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Thread: The Covenant

  1. #1

    The Covenant

    At a RUR staff meeting...

    ".. having saturated the market for leetbots over the Xmas period," says Yiis, indicating a chart on the holoprojector, "production of said bots will have to be cut down until early February, when we'll have have to revise our production plans for the St. Valentine's Day rush. And that is really all from me. Anything to add Dabblez?"

    Dabblez stand up. "Just one final item on today's agenda then. It's probably nothing, but does the name The Covenant ring any bells, guys?"

    Dabblez's gaze is met with an array of shaking heads, shurgs and blank stares from the various RUR employees attending the meeting.

    "It doesn't mean much to me either" she continues, "other than the fact that I received this strange, somewhat threatening message over the com from an group called The Covenant today. They don't seem to approve RUR's support of the NGI or our plans to replace Loren Warr's mercs with our robots."

    "You think we should be worried, Dabzzie?" asks Cratttyjack nervously.

    "We'll man, you had to expect the GuardMaster would cause like a few ripple, man." comments Bogosorter.

    "Maybe its the Luddites?" suggests Noholdsbarre. "I guess they'd not be to happy to see human jobs going to robots."

    "Why isn't it ever simple." mutters Shadehawk.

    "Sorry chaps, I wish I had the answers, but you know as much as I do now. All I can say is be on your guard and if you hear anything about this Covenant, let me know."
    Dabblez - Rubi-Ka Universal Robots (RUR)
    We put the Art into Artificial Intelligence!

  2. #2
    Yarko’s RuR Grid Transmission Bot goes krrrrrt… peeeeep… krrrrrrt… Yarko smacks it a couple of times until the message comes trough. “Incomming Secure Grid Transmission” the bot continues.

    As he listens to the rest of the message, Yarko raises an eyebrow, then two eyebrows and then he frowns. “Hmmm, interesting…” he mumbles “I wonder what will be next…”
    Marcos "Yarko" Orender
    co-Minister of Foreign Affairs, Newland City Council
    Advisor of The Independent Rubikans

    Rubi-Ka's neutral news source: The Independent Rubikan

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