on how much she has at her disposal.

    The shuttle that is to bring them back to the orphanage is already outside, waiting for them near the Bronto Burger stand. Evans proceeds to the usual roll call, giving them their items when they answer their name. It could be one of these right moments Jen is waiting for - she knows that he won't call them again before entering the shuttle; what decides her though is being given this contemptuous look by Evans, and, a few seconds later, meeting the eyes of
    barry, full of dirty promises for whenever he would catch her alone again. No. Never will she go back there. Never.

    Jen is feeling oddly calm and quiet, staying silent now, not attracting any unwanted attention on her. She watches them get in the shuttle, one by one. She watches the bushes and buildings nearby, the silhouettes dulled by the night having already fallen. She thinks of her dark, plain uniform of the orphanage, and for the first time blesses the Director for forcing them to wear such ugly clothes. She will blend in the shadows quite well with this outfit... quite well, indeed...

    When the shuttle departs, neither Evans not the driver notice that Jenae Markarian wis missing. Jenae, the thin and angry girl, who is running, not toward the ferry, but toward the Grid terminal.

    Jenae, who will now go further than she ever has done... where they will never find her.
    Last edited by Demenzia; Aug 6th, 2003 at 14:31:27.
    Jen Markarian - Put the weirdness back in Omni-Mining
    Updating my stories -- 19/03/08. Going slowly, but certainly
    Anarchy Reloaded - AO webcomics for the sake of being silly

    I never want to lose what I have finally found
    There's a requiem
    A new congregation
    And it's telling me: go forward and walk
    Under a brighter sky
    -- Delerium, Euphoria --

  2. #22

    Open Your Eyes...

    October 7th, 29466
    Clon**** Mining Center, near the Waterfall

    She surfaced as silently as she could, given the present circumstances and the burning pain in her lungs unable to hold her breath any longer, given the urging feeling of having to get away from the danger. Jen wouldn't have been able to tell how many meters she had been swimming

    underwater, and yet, when the starlit sky appeared above her head again, she was surprised to realize that she was at the other end of the district now, not very far from the buildings nearing the huge waterfall. Surprised at the distance, surprised at herself, as she wouldn't have thought herself so fast; was it so true, that fear could give wings to a person as well as making her unable to move?...

    The young girl collapsed on the grassy bank, coughing dirty water, gasping for air, her soaked clothes very cold against her shivering skin. Unable to move any further, she simply stayed where she was for long, endless seconds, resting her head on her arms, her hands clutching at the wet grass to prevent herself from falling back into the canal. The man was too far to hear or see her... was he? Yet even if he had been standing in front of her right now, she doubted she was still able to run away. Heiji could urge her to get back to her feet and hide as much as he wanted, she needed to gather her strength again first, no matter what.

    Coughing some more, the ore dust leaving a horrible metallic taste on her tongue, Jen finally tried to haul herself back on the bank, crawling on her hands and knees, shivering even more. The old instinct and reflexes, once again, were waking up, screaming to her not to lie down and sleep, pushing her forward, until she could find a shelter. She didn't dare come back home, not if there was a risk of being followed, and attracting the man's wrath on Cyrus too. But staying unmoving would mean death, and already she could hear the sould of...

    Gunshots, still far away, but seemingly coming closer and closer. A faint smell in the cold air - something burning, smoke, fire?! Lights at the windows, more and more lights, footsteps echoing in the streets, a scream, then another, people, guards rushing by, and all of a sudden, the scream of the alarm siren, loud and piercing through the night...

    The young girl used a wall nearby to help herself stand up, knees still shaking, teeth chattering. A group of guards was hurrying past her, in full armor, wielding their heavy guns, their boots echoing in a rather sinister way on the concrete ground, and she hid the best she could in the shadows of the nearest alley, suddenly more frightened than ever. How much time had passed since her encounter with the nameless man? One minute in the waters at most... then a few more minutes to catch her breath again and crawl near the buildings? Certainly not more. So... what the hell was happening? Maybe she should have grabbed one of them, asked for his protection. But they were already running toward the south-west entrance, answering the sirens' call, and she knew that they didn't need a 12-years old girl on their heels to slow them down. Yes. The guards were trained. The guards knew their jobs, and they'd be over with the alert in a matter of minutes.

    Then, a reddish light appeared over the buildings, much like a firelight's, coming from the direction the guards were rushing to, and a terrible thought crossed her mind. There, were the outskirts... and the house she was sharing with Cyrus...! Jen gasped in anxiety, trembling even more. People were hurrying out of their houses now, many of them carrying a gun or a rifle; there probably wasn't a single person still asleep in Clon**** Town, and still... still, the young girl felt as if something terrible was happening, something unnatural. Sure, it wasn't the first nor the last time that some Clan rebels were launching one of their stupid assaults on the Mining Center; this time however, it looked... it felt... different.

    They're gonna die...

    Biting her lower lip, her gaze hardening, her frown deepening, Jen drew a deep breath, ignoring her heart pounding like mad in her chest, ignoring her wobbling legs. She couldn't - she wouldn't - stay here while her town was being under attack, even if it meant jumping back into danger. Burt was surely already helping in the defences. Jonan was surely already helping in carrying guns or bullets. Destiny was surely already hepling her Doctor mother to take care of the wounded. She couldn't act cowardly, and turn her back on them...

    Besides... Jen needed to make sure that Cyrus was allright.
    Jen Markarian - Put the weirdness back in Omni-Mining
    Updating my stories -- 19/03/08. Going slowly, but certainly
    Anarchy Reloaded - AO webcomics for the sake of being silly

    I never want to lose what I have finally found
    There's a requiem
    A new congregation
    And it's telling me: go forward and walk
    Under a brighter sky
    -- Delerium, Euphoria --

  3. #23

    Stand In The Fire

    October 7th, 29466
    Clon**** Mining Center

    Is there any way of ever forgetting the screams of agony of one's best friends, when one can only stand and outstretch weak hands that can't help the least bit?...

    Is there any way of ever taking the pain and fire out of one's mind, of erasing the memories, of simply closing eyes and pretend that nothing has happened, that life can still bear hope and brightness once one has lived through hell?...

    Hugging desperately the Reclaim terminal in the center of the town, her face wet with tears, her eyes haunted and pleading, Monica Seisler was begging for her husband to come back, for anyone to bring him back, tapping her comm hysterically, looking for a signal, while the screen on the terminal kept on flashing the same words over and over again... "Warning - Unable to process DNA rebuilding - Probability of subject Laslo "Sadim" Seisler to be submitted to perma-death upped to 89%... 90%... 91%..." Not very far from her, on the burning grass, lied the remains of a small Kodaik whose driver had been shot right through the head. People were running and screaming, as the sounds of guns furiously firing were echoing all around, Omni-Tek soldiers desperately fighting against moving shadows... Shadows? Not shadows, but men clad in jet-black armors of a model no one in Clon**** had ever seen before, wielding weapons just as unknown as their outfits, firing, almost mechanically, as if their only goal was to simply clean the whole place of every sparkle of human life. Random targets chosen with random means. And the aim was... terror, as their call to war was rising.

    "Ashes to ashes... dust to dust!"

    Jen was standing on the bank of one of the little canals criss-crossing the town, mouth half-opened, eyes wide at the terrifying show, the lights of the numerous fires lit across the city casting red reflections in her deep brown eyes. Still soaked to the bone, her clothes a misery, her hair made even more dishevelled by the wind, the young girl was staying unmoving, watching the disaster, the awful realization hitting her approximatively at the same moment it was hitting all Clon****'s inhabitants: the murdered Soldiers and citizens weren't coming back. The Reclaim terminal was continuously flashing warning messages, buzzing again and again, but there wasn't anyone sitting dizzy at the DNA-rebuilding pods, and the numbers of defenders were dwindling dangerously.

    "Mayday! Mayday! Here's Corporal McNair, from Clon**** Center's Defence Forces, we are under attack! We are under attack! Urgent military reinforcements needed! I repeat: urgent reinforcem-" Next to her, the man suddenly fell, his head blown by a shot from one of the attackers' odd guns, his corpse rolling on the ground. She couldn't move, though; for once, Heiji himself was silent and stunned, as if everything in that cursed moment had turned to a dangerous slow-down, until one of the unknown attackers would find her and shoot her on the spot too. No difference made between men and women, adults and children, soldiers and civilians... no difference, as long as there was killing involved.

    Another scream. Her white medlab coat stained with blood, Destiny's mother was lying on the ground, eyes forever open, still holding what looked like a bunch of clothes between her arms. Then the light of the fires flickered again, revealing a small face; the clothes were her dead daughter, barely one year younger than Jen, small for her age, but always so witty, so wishing to help, dreaming about the MedSchool she would attend in Omni-HQ when she would be grown-up... Her lips trembling, Jen slowly fell on her knees, unable to move or to simply keeping on standing. It was... a horror. A nightmare. Hell on earth. Someone was calling her from far, far away, calling her name, screaming her to run, but she couldn't hear it; only when a hand firmly clasped her shoulder did she startled, letting out a whimper, knowing that now it was going to be her turn...

    "Jenny! Whatcha doing here! If they see you, you're gonna be killed! Come... come with me, Jen, we're getting the other kids secure... please, come!..."

    Blinking, the young girl raised her head, looking desperately at Burt, his face grim, his hands and clothes covered with ashes, a bloody cloth hastily tied around his head to prevent a superficial wound from bleeding more. A thought shot through Jen's mind - "head wounds are always impressive, much blood for not much damage in fact..." - and then her stolen memories went away again. "....B... Burt...." she managed to whisper. "W-where's C... where's my uncle?..."

    Burt however was already grabbing her firmly by an arm, forcing her to stand up and follow him, dragging her along the way as he was taking the direction of a more isolated spot behind the main row of buildings. She followed, blinking again in the ashy wind, smelling blood and smoke at every step.

    "Desty... she's... she's..." Jen attempted again, and he shook his head, a saddened yet determined expression on the face. Burt was fourteen, and yet he seemed so much more in that moment...

    "I know, Jenny. Can't do anything more. See the backdoor in the building? Go there. Wait with the others. Daddy said I had to drive ya all out of town, and I swear, these... these bastards won't have any of ya!"

    He let go of her, and she staggered toward the wall, hazily nodding, knowing that without a weapon, she would never be able to help. The memories hit her again - "Stupid body! If only it could handle a proper NCU, I could've uploaded all tha Grid-programs... evac'ed 'em all... dammit... if only....!" - and she cursed her young age, her frail organism that couldn't handle nano-programs well yet, that would have died, certainly, if she had been able to make a hasty evacuation to the Grid. Too young... too young, when they could so much have needed the skills she theoretically possessed!...

    Then she heard the cries, she saw the little boy she knew so well, crying for his mother, she watched the faint gleam of hope lit in his eyes as he was catching sight of her. She saw him call, begin to run, call her name, "Jenny... Jenny!", arms outstretched, tears welling down his cheeks. She also heard the sudden rumble above their heads, turned her head just in time to notice the already burning vehicle run wildly toward herself... no, toward the child... the stunned look on his face, as he was stopping to a deadly halt, as if mesmerized by the dancing flames, not noticing that he would soon be caught between the building and this rushing mass of fire...

    The wave of heat rolled over her, she closed her eyes and lifted her arms to protect her face, her back violently meeting the wall behind her when the wind caused by the explosion threw her backwards.

    When Jen opened her eyes again, the spot where little Jonan had been standing was now a hell of burning metal, falling ashes and terrifying promises of death.
    Jen Markarian - Put the weirdness back in Omni-Mining
    Updating my stories -- 19/03/08. Going slowly, but certainly
    Anarchy Reloaded - AO webcomics for the sake of being silly

    I never want to lose what I have finally found
    There's a requiem
    A new congregation
    And it's telling me: go forward and walk
    Under a brighter sky
    -- Delerium, Euphoria --

  4. #24


    ((Demenzia, how can you leave us hanging like this? I'm on the edge of my seat! Please I need more!))
    Mr. "Kobak" (Jr) Bannister
    A Meta-Physicist of Vector-Blue

    All on RK1 (Omni)
    --Mr. "Kobak" Bannister [Sr] (Son of the famous DrKobak) <-Gone Missing
    -Charles "DrKobak" Bannister (OT's First retired Doc)

    "Hope for the best, Pray for the worst!"

  5. #25
    ((OOC: Actually, I was working on the rest of the story... just needed the part in-between. And when inspiration strikes, here I give you... the next post!

    Sorry for the delay. I have so many things to take care of these times...))
    Jen Markarian - Put the weirdness back in Omni-Mining
    Updating my stories -- 19/03/08. Going slowly, but certainly
    Anarchy Reloaded - AO webcomics for the sake of being silly

    I never want to lose what I have finally found
    There's a requiem
    A new congregation
    And it's telling me: go forward and walk
    Under a brighter sky
    -- Delerium, Euphoria --

  6. #26


    January 29469

    In a faint glow of swirling nanobots causing the air around to slightly ripple, the young girl materializes out in front of the Newland Grid terminal, a hand clutching an almost empty credit card in her pocket. Her face is now dirty and marked by deep rings under the eyes, her clothes covered in dust and her boots in mud, but the hard look in her gaze hasn't disappeared. A bitter fold at the corner of her lips, she staggers a little, then decidedly walks toward the entrance of the town, where the Patrollers simply cast her an annoyed and somewhat contemptuous look. Yes, she knows she hasn't washed in days. Yes, she knows they're slightly angried upon seeing a kid in rags walk in the streets of their precious, stupid town. But they're so used to see many people come back from battles in blood-soaked armors that they don't control ID cards anymore. Newland is far better for going into hiding than Omni-Entertainment or Trade have ever been. And there... there, she isn't completely subject to Omni-Tek law.

    Newland City, however, isn't her destination. True, she had temporary settled there for the three first days following her escape; but her aim was and had always been Borealis. Borealis, even further, without any Grid entry, but also not the first town anyone would be looking for her. As she walks through the dusty streets, her head still feeling a little light, her empty stomach reminds her that she hasn't eaten since the morning before; yet money is still too tight for the moment, and Jen knows that she needs to put it first into keeping a place to sleep and hide. The dirty shacks she has discovered near the mines are perfect for her in that regard, as well as the little crampy metallic room, in an old building at the other end of Borealis. Stepping through the whompa's door has already become an habit; in a flash of the now familiar blue light, Jen soon finds herself on the vast square area in the center of the town.

    The young girl quietly goes her way to the lower south district where her current shelter is located. There were enough credits on the stolen card, at first, to allow her to bribe a local and ask him to rent a room or anything for her so that she wouldn't have to use her name. The man of course has looked at her askance, but she has the money, and no bounty is on her head in the public databases, so he simply has grabbed the credits and done like she was asking. This has left her with barely enough to buy a few Bronto Burgers, after her previous and only buying, and the stupid man hasn't found anything better than an old unused storage room in which a small cot can barely be fitted, but it is enough for her at the moment. Jen knows where she can find money if needed, and the various little jobs she has performed in the past two weeks have now allowed her to have what she needed the most finally installed: the

    Once inside, she lets her small bag slowly down on the rusty floor, and takes a wrapped burden from under her cloak. Material that would be considered as basic by most people well-versed in her art - yet for her, it is her only treasure. A slight smile on her dry lips, she grabs the stolen tools in the bag, unwraps the packet, and lets out some air between her teeth. The second-hand console is indeed not the most recent model; she will need all her skills, memories and help from Heiji to turn it into something suited to her needs.

    In the dead of the night, when everyone in Borealis is sound asleep except for the least recommendable people, the young girl raises her head, her face even paler and more tired than ever, yet a happy smile on her lips upon seeing the work she has performed. Overtuning, overclocking, adaptation. 'Tinkering', would say some people. 'Evolution', say the memories imprinted in her brain. What was a piece of junk is now enough for her to earn her first thousands of credits, while waiting for better days and better material to use.

    "Perhaps you should rest a little, Dee. Your body is still quite young; you sure you don't want to sleep first?"

    Jen fiercely shakes her head at Heiji's statement, a move that causes her to wince; the new neural interface implanted at the back of her neck, just under the line of her hair, still hurts from time to time, and she knows she'll have to have it retuned by a better and competent Doc, this time, as soon as she has. "Dammit, Heiji! I'm hungry, I need money, I'm fed up with these stupid lil jobs, and I need to get outta this room soon or I'm gonna crack up! It'll be done in no time. Just a little here and there, taken on various bank accounts, and nobody will ever notice it!"

    A silence, for a few seconds. She can almost picture him smiling at her determination, almost mocking - almost. Then his voice again.

    "..Allright. There used to be an old route to the core systems, been so long nobody has used it that it could actually be safer to use it than connect to the expected nodes. Want to try this?"

    Jen eagerly nods, absently rubbing her neck around the datajack of the neural interface. The room is dirty and dark, but it indeed has what her and her newly modified Grid-console need - an access to the network, easy enough to hack through and start the real job.

    A grin now on her lips, the young girl seizes the wires, plug them into the console, then deftly links the datajack to her interface before connecting the machine to the network. A push of the thumb, a slight spasm seizing her frail body. And she's gone. Gone, there, in the Grid.
    Jen Markarian - Put the weirdness back in Omni-Mining
    Updating my stories -- 19/03/08. Going slowly, but certainly
    Anarchy Reloaded - AO webcomics for the sake of being silly

    I never want to lose what I have finally found
    There's a requiem
    A new congregation
    And it's telling me: go forward and walk
    Under a brighter sky
    -- Delerium, Euphoria --

  7. #27

    Let Me Cry...

    October 7th, 29466
    Clon**** City

    She was mad. She was sad. Mad with sadness, maybe, or with panic, or with anger - the anger of being unable to do anything, the panic at the flames covering the crashed vehicle in an oddly fascinating dancing veil. Was it an illusion, or could she still hear little Jonan crying and begging for someone to help him? Was it an illusion, or were his wails real to her ears.

    "JONAAAAN!" echoed a scream around her, and it took her several seconds to realize that it had went out of her own throat. Jen reached forward, her legs moving by themselves now, barely aware of other panicked voices behind her, calling her name, urging her to stay. There, in the scrambled car, she thought she could see a small silhouette, curled on itself, the one of a little boy crying, surrounded by fire. It probably was a trick of the mind, for never would have Jonan been able to survive the impact; yet Jen couldn't think anymore, her own terror suddenly breaking all barriers in her in this unexpected manifestation of carelessness. She escaped the hands that were trying to keep her away from the fire; she escaped the fingers grabbing her by her clothes to prevent her from moving; she ignored the pleads of the other children, frightened to death, not daring to follow her to restrain her any further. She simply ran, ran, until her outsretched hands met the white-hot metal, grabbing the twisted handle of a door, and wildly beginning to try and pull it open, in a useless reflex.

    More screams behind her, someone crying "Jenny!" out loud in the night. An acrid smell of burnt skin and flesh was now floating around her, stronger and stronger, but she wouldn't pay attention to it, not until the pain in her fingers and palms finally reached her brain, conveyed by her nerves already put to agony. Her eyes widened in shock, as she was slowly brought back to reality, to the growing fire threatening to burn her hair and clothes, to the sight of what she was trying to do. With a moan of fear and suffering, Jen felt strong arms wrapping themselves around her thin waist, pulling her away, causing shreds of burnt skin to remain on the metal, as her hands were finally forced away from it. "Jenny! Jenny, stop that! He's dead! Jonan is DEAD! Let's go away before this thing explodes! Sparkles were dancing around her, in an eerie ballet, as she was now thrashing between the arms holding her back, burning tears welling out of her eyes under the assault of pain, her hysteric screams caused as much by terror as by the fact that Jonan couldn't be saved anymore.

    "Lemme go! Lemme go! Get 'im out, get 'im out, get 'im oooout!" Jen cried, again and again, until a strong hand slapped her across one cheek. She staggered a little, caught rapidly sight of Burt's face above hers, twisted in a stern frown - Burt, still holding her firmly to prevent her from escaping again. Burt, who had had to raise a hand on her.

    "Jen! We can't save him - but we can avoid to lose YOU! Stop being stupid... look't your hands, Jenny... come, now..." For the first time since she knew him, Jen saw panic in his eyes too, as he was doing his best to remain cold-headed in spite of the terrible situation. She was aware of her own pitiful state, too, her fingers and palms horribly burnt, making her unable to touch anything without feeling like screaming her lungs out. She looked at him, her dirty cheeks wet with tears, blinking desperately to protect her eyes from the ashes carried by the wind.

    "Jen, come!..." Burt said again, going on dragging her away, but she was still resisting, not really even aware of it.

    "But Jonan... Jo-" she managed to cry a last time, before the sound of her voice was covered by the violent explosion, when the flames licking the vehicle finally attained its tank. A terrible shock cut through her conscience, sending ripples of burning, brutal pain through her chest and abdomen, the one in her hands suddenly made weak by comparison; darkness fell over her, with an unsuspected mercy, and as all her ties with reality were brutally severed, Jen hit the ground and simply passed out.
    Jen Markarian - Put the weirdness back in Omni-Mining
    Updating my stories -- 19/03/08. Going slowly, but certainly
    Anarchy Reloaded - AO webcomics for the sake of being silly

    I never want to lose what I have finally found
    There's a requiem
    A new congregation
    And it's telling me: go forward and walk
    Under a brighter sky
    -- Delerium, Euphoria --

  8. #28

    Get Me Outta Here!

    October 7th, 29466
    Somewhere on the road

    The starlit sky looked incredibly beautiful, way more than it had ever seemed before, her blurred sight making the tiny lights appear eerily shining. Blinking, the young girl tried to keep her eyes open, feeling awfully weak, her whole body shivering with pain and fever. The sky keeping on moving above her head was making her feel dizzy; she was lying in a vehicle, a blanket hastily wrapped around her, completely unable to move in spite of her efforts. Her hands were dully aching, where her palms had touched the white-hot metal, but the worst was still the piercing waves of suffering in her abdomen, radiating to her chest and thighs with each breath she took. She could feel something wet against her skin - blood, probably; the wound had been hastily bandaged, but something in the depths of her mind was telling her that this would never be enough to keep her alive very long.

    "...So... I'm... gonna die...." she whispered to the faraway stars and to the presence in her thoughts. Yet the voice that echoed to hers wasn't Heiji's.

    "You ain't, Jenny. I swear, you ain't!"

    Jen managed to slightly turn her head, catching, in the blink of an eye, the sight of a few other children sound asleep in the vehicle, taking shelter in each other's arms - a handful of kids whose faces she couldn't properly discern, having escaped the hell that Clon**** City had become. And the voice was Burt's - weakened, tired, but determined too. His eyes and forehead were all she could see of his face, in the rear view mirror; she finally found the strength to put a wan smile on her bloody lips, even though this attempt at assuring him that everything would be allright was doomed to fail.

    If I survive to this... mehbe we can... go out together sometime... he's... cute... the girl oddly thought, remembering his face, his habits, the way he talked. She didn't voice it though; talking was anyway incredibly hard, and something in her told her that it would have sounded displaced.

    "Now don't talk, Jenny. We're soon to Lush. We'll find help there!..." He was trying to make his voice sound firm and steady, but she could feel the underlying trembling in it. Burt too was tired, shocked and despaired, and maybe even hurt.

    "Ya... put me in... here?..." Jen whispered again in a croaky voice, feeling like her eyelids were becoming too heavy for her to go on keeping her eyes open. She was feeling both hot and cold, shivering even more, the buzz of the vehicle's engine softly humming to her ears, under her body, through her bones, even.

    "Yes... did what I could for your wounds. You need a Doc, Jenny. We'll find you a Doc in Lush, I promise. You're gonna be healthy in no time..."

    The rest of his words got lost as she was drifting again in her unconsciousness, the terrible pain carrying her away, and trying to convince herself that he was right. Soon, they would reach the Lush Fields area. Soon, they would all be safe, and the nightmare would be over.

    That was all there was to keep in mind for the time being...
    Jen Markarian - Put the weirdness back in Omni-Mining
    Updating my stories -- 19/03/08. Going slowly, but certainly
    Anarchy Reloaded - AO webcomics for the sake of being silly

    I never want to lose what I have finally found
    There's a requiem
    A new congregation
    And it's telling me: go forward and walk
    Under a brighter sky
    -- Delerium, Euphoria --

  9. #29
    [ Bump for a good friend Your writing is so beautiful and captivating, Dem ]

  10. #30


    January 29469

    Far away in the crystalline silence, an alarm wildly rings, sending strings of data rippling all over against the encoded structures. One of the decoys has been caught, but Jen is already far enough to allow herself to ignore it. Let the Hell Hounds take care of it, and go on with her plan. She has already managed to grab some nice sum on several bank accounts within both Clan and Omni-Tek organisms, and two or three other hacks is all she needs to end up the night beautifully. Worming her way through the Corporation's defences is the harder part; however, the ace in her sleeve is the best she could hope in having - the mind and experience of a man who used to work for Omni-Tek, to crash-test their firewalls and protection layers when needed, to create complex algorithms and traps. Yes. Heiji knows the roads, and she has her own experience as "Deannah", the memories imprinted upon her, that no one has ever suspected. They cannot be caught, and it will soon be over. Soon.

    Jen flies in the Grid, speeding in the shiny virtual pathways, sliding between the structures. She doesn't hear a new alarm ringing, rushing too fast for that, confident in her skills and in the road she has chosen. She flies, flies, unaware of the eye slowly turning toward her, scrying. She flies, and while she flies, somewhere in an office of Omni-HQ, a woman slowly frowns in disbelief, walking closer to a terminal. "What's happening, Terry? My scanners caught a disturbance in sector 45-73B, five minutes ago - and the very same signal has been reappearing in 89D and around 00-55 right now."

    The young man named Terry slightly shrugs, tapping a series of keys, displaying firewall logs for the designated sectors. "Nothing specific, Clarie. I don't think it is. Random glitches - remember the ones in Central 44, last months? They were quite similar. You'd better look at THESE ones. Looks like a hacking rat is trying to make his way into our hedges. " But Clarissa Del Rey shakes her head; something is wrong in this pattern, or rather, too well-ordered, maybe. It reminds her of something, yet can't exactly recall with precision. Her own console is still logging the disturbance signal, and from time to time, she turns to it, knowing that in this business, every second count... the hackers being so quick to act, tuned as they are through neural interfaces, faster than any keyboard will ever be. She knows this pattern. She knows that she knows. And...

    "'s the Ridge!" Clarissa exclaims, grabbing Terence by the shoulder, and for a second, the Grid-Division operator in her leaves room to the young and impetuous network diver she had been, before being given this monitoring job in the Corporation. "I can't believe that someone is using the
    Ridge! This road has been discarded years ago... after I went there with..."

    "...With?" Terence asks, frowning too, now that he's discerning the pattern as well. But Clarissa shakes her head, half-running to her desk, grabbing the portable deck she always keeps at hand.

    "Prepare for an interception. I'm going to catch this rat who's using
    our roads, and who has been fooling us like this!" she simply says, deftly seizing her own neural cables, interfacing the jacks at her wrists with the ones on the deck. A smile is on her lips, one of anticipation and excitation, almost; the work has been so annoying in the past months, and now, finally, someone is giving them some originality! She doesn't want to let this pass, nor let such wits escape without allowing her to get the answer to what the choice of such a road has arisen. In a second, she finds the Half-Phase back, her body staying in the physical world, her mind diving in the Grid as she steadies the connexion, encoded into data understandable by the digital world. She knows where to go, ignoring the alarms, ignoring the decoys: the Ridge, plain and simple, decaying road surrounded by old, broken algorithms floating in the silent void... the Ridge, abandoned and already forgotten by the new generation of hackers. And Clarissa wonders. Who can this be - an old friend? Someone taunting the operators? Someone thinking he can keep hidden by treading the old ways?

    A gleam of light. A ghostly shard of crystal, at the periphery of her field of vision, catching her attention. Monitor Clarissa Del Rey doesn't think twice, recognizing the signal previously spotted. In one fraction of second, her well-trained reflexes take the lead, as she launches, one after the other, her net programs; aimed at capturing, they won't harm the hacker, simply grabbing his shiny icon, forcing him to come to a halt, poising on the edge of a gateway... and preventing him from performing a hasty log-out.

    "Caught you, little rat!" Clarissa's mouth whispers in the physical world.

    At this signal from his boss, Terry nods to the rest of the team and, grabbing Clarissa by the hand, Clarissa firmly maintaining the digital net, the Monitors are out, ready to apprehend the one who caused such disruption.
    Jen Markarian - Put the weirdness back in Omni-Mining
    Updating my stories -- 19/03/08. Going slowly, but certainly
    Anarchy Reloaded - AO webcomics for the sake of being silly

    I never want to lose what I have finally found
    There's a requiem
    A new congregation
    And it's telling me: go forward and walk
    Under a brighter sky
    -- Delerium, Euphoria --

  11. #31

    The Unknown

    A day of October 29466
    Unknown ceilings

    There were voices talking around her, muffled voices, as if coming from behind a door. Jen was feeling even more awful than before, if this was still possible, and listening to them, lying motionless, was the best she could do at the moment, odd, tiny details slowly coming to her. The place was warmer than she remembered, and not moving anymore. Maybe the vehicle had stopped; or maybe she was... elsewhere.

    "...terribly wounded. We don't have the adequate equipment here!" one of the voices was saying, sounding feminine and quite young.

    "She'll die if we move her again, Ma'am." This voice, on the contrary, was definitely male. "You were the closest place we could bring them to. Three of them have died from their wounds - try at least to save this one, we really can't do more without endangering her further."

    "...Three? What about them? You mean there were other children?"

    A pause - an embarrassed silence. Then the male voice resumed:

    "They were five in the Kodaik when we found them. The oldest barely managed to tell us what had happened before dying - he drove all the way from Clon****, with his wounds... lost way too much blood, he died in Zech's arms. And the two others were already dead."

    "What about the fifth one?"

    "She wasn't injured - a miracle, if you asks me. Frightened to death, but managed to tell us she had an aunt in Rome, so we left her with our colleagues who went back to the outpost. I expect her aunt to go pick her up as soon as she's been warned. Now this one..."

    Jen very slightly frowned; 'this one'... she had heard these voice intonations often enough to understand that they were talking of her. Memories were coming back to her now, and with them the cruel realization. Burt was dead. She hadn't even known he was wounded; during the little time she had regained consciousness, in their vehicle, he never had let his voice betray his physical state. And now she would never see him again, or hear the sound of his voice; he was dead. He had saved her life, but paid with his.

    "...doesn't have any ID card with her, but database scans list her as one Jenae Markarian. Parents are deceased, and we're currently looking for her uncle, but no news yet. We'll let you know, of course, but... poor kid, he's probably dead now, if he was with her in '****. We did what we could for her, but her wounds are very bad, and she has lost much blood too..."

    Jen suppressed a sob, biting her lower lip, for crying was waking up the ache in her chest and abdomen. Cyrus... dead? But if he was dead, this meant she would never... they would never... bring Heiji back. And Burt was dead too. And Jonan. And Destiny. And Mary, Piedro, Joanne, all her friends from Clon****, all these young girls and boys she had shared a part of her short life with... She kept her eyes shut hard, trying to swallow her sadness. They were dead, there was no hope left, and she was probably going to die as well. But was it really bad news, after all? Was it such a terrible fate... once one had lost everything that mattered...

    Jen closed her eyes again, too weak to go on thinking, too weak to even listen to Heiji, kindly whispering that it wasn't over yet, that she had to survive, that they would find a solution, when she'd be stronger again. The dark room was slowly beginning to turn around her. She was tired, she was hurting, and the old taste of blood in her mouth was reminding her of a day, long ago, where men clad in black cloaks had deliberately killed her, then Heiji, then tried to kill her again... Always kill her, disturbing persona that wasn't meant to exist. Disturbing. Alien. Out of bounds.

    "...will see what I can do... please... send word that w.... eed blood plasma s...plies. Or she... ll die...."

    The voices faded away completely, and in a last burst of despair, Jen wished she was finally dead.
    Jen Markarian - Put the weirdness back in Omni-Mining
    Updating my stories -- 19/03/08. Going slowly, but certainly
    Anarchy Reloaded - AO webcomics for the sake of being silly

    I never want to lose what I have finally found
    There's a requiem
    A new congregation
    And it's telling me: go forward and walk
    Under a brighter sky
    -- Delerium, Euphoria --

  12. #32

    Not Alone

    A few days later?
    October 29466

    Retaining a tired sigh, Dr Andria Carmichael checked up once again the various monitors to which the young girl was linked, stating her temperature, blood pressure and heartbeat. Weird, how one single child could suddenly make her realize how limited the light standard Omni-Med equipment in the hospital wing was; never had the place been conceived to handle such heavy wounds, and yet, she knew the Patrollers who had brought the child had been right too. She would never have survived to another transportation, and even if insurance scans of her had been available, she was way in any case way too young to undergo the process of Reclaiming.

    The doctor walked closer to the head of the bed, looking down to the tired face of her patient, her skin so pale, her features marked by large, deep matte circles under the eyes. It had been three days now, and never had the child regained consciousness long enough for the young woman to make her understand where she was and what had happened to her. Actually, given the quantity of blood she had lost, the heavy infection caused by her wounds and her general weakened state, it was a miracle that she had survived so long; and in spite of Carmichael's efforts, blood supplies were now missing. The disturbance caused by the attacks in Omni-Tek territory had slowed down the whole system enough to cause her blood order to be delayed, in the middle of the now calming chaos.


    Andria Carmichael startled, turning to the bed again; the girl was looking at her with deep, dark eyes shining with fever as well as with this quiet resignation that was always so painful to see in children's gazes.

    "...Jenae", the doctor smiled, trying to regain a composure that would not worry her patient, as she was taking a chair to sit near the bed. "How are you feeling?"

    The girl looked at her for long seconds, silent, her expression betraying her pain and the efforts she was making to contain it. Her hands had been burnt so badly that it was doubtful that time would one day make the scars disappear, and the large wound crossing her abdomen would prevent her from eating normally for long days still. The worst at this moment, though, was the look in her eyes, sad and quiet - a child ready to die alone, without no one to notice her departure and cry over her loss.

    "...Bad", she finally let out in a weak whisper. "...I'm gonna die... right?..." And she fell silent again, closing her eyes for a few seconds, the simple effort of talking already exhausting her. Andria felt her own smile drop; her voice was sounding so old and tired, and the way she was stating her own death was simply frightening. The doctor looked at the monitors again; her vital signs were weak, but stable for the moment. If nothing else happened, if things were to improve in the upcoming week, then they could consider her safe. Else...

    "No, Jenae. We won't let you die", Andria nevertheless answered, keeping a steady expression the best she could. "You'll need a lot of rest and sleep, but you won't die."

    "...They're all dead...", the girl said again, her gaze slightly unfocused, as if she hadn't heard anything. "And now... it's my turn... cuz I'm... alone..."

    Her voice faltered, went silent. The deep dark eyes slowly closed, the child falling victim to exhaustion again. None of the monitors had been logging alarming signs though, and the doctor kept on checking, knowing very well that sleep was part of the health process. If only now there could be a way to persuade her that she wouldn't die; as simple as it could seem, the will to survive was often playing a role, and if all her family and comrades had died in front of her... surely these wasn't a sight that would encourage her to live.

    She musn't be left alone.

    The thought occurred so naturally to Andria that she didn't wondered twice, and got up to walk into her office, checking the online registry for the medical sheet of one of her most recent patients. The boy was barely older, and sent to the hospital wing for a bruised ankle only, but someone who could keep her company, even for a few days only, would be better than any words a doctor could say.

    Someone to stay with her...

    Andria Carmichael faintly smiled. Yes... young Gavin would be perfect.
    Jen Markarian - Put the weirdness back in Omni-Mining
    Updating my stories -- 19/03/08. Going slowly, but certainly
    Anarchy Reloaded - AO webcomics for the sake of being silly

    I never want to lose what I have finally found
    There's a requiem
    A new congregation
    And it's telling me: go forward and walk
    Under a brighter sky
    -- Delerium, Euphoria --

  13. #33

    Time Out

    January 29469

    On a quick sign of Clarissa's hand, Terence slams his booted foot in the old door, busting it open, leaving room to Dennis and Marvin. The crampy little room smells of dust and dirt, cluttered with rusty crates, torn cardboard boxes and remains of food scattered here and there, but they merely pay attention to it, casting a quick glance around to check for traps before turning their attention to the hacker. In a corner of the room, on an old mattress, a small silhouette is lying half-curled on herself under a disgusting rag of a blanket, like a puppet whose threads would have been brutally cut; a pair of wires still sticking from under the entangled hair, the body only displays basic signs of life, while the mind is still fighting in the solid digital web.

    It all goes very quickly; the two soldiers secure the area, while Terence makes sure that no hidden device or alarm will set them off. Finally, a few seconds later, Clarissa carefully enters the room, her fingers resting on the portable Grid-deck at her waist, as she is looking directly at the Grid through her visor and neural interface, typing a command from time to time on the small keyboard. If interfaces are reliable, a half-phase doesn't allow her to use them at their full extent, and she wants to make sure that her prey won't escape through a witty, dareful maneuver.

    "So... let's see what kind of rat we have here, gentlemen", says the Monitor with a quirky little smile, preparing the command that will free her prisoner, yet not initiating it.

    "Well... rather looks like a little mouse, if you ask me..." Terence answers with arched eyebrows, pointing at the body of the trapped hacker. He raises a hand, letting Clarissa know that everything is secured now, and with a short nod, she releases her virtual grasp.

    The silhouette gives a slight start, suddenly jumping on her knees, ready to run away - and falls directly into Terence's arms, fighting like a wild cat fallen into a hole. For a second, the four members of the team can't hide their surprise; the hacker who has given them so much trouble is nothing but a child, a small and thin girl in ragged dark clothes. Then Terence simply grabs her by one of her odd, white hairlock, forcing her to look at them, revealing her dirty face; tears begin to well in the eyes of the girl, but she quickly calms down, stops fighting, and daringly spits at Clarissa's feet.

    "Screw ya. Send me into jail. I won't talk. I dun't care!" she says between gritted teeth, before falling silent, clenching her fists to hide the slight trembling of her body. Closing on herself, perhaps waiting for an appropriate moment to escape. They have seen more than one of these younglings, thinking they can own the world just by plugging a datajack into their interface, and contrary to many of them, the girl seemingly doesn't have the means to secure a physical emergency exit. And yet...

    "Don't talk? That's what we'll see, little mouse", Clarissa simply smiles, and she raises a hand, motioning Terence to bring the girl with them.

    The Monitor will not let her go with a simple warning. Not this child, who has ridden the Ridge, and who very likely knows way more than she should for her age and condition.

    Not this one.
    Jen Markarian - Put the weirdness back in Omni-Mining
    Updating my stories -- 19/03/08. Going slowly, but certainly
    Anarchy Reloaded - AO webcomics for the sake of being silly

    I never want to lose what I have finally found
    There's a requiem
    A new congregation
    And it's telling me: go forward and walk
    Under a brighter sky
    -- Delerium, Euphoria --

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