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Thread: Henry Radiman appears in support of Clan Leaders in Athen!

  1. #1

    Henry Radiman appears in support of Clan Leaders in Athen!

    My latest investigative report will bring you the details on Mr. Radiman's appearance in Athen City at a public meeting of Clan Leaders which took place yesterday!

    The gathering was called by Commander "Caid" Nottoris, Advisor of First Light Clan; a former CoT operative.

    I was not able to attend in person due to an ongoing investigation I was deeply involved at the time, however Mercury Dragons Clan and First Light Clan provided me a recorded log of this most rare event, and a few holo pics to go along with it. I thank both organizations for this information.

    Additional information I acquired through sources is added at the end of the report, which is interesting and puzzling.

    You can read the entire report here, and make your own conclusions.

    I will of course keep you, the citizens of Rubi-Ka, up to date with all the happenings on our planet.

  2. #2
    Nevver sighs.

    Another opportunity missed.
    Janella "Nevver" McCallagher
    Board Member of
    Devil's Advocate
    Why settle for less when you can oppress?

    "First get your facts; then you can distort them at your leisure." - Mark Twain
    "Nevver: Like the thing that hides in your closet. But worse." - Gueve

    Also known as...
    Jacquelynn "Kaitakait" Moscardelli
    Sun "
    Jamais" Soleil
    Sari "
    Nixis" Wagner

  3. #3
    BigGreen scans the Gridfeed log of Radiman's appearance

    Typical. Those that agree with Radiman get access cards to the CoT building, those that are rightfully sceptical are left standing outside watching a light show. CoT part 2 here we come.
    Advisor of Rising Phoenix

    current setup

  4. #4

    Re: Henry Radiman appears in support of Clan Leaders in Athen!

    22:46: Henry Radiman: If that is the will of the Clans and God, I won't stand against it Commander Wagner
    So, Mr. Radiman, are the Clans and God on the same side? What if the will of God and the will of the Clans are in conflict? Where does your loyalty stand then?
    Max "Quool" Marsalis

  5. #5
    Originally posted by BigGreen

    Typical. Those that agree with Radiman get access cards to the CoT building, those that are rightfully sceptical are left standing outside watching a light show. CoT part 2 here we come. [/B]
    Sadly only selected few got those cards
    The 'CoT2' might come to an end before it even starts

  6. #6
    Perhaps these cards will be passed out more freely in the future, but who is to tell?

    This was only a preliminary information meeting, there will be more. Concerns will be answered. Questions will be asked.

    Believe me, this is just the beginning.
    "Do not fear your fate, embrace it."
    Commander "Caid" Nottoris, Level 210 Martial Artist, Advisor of First Light.

  7. #7

    Access to CoT Building Concerns

    Clan citizens, please be assured that those of us who received CoT invitations will do our best to acquire more for fellow clan leaders.

    We will also try to create a means of transportation for Advisors, Generals and high ranking officers if possible.

    In the past we managed to include them, I see no reason to exclude them as they are part of the leadership of their clans.

    Like Commander Caid stated, this was just preliminary information meeting. It was public and not secretive at all.

    Please contact Commander Caid or Clan Leader Cogs if you're interested in helping the clans rebuild a new Council of Truth.

    Mr. Noticero's report was accurate, and we hope that this is the first step toward the reformation of a new Council of Truth.

    As for the light he mentions above the CoT building, I cannot comment at this time.

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    Founding member of the Council of Truth Clerical Staff.
    Keep in mind: My posts are my own personal views and thoughts.

  8. #8
    Originally posted by BigGreen
    BigGreen scans the Gridfeed log of Radiman's appearance

    Typical. Those that agree with Radiman get access cards to the CoT building, those that are rightfully sceptical are left standing outside watching a light show. CoT part 2 here we come.
    To be fair, I disagreed pretty vehemently with Radiman and questioned the clan leaders initiating this effort. My clan leader was still invited. Granted, it was her and not me that was invited, but being a general it's not like Vixentrox doesn't listen to what I have to say. I suspect other clans will recieve invitations in the future.
    Delia "Aerinyi" Jett
    General of Whisper's Edge

  9. #9
    Mu questions are much along the lines that Arikiel voiced:

    1) Why can we trust this CoT? Not to offend the people invited today, because I do respect them all. But given the history, I think it's still a fair question.

    2) Will dissent be tolerated and even encouraged? Witness the events from yesterday and my earlier comment. Freedom to disagree is one of the basic things that separates Clan from Omni. It makes us stronger, not weaker.

    3) What is the purpose of this CoT as opposed to the previous one?

    I do not enjoy agitation for the sake of being contrary. But I am having a hard time seeing this as a positive move, given the log of the GridFeed. I do not with to go over the litany of issues with the previous CoT, that has been done to death. But the question remains, What is different? Ariekel voiced the concerns that many of us have. I do not feel that her questions were answered, in any specific way. This troubles me greatly. I hope I am wrong in being worried!
    Advisor of Rising Phoenix

    current setup

  10. #10
    The initiative has been taken. Answer the questions...we don't have, plain and simple.

    We cannot answer as a whole, because right now there is no whole, there is no council, just a movement to rebuild the CoT.

    You want answers? get your leadership involved.

    Without clan leaders support, the new CoT just won't happen no matter how much coverage we get in the media.

    Right now it is more of a workgroup, trying to reach out to other clan leaders to rebuild the CoT.


    The first one (from 29396 to 29476) kept the clans united for many years, through 2 wars against Omni-Tek; we're on our 4th war against them...a united front is needed on many levels.

    "Why can we trust this CoT?"

    Simple, the old CoT is gone, their mistakes was theirs, not ours. Trust won't come from one leader alone, but the entire Council as a whole, without clan leaders getting involved there will be no trust. If you're in an active clan, then your leader has the option to get involved and help us all form a new Council.

    "Will dissent be tolerated and even encouraged?"

    Encouraged? of course not. Why would we encourage people to disagree within a Council that is trying to reach a decision?
    Tolerated? yes.

    The Council will eventually come to disagreements, that is expected. How will we deal with them? that will be up to the guidelines we'll set.

    What guidelines?
    The ones which the new CoT will create. I believe clan leaders will agree with basic guidelines to make the decisions fair and balanced. Almost every clan has basic rules to keep it in order and organized, we can use the same way of thinking when it comes to a Council.

    "What is the purpose of this CoT as opposed to the previous one?"

    That will be up to those who get involved with the Council.

    However I can say that the new CoT won't be looking to take over the galaxy, blow up the planet, use biological weapons, deal with Dust Brigade or anything else that Omni-Tek's propaganda machine has claimed the CoT did in the past.

    We're looking at a blank page people, it will be up to leaders to write in the book of clan history.

    In Commander Caid's words:
    this is just the beginning.
    Twitch Channel - Youtube Channel - Twitter - Facebook - Pinterest
    AO Universe - By Players, For Players! The #1 AO Fansite Worldwide - Site Founder (Retired). | AOSpeak - Unofficial AO Teamspeak 3 Server - Founder (Retired). | AO Recipebook - In-Game Recipe/Tradeskill Bot - Founder (Retired).
    Founding member of the Council of Truth Clerical Staff.
    Keep in mind: My posts are my own personal views and thoughts.

  11. #11
    Nevver smiles as the dissension becomes more apparent.
    Janella "Nevver" McCallagher
    Board Member of
    Devil's Advocate
    Why settle for less when you can oppress?

    "First get your facts; then you can distort them at your leisure." - Mark Twain
    "Nevver: Like the thing that hides in your closet. But worse." - Gueve

    Also known as...
    Jacquelynn "Kaitakait" Moscardelli
    Sun "
    Jamais" Soleil
    Sari "
    Nixis" Wagner

  12. #12
    You know Big Green, I think you will find Omni citizens are allowed a lot more freedom of expression than you might imagine. But never mind that. Though its none of my business, I'll share my thoughts anyway, just to prove the point. In particular, I'd like to address the issue about the purpose of a new CoT.

    The need for the CoT, or some other Clan ruling body may not seem apparent now, but it will be soon when the Rubi-Ka lease comes for renewal.

    In most respects the Clans today have never had it better. Sure the Clan leaders may claim that, now more than ever, the Clan's freedom and very existence are imminent danger, but anyone with eyes can see that in terms of wealth, power and influence the Clans are at an all time high point.

    The simple truth is that the Clan leadership has a vested interest in depicting the current climate in the most dramatic of terms possible. As in a feudal society, the Clan Lord and Lady's power is based on offering protection to their subjects. Thus the greater the threat, the more power the Lord can exert on his people. Or to put in bluntly, as long as Joe-Clanner is afraid of the big, bad Omni wolf, the Clan's ruling class's jobs are safe.

    But the fact that you may not need the CoT now, does not mean you will not be needing it shortly. It will essential, when the time comes for the Rubi-Ka lease to be renegotiated, to prove to the ICC that they can provide a competent and stable government for Rubi-Ka. Fifty years may seem like a long time, but let's be honest, in the two hundred and fifty odd years since the minder rebellions, its not as if Clans have made much progress towards their ideals of a united and democratic government. Unless the Clans can make a credible bid, the lease for the planet will end up in some other mega-corporation's hands. I suspect that is not what you want.

    I suppose any Clan ruling body would be better than nothing, but the CoT has a major advantage over a new body. The CoT is an integral part of the Tir Accord and the Tir Accord is the only legal document in which the Clans claim to parts of Rubi-Ka is recognised under ICC law. The Tir Accord was rescinded the day the CoT disbanded, but with a new CoT, their is a good chance that the Tir Accord may be reinstated. I cannot stress enough the importance of this.

    So in summary, in my view, their is a clear role of a new CoT should be to prepare for the Clans for the post-Omni-Tek era. Whether you choose to look at the big picture or not is entirely up to you.

    Last edited by Savoy; Nov 26th, 2003 at 15:56:51.
    Dabblez - Rubi-Ka Universal Robots (RUR)
    We put the Art into Artificial Intelligence!

  13. #13
    Indeed...the VERY beginning. A lot of work needs to be done. People need to try to have an open mind and be ready to compromise and show flexibility. Rigid adherence to one point or another and constant stubborness will get us nowhere.

    There are a lot of projects that the reborn CoT should all be able to agree on. For example, continueing the efforts to rebuild Old Athen, strengthening the defences of our cities, or improving the social conditions in our cities. These are simple ideas that would be a good basis for a new CoT to concentrate on.

    To answer those leaders that said "Why wasn't I invited?" You ARE invited, but like a tree, you start out with a small seed. Water and sunlight causes it to grow. The handful of us that are the seed, can't do it without the other leaders' water and sunlight to make the idea grow. I beg of you, don't starve the seed of your water and light...don't kill the seed with poison and bitterness before we've had a chance to get going. Keep positive thoughts. For all of our sakes, this could be the start of something VERY special. Thank you for listening.
    -Finalizer Vixentrox-
    Former President and Founder,
    -Whisper's Edge-
    Former Member of the Atlantean CoT Clerical Staff

    Socializer 73% Killer 53% Explorer 53% Achiever 20%

    Kissysuzuki -
    WTB small enough brain and lack of imagination to be able to sit and solo hecklers for 5 days straight.

  14. #14
    Originally posted by Vixentrox

    There are a lot of projects that the reborn CoT should all be able to agree on. For example, continueing the efforts to rebuild Old Athen, strengthening the defences of our cities, or improving the social conditions in our cities. These are simple ideas that would be a good basis for a new CoT to concentrate on.

    On that we do agree. I'm going to leave it there, I've voiced my concerns and as I said before, I respect the ones who are starting this workgroup and hope it goes well.
    Advisor of Rising Phoenix

    current setup

  15. #15
    Im not going to add much to what has already been pointed out by miss Flowers, and mr. Windguaerd, exept that for this to work, it is imperative that Clan leaders get involved....the sooner the better. The movement has started, this is the time we need you to step up to the plate, and let us do this together.
    Our plan is to work towards a new CoT, we have the past mistakes to learn from, and as far as humanly possible, we will learn from them.
    There are several issues that will and must be worked on, but I have faith that our collective minds will see this business through in a constructive manner that will help serve the Clan community in the best way possible. Indeed, that is the intent....and the struggle to reach that goal has begun. Now, my the time that we all need to come together...lets shape our future together......united!

    On a sidenote: I must commend miss Savoy, for a good and constructive response to this matter.
    Anthony "Cogs" McDuff
    Veteran, Cerberus
    220 Supreme Creator : Master of Wheels...the lingerie modeling robot!

  16. #16
    Originally posted by Nevver
    Nevver smiles as the dissension becomes more apparent.
    And you wonder why we need this....

    I support the Remaking of the Council of Truth
    ~ Roger "Shadowset" Garanti (Member Clan Assembly)
    ~ Andrew "Boomtastic" Domtar (Member Clan Assembly)
    ~ Ta "Bloudless" Butcher (Member of the NLF)
    ~ Caviler "Cynotor" (Member of the NLF)
    ~ Chef "Ironox" (Member of the NLF)

    Public files on Shadowset
    Ironox and Cooking with Iron!

  17. #17
    It has become apparent over the years that the CoT would be something that would involve a lot of work to get started once again. It is just something that must be done in order to help the clans themselves fight the oppression.

    Someimtes in order to create something great you must take certain risks without knowing what you are getting yourself into or without knowing if you will succeed or fail. Apparently the CoT is that risk that all of us as clan members, as a family, must take in order to achieve our goals.

    As Vixentrox stated, without the help of the other clan leaders then the CoT is sure to fail. Now is the time to fight the opression, now is the time to become a true whole and now is the time to take that risk for all of your fellow clan members. The CoT will succeed but in order for that to happen we need you fellow clan leaders to help us "water the seed" and make it grow!
    Adriana "Adriia" Kang ~ Armor
    President of Cupid's Arrow {EG}


    Priestess “Adriiana” Himatono ~ Armor
    Meta-SeXX0r is so r0XX0r!

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