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Thread: A Sudden Realization

  1. #1

    A Sudden Realization

    Cat sat sulking and alone in West Athens Backyard 4. It seemed to her that she’d spent far too much time sulking alone either in this place or her Jobe apartment or her Old Athen’s apartment cum dance studio. She was tired of it. Tired of sulking. Tired of being alone. She missed her friends. She missed the easy laughter. She missed dancing and flirting and teasing and debating with her friends and the patrons at Reets. She missed the cozy feel of a man’s arms circling her body in that sweet moment just before sleep and again just as she awoke.

    While she sat, she thought back to her last conversation with her cousin before she departed on the shuttle back to Earth. “There is an old adage,” her cousin told her that gloomy morning, “that there are none so blind as those who will not see.” They’d been discussing the bitter break-up that had sent Cat tumbling into this dark sulk. Cat thought then that her cousin was right. He was blind and stubborn and stupid for not seeing what was right in front of him. How could he not see how perfect she was for him? Thus she’d begun her crusade to win him back. She’d tried everything she could think of, even when her better sense told her that she’d gone way overboard. But it was like a challenge, her own personal war waged to win his heart.

    Looking back now she tried to retrace her steps and find when things had started to go wrong. Though she could not know what he was thinking when he broke-up with her in the first place, she did know what happened after. All he wanted at that point, all he’d asked for was to be left alone. The reason she was still alone and sulking was not because she hadn’t tried hard enough to win him back but because she had tried far too hard. Not that they would’ve gotten back together if she’d left him alone, but she would’ve been able to move on much faster if she’d just let him go when he asked her too. It was then, upon really seeing that clearly that she flashed back one more time to her cousin’s parting words.

    “I was the blind one,” she said aloud to the empty backyard. With a sudden realization she knew that her cousin was not calling him blind, but her. She was the one who would not see that she was not perfect for him and that all she really needed to do was to let him alone. As her eyes began to fill she wasn’t sure if the tears were for the time wasted or for the friendship she destroyed by trying to save the romance or for the opportunities lost or for her own blind, stubborn stupidity. But as suddenly as the tears came, she cut them off.

    “No,” she again said for anyone to hear. She had cried enough bitter tears over this. It was good now that she finally got it. It was good that she finally could see. And as another old adage said, seeing is believing. She nodded and smiled to herself while she picked herself up and brushed herself off. For the first time in a very long time she began to plan ahead for the future. For the first time in a very long time she wanted to be around people, really be around them. She wanted to be happy and laugh and dance and sing and flirt and all the things she used to do. She wanted to share in the joy of others instead of resenting them for it. And she wasn’t going to worry about whether she had a man in her life or not.

    Watch out Rubika. she thought to herself as she sorted through her wardrobe packs. Vallikat is back for real this time and she’s about to knock your socks off.
    Cathryn "Vallikat" Thompon

    Your queen of muffiny goodness!
    Director - Gridstream Productions --->Tune In Here

    Member, GSP Dancers

    Gunney: Lissunin ta GSP mayukz me wanna play... wut bettah reezun duz enee wun need?

  2. #2
    The following is a conversation betwen Vallikat and and one of her closest friends from old earth:


    "But Cat..."

    "Please Trace, I've asked you nicely to call me Val. Is that really so hard to remember? You guys came up with the nickname in the first place." Val paced the floor while continuing the conversation. An exasperated sigh can be heard clearly through the commlink.

    "Ok, Val. You're right, we did come up with it. But I don't understand why this resistance to your real name. And how do you know that I'm not calling you Kat with a K?"

    "Because, Trace, when you say it I can hear the 'C' in your voice. Just go with me on this. Vallikat feels better to me now. Its more in line with the changes I'm making. It feels grittier, edgier, somehow."

    "Oh yeah, gritty and edgy? Is that why you refuse to go back to your plush digs in Jobe? You know the same place that you couldn't stop bragging about at first? The place that you once vowed you'd never leave and now haven't step foot in for weeks. I guess that place just isn't gritty and edgy enough for the new Vallikat," The sarcasm in her voice was sharp as a katana.

    Vallikat felt the full sting of the words and the meaning burried under them, the one subject neither of them had broached. "You know why I can't go back there," she burried her face in her hands for just a second before steeling herself and meeting her friends projected eyes, "You want me to say it? Fine then. I don't care how this sounds or what you think of me for it. I can't go back because he's part of the fabric of that place. He exists in the very air. If I go back he'll feel me in there and I don't want him to feel that discomfort," she spat the words out, refusing to cry. "Besides, I belong here. That world is not for me. You know that. I didn't come back here for that place. I came back here to fix what was wrong with this world. Leave that world to him and to those who's fates lie in the shadows. I plan on staying right here." Even as she spoke the words she wasn't sure which one of them she was trying to convince. She could tell by the look on Trace's face that she was thinking the same.

    Yet surprisingly when Trace spoke her voice was a soft comfort, "hon, look, I know you're still hurting and I know you think that becoming little miss 'gritty and edgy' will prevent you from feeling but it doesn't work that way. Eventually you'll have to face..."

    "Face? Face what? I've faced it Trace! He refuses to face. He refuses to deal. That's his problem. I'm tired of trying to force him to deal with it. That's my problem, Trace. That's been my problem all along. I keep trying to fix everyone else whether they want to be fixed or not. Well I'm done. Its time for me to fix me! Don't you get it? I was happy before. I was happy as a dancer. I was happy making others happy. But now its time to be happy making myself happy and screw everyone else. And get the look off your face. Going back to work at Reets doesn't mean selling myself. I never did that before and I don't mean to start now. I just mean that when I'm not out kicking Omni tail, I'll be in Reets doing what I do best without giving up my heart in the process," she collapsed to the floor, suddenly exhausted after her diatribe.

    "Just please promise me you'll take care of yourself, " the sincere sentiment obvious in her voice.

    "I will, Trace. For once I will take care of myself." Yet even as she spoke the words and closed the link, she wasn't sure if she believed it.
    Cathryn "Vallikat" Thompon

    Your queen of muffiny goodness!
    Director - Gridstream Productions --->Tune In Here

    Member, GSP Dancers

    Gunney: Lissunin ta GSP mayukz me wanna play... wut bettah reezun duz enee wun need?

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