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Thread: Prototype Information for Nanomage Environmental Suit Retrieved!

  1. #1

    Prototype Information for Nanomage Environmental Suit Retrieved!

    Prototype Information for Nanomage Environmental Suit Retrieved!

    ICC Headquaters, Andromeda (FJRK) -- On Wednesdays Rally for the stolen Nanomage Environmental Suit prototype, the call for help by Charles "Kithrak" Houston was met and resolved thanks to the help of a small group of Clanners led by Commander "Caid" Nottoris, Advisor of the Clan guild First Light (EG).

    A few weeks ago, the prototype was stolen from the from the Omni-Administration mainframes and the only copy of the information was stolen. The prototype, originally discussed at the Science Symposium a little over a month ago was an environmental suit that could allow Nanomages to leave the planet. The suit could create an environment for the Nanomage with a pressurized canister of notum on the back of the suit. In the Rally about the missing prototype, authorities explained that not only were Clanners not involved in the theft, but then asked for help from the Clanners, stating some of the Clanners will be better suited to tracking down and dealing with the Omni saboteurs.

    Within a few hours of the rally, preparations were being made for a recovery mission under the direction of Commander "Caid" Houston. We were quickly dispatched to north eastern Milky Way to look for the missing information. Our first stop was the Barracks where they were met with unyielding hostilities from the local Omni-Tek guards. However, with some clever hacking of a near-by Omni terminal, Zack "Porter" Cardinal was able to gain access to some information leading us on a chase through the Milky Way.

    After coming across quite a few camps filled with wildlife, and fighting our way through guards, we came to a stand still in the search. Caid, however, wasn't about to give up. He retrieved information of a mercenary group operating out of Eastern Milky Way and we headed to the geo-coordinates immediately.

    By the time we had reached the mercenary base set deeply in a series of tunnels, our large group of clanners had dwindled to five faithful fighters. No matter how passionate the clanners present, we could not hold up to such aggression and almost every fighter was defeated. In the face of such resistance Caid still refused to quit. "I'm going back, even if alone. I don’t back down from my word." When confronted about the option of not being able to finish this mission alone Caid replied, "That's a chance I have to take."

    Commander Caid's dedication paid off, less than twenty minutes later there were nearly forty Clan fighters and healers there to help retrieve the missing prototype, including Kithrak himself. Through teamwork and organization of the mission we made it completely through the vast maze of caves until the opposition over-ran the brave Clan fighters.

    However, this trip was not in vain, once Caid managed to recover from resurrection shock he realized something that he picked up from the mercenary base looked promising. After some tampering with the item, he realized what it might be. Every Clan member involved in the operation managed to bring themselves to Borealis where we rallied in order to hear the news about the questionable device. Through different tests and extracting elements, Kithrak came to the conclusion that indeed it was the stolen prototype information for the Nanomage Environmental suit!

    The celebration over the news was heard throughout Borealis, bringing Omni, Neutrals, and Clan alike to see what all the commotion was about. After such a long and difficult journey leading to broken spirits and broken bodies, we couldn't help but to rejoice. "I am grateful to the clanners for their help in recovering the data that may be used to one day free the Nanomage race from being restricted to Rubi-Ka." Kithrak commented.

    Commander "Caid" Nottoris and Charles "Kithrak" Houston shook hands and came to a silent conclusion. They had solved a problem and retrieved vital information for the betterment of this world - together.

  2. #2
    Mirm reads the news about the suits retreival and activates her recording unit.

    "Hmmm. I doubt it was even close to that intense. But who knows. Clanners might be truthful once and while. My regards to the clanners who returned the suits information. Congrats. The Nano Mage community is undoubtably greatful for this. I think I shall do a duty to the Nano Mages. I shall try to fathom a cure for this plight of theirs. Who knows I might even solve it. If possible I will also give them to the clanners who are in need of this. The war is one thing. Mindlessly suffering is yet another."

    Mirm turns off her comm unit and turns to her medical computer and pulls up a Nano Mage genetic template and starts to work.

  3. #3
    Great news that the suit info is recovered. Never thought i'd say this but well done to whomever the clanner was that got it. Now that its back, i'd like to offer any help to further it's development.

  4. #4
    Well.. seems that even clanners can get things done occassionally. This specimen might be worth recruiting for Omni-Tek... Maybe Omni-Reform needs to have a look at him.
    Director "Meister"
    President, Omni-Pol
    Level 207 Omni-Tek Dictator
    Meister's Reinforced Suit - Bureaucrats may be gimps, but at least we know how to look good.
    Account Created: 2001-06-27 23:07:32

  5. #5
    Lex flips through the news feeds catching up on recent events.. reading over the return of the nanomage suit he frowns and sets the read outs on his desk " all to easy.. and all to convienent."

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