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Thread: Meeting: Newland Guards Initiative @ 20:00 GMT, Oct 11th

  1. #41
    Update: The proposal to the Newland City Council has been prepared. Plans are moving along for the Newland Guards Initative.

    This plan is a win-win situation for everyone. The Clans get to visit Newland again, the proposed Neutral guard replacements will be strong enough to keep any moves from Tir at bay, Neutrals get to reap the economic prosperity in the region and the return of their identity.
    Charles 'Kithrak' Houston - Equipment
    Administrator, Omni-Admin
    Bringing the politics of Rubi-Ka to life!

    "He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster....when you gaze long into the abyss the abyss also gazes into you..." -Friedrich Nietzsche-

    "By denying support to the possibility of peace, the Council of Truth is guranteeing an outcome of war."-Administrator Houston-

  2. #42


    So what happens WHEN the clanners re-new hostilities and open season on neutral assets?
    Are you NGI supporters willing to aid in the defense of neutral property? Or are you just concearned with your profits and trade?

    Yea i have my own agenda~ but at least i'm honest about it! I don't like clanners and what they do to us neutrals, so I dont want them in our cities, i avoid their cities, and I want RK to be as hard on them as possible!

    But the NGI, I am not sure what your motives for this really are, you viel it in "goodwill" for open trade etc etc. But whats really in it for the NGI supporters? Clans have better shops than neutral ones, so need for them to shop in NLC and trade can be done in ICC so whats really goin on?

    The interest of peace? Well damn there has been plenty of peace sense the mercs arrived in NLC. In fact i have not heard of any attacks upon neutrals in a looong time. Just an occational Clan vs Omni or vice versa.

    So i ask again whats really goin on here? There is no good reason for a clanner to need or want to come to NLC. Unless they want to get at some neutrals~

    So maybe if someone- anyone could give a LOGICAL reason to allow clanners return into NLC i'm listening.

    /me Dreams of robotic clan killer guards in NLC that I can reprogram for pets.
    ~Anyone can level, but only the wise gain experience~

    *Bronto Burger, serving 10,000 high level noobs daily*

    My Story

    Don't feed the Mensa Tralalalala

    Everyday I'm Shuffling.

  3. #43


    Psimonn i hate to burst your bubble but the mercs in newland city acctually destroyed our relations with the clan peoples. We had a healthy 1.88% before the mercs and within a week we were down to .88% (not that it really frickin matters a lvl 8 clan/omni gets more xp bonus per kill than my lvl 192 Adventurer) Being a tower holder in the newland area at the time i can tell you for 100% that the attacks on my tower were quadrupled in the few days following the "warrr invasion" And the threat of omni attacking was raised 10 fold, In fact i believe it was an omni org that finally ousted my org and took the tower place that we had fought so hard for. (And despite your own feelings towards clanners I had many clan freinds that were not able to help defend my toper against omni attacks as efficiently with the gang in nlc)

    The 1% we lost in the week following the guard upgrade was do to clan attacks. I believe at the time it was the synergy factor/EO fued that spilled onto all of us. So please explain to me and all here why exactly clan killing guards in NLC help you in any way in defending our towers.

    The Warrr thugs have broken thier contract with EO and with all o neutrality, Ask any neutral that has ever been pvp tagged or tried to take vengance on an omni that was pvp tagged in NLC. IF they can remmber getting hit by one of the over powered thugs. That is not protecting neutrals and our interests in any way.

    So do i support the ngi, it depends personally im skeptical, the last time i tried to take part in upgrading guards in newland city i hurt all of neutrality in profound ways and was lied to about the final product ( At the meeting sumokan called forth all the neutral leaders to discuss this we were promised that the warrr guards would be neutral NOT omni and yes we agreed that clans should have a taste of thier medicine for what happened to us in tir) and yes what affiliation those guards is made a HUGE difference.

    And sadly i still approve of the warrr guards in thier protection against the murderous sentinals which apparently the clan have grown to love(or ignore) despite thier atrocities. I can only hope a new selection of guards can still defend it and further ceace attacking any peoples for reasons other than open threat against a neutral. If that happens maybe the clan will take a hint from our lead and remove the hostile denizens of thier faction from a place of authority.

    Pyromanche i know you have a good heart and are only looking to improve the status of your community, not for personal gain or power. If people would put down thier petty disputes and nit picking perhaps we could acctually make a difference and not just sound like a bunch of complainers. Anyhow.... I think you are a good rep for us despite how much you despise RP

    I hope to attend this even if i am not a leader for much longer in our community.


  4. #44
    Event: NGI - Meeting
    Time: 20:00 GMT(18:00 ET)
    Date: Monday, 20 Oct
    Location: Neuters R Us

    Originally posted by Tyranadon
    After discussing the NGI with other members of Elite Operations I came to the following conclusion:

    A. As neutrals the guards will attack both Omni and Clan in defense of the City.


    B. As neutrals the guards will attack neither Omni nor Clan.

    Whether Strong like the Mercs or weak like the ICC guards, neither situation would serve our purpose to protect neutrals from attack in Newland.

    Elite Operations does not object with the reasons behind the NGI but we do not think what is proposed is feasible at the moment.
    Well we see that the Mercs have stayed long beyond their welcome, regardless of their focus. Even the payment that has long since expired. I have spoken with Radiman personally on this issue, and there is much to be done. I have been assured that it is not simply as easy as removing them, there will have to be a show of support from others as well. But, we can still take the first step if we wish. It's time to set and example, not feed the fire.
    Last edited by Catalyste; Oct 20th, 2003 at 23:45:27.
    "Ignorance is the greatest evil we will ever face" . -Dr. James Cone, ca 1990 CE

    Available for Weddings, Mediations, Treaties, Celebrations, and Hugs...
    Neutrals come join #neutrality on! Everyone welcome.
    Counseling available by appointment-Priestess Cathryn Ardman
    Cat's Closet

    Favourite Chat Colours: 250 200 250, try it!
    I am an adventurer, of COURSE I like going camping! :P

  5. #45

    Re: Skeptic

    Originally posted by Maeltroll
    Psimonn i hate to burst your bubble but the mercs in newland city acctually destroyed our relations with the clan peoples.
    Mael, do not lose hope. There are still many Clansfolks who realize this was not the doing of all neutrals.


    Never EVER give up hope...
    "Ignorance is the greatest evil we will ever face" . -Dr. James Cone, ca 1990 CE

    Available for Weddings, Mediations, Treaties, Celebrations, and Hugs...
    Neutrals come join #neutrality on! Everyone welcome.
    Counseling available by appointment-Priestess Cathryn Ardman
    Cat's Closet

    Favourite Chat Colours: 250 200 250, try it!
    I am an adventurer, of COURSE I like going camping! :P

  6. #46
    I dunno. I kind of like NL without clanners. And if EO wants to pay for it, so much the better.
    Ike "Fikksit" Schatz - General of Desert Winds
    Sleep is for the weak

  7. #47


    Regardless of my anti-clan feelings, I still have heard no one from NGI support group who has a logical reason behind removing the current guards and opening NLC to clanners. The current guards are doin fine keeping NLC safe from clan/sentinel aggressions.
    I am motivated by anger~ I don't like clanners, don't want to see clanners, and don't care what troubles they go through.
    But why are there neutrals that care soooo much about them? We are already looked at as weak targets by aggressive clanners, so how can anyone say that removing the mercs will improve relations? It will just look like another sign of weakness/ submission. Who can or will fess up to what's really goin on here? My motives our open to all why do I feel that the motives of the NGI are hidden?

    That's all that I want to know.

    PS. I'm sorry about your the extra static you feel the mercs have brought you Mael. I know I was at plenty of the fights at your tower, but as far as the side bonus~ I don't think it has gone down because we have lost more land. But rather because more land areas have opened up and been snatched up by the 2 sides. Even with our diminished side bonus I believe there are more neutral towers on RK right now than I have ever seen. Although I could be wrong.
    ~Anyone can level, but only the wise gain experience~

    *Bronto Burger, serving 10,000 high level noobs daily*

    My Story

    Don't feed the Mensa Tralalalala

    Everyday I'm Shuffling.

  8. #48
    Heres a good reason....The thugs DO NOT protect Newland or its citizens in the slightest. Neutral guards would. Neutral guards, like the old ones the thugs replaced or those in Hope will shoot any hostile threat to a neutral citizen or neutral property. The thugs meanwhile do nothing. You kill a neutral infront of them they ignore it. You damage neutral property and they ignore it. All they do is mindlessly do there thuggery at the Clanners, be they a hostile threat of a innocent shopper. A neutral guard meanwhile checks the target, if its hostile they attack, if its not then the person can go on there way and shop. It's that simple.
    Major "Nyadach" Prabel
    Neutral and proud of it!

  9. #49
    Can anyone at least address the the wants of the people in NLC? All I see are arguments by ones who wish political gain! This is for the people of NLC, what will happen before will be dealt differently I hope, thanks to the lesson learned with the Thugs that are Lorrens group.

    To act as you have is a travesty as it isseemingly for personal gain, I can personally say it effects those neutrals who live there, although our business has not been affected too much (aside from paying of certain 'contributions' to the Warr Posse).

    I can only assume that the council will see it in this light as well,

    Nashka (RUR Security).

  10. #50
    oringinally posted by SinisterCake...
    Can anyone at least address the the wants of the people in NLC? All I see are arguments by ones who wish political gain! This is for the people of NLC, what will happen before will be dealt differently I hope, thanks to the lesson learned with the Thugs that are Lorrens group.
    I totally agree.... and there is a proposal in the works. The details are being worked on and you will be seeing the information very soon.

    Yes we need to hear the politcal arguements, but what has gone on so far, has not been about the issue. I ask that you have a little patience, all the information will be posted and open for debate soon.

    **edited foradditional info **
    I have decided to take on an impartial advisor, Catalyste. She is well known to all sides, and to the neutral community. I look forward to working with her on this topic.
    Last edited by Pyromanche; Oct 16th, 2003 at 14:57:08.
    Emma "Pyromanche" Peele, Neutral Kingpin RK1
    Founder of The Union

  11. #51
    Great! Thanks Pyro... If I can help out anytime (when I'm not up all day and night protecting RUR property against the Thugs-err I mean gaurds and the Lab rats; no, seroiusly rats in the Lab :P) call me and I'll let you maybe buy me a drink and help out if I can that goes for the whole commitee, cept of course the 'buying me a drink' bit if youre one of the Dudes.

    Till then I send you a picture of my best side

    -Nashka (RUR Security).

  12. #52
    I am availalable to anyone, as I always have been, without charge. It is a major reason why I never have joined any guilds or sides. All you need to do is ask.

    Here is the Meeting Log for anyone who was unable to attend. I was not able to get the log for the late one the day before.

    I will be bringing some new concerns and perhaps interesting information with me when we meet again. I look forward to seeing you all on Monday the 20th %)

    Super hugs.

    *runs off to plan some more weddings*

    "Only the weak would consider pacifisim to be passive. There is no greater strength that that of gentleness
    Last edited by Catalyste; Oct 18th, 2003 at 17:33:38.
    "Ignorance is the greatest evil we will ever face" . -Dr. James Cone, ca 1990 CE

    Available for Weddings, Mediations, Treaties, Celebrations, and Hugs...
    Neutrals come join #neutrality on! Everyone welcome.
    Counseling available by appointment-Priestess Cathryn Ardman
    Cat's Closet

    Favourite Chat Colours: 250 200 250, try it!
    I am an adventurer, of COURSE I like going camping! :P

  13. #53


    Originally posted by Psimonn
    I will say the Wolf Brigade will be in silent protest of the NGI. To me NGI to us stands for **Not Good Idea**

    Until the matter is decided the Wolves will continue to defend any and every neutral tower in danger, and train neutral arrivals as they appear on RK.

    I do not have any towers, and I am not in a guild. You as well as everyone have a right to be heard, that is what all this is about, so don't stop believing and speaking, it is only those who do not speak who will never be heard....
    "Ignorance is the greatest evil we will ever face" . -Dr. James Cone, ca 1990 CE

    Available for Weddings, Mediations, Treaties, Celebrations, and Hugs...
    Neutrals come join #neutrality on! Everyone welcome.
    Counseling available by appointment-Priestess Cathryn Ardman
    Cat's Closet

    Favourite Chat Colours: 250 200 250, try it!
    I am an adventurer, of COURSE I like going camping! :P

  14. #54
    It's ok Cat, Psi comes around

    For those who couldnt make the late night meeting in Newlands the other night heres the log file from the evening until Athol posts his news article on the evening:

    Overall it was a good evening though
    Major "Nyadach" Prabel
    Neutral and proud of it!

  15. #55
    Originally posted by Nyadach
    For those who couldnt make the late night meeting in Newlands the other night heres the log file from the evening...

    Wow you read my mind.
    "Ignorance is the greatest evil we will ever face" . -Dr. James Cone, ca 1990 CE

    Available for Weddings, Mediations, Treaties, Celebrations, and Hugs...
    Neutrals come join #neutrality on! Everyone welcome.
    Counseling available by appointment-Priestess Cathryn Ardman
    Cat's Closet

    Favourite Chat Colours: 250 200 250, try it!
    I am an adventurer, of COURSE I like going camping! :P

  16. #56
    After reading the audio logs of the meeting, I am hurt by the lack of trust with my involvement on this initative. Keep in mind that this initative was started because I saw amongst the neutral population growing disconcentment with Loren Warr and her Hired Thugs and wished to address it by aiding them the best I can. This initative is going on donations alone and I have donated a notable part of the funds pledged by other generous private Rubi-Kan citizens and small businesses.

    Before this initative not many really cared or bothered to take action about the issue. I advise caution before being easily swayed by those few with paranoia so we can move on with the matter and hopefully restore Newland City to neutrality and reestablish the neutral identity.

    Administrator Charles 'Kithrak' Houston
    Charles 'Kithrak' Houston - Equipment
    Administrator, Omni-Admin
    Bringing the politics of Rubi-Ka to life!

    "He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster....when you gaze long into the abyss the abyss also gazes into you..." -Friedrich Nietzsche-

    "By denying support to the possibility of peace, the Council of Truth is guranteeing an outcome of war."-Administrator Houston-

  17. #57
    originally psoted by Sumokan....
    I hope it was a oversight that you was not contacted about this meeting. If it was done on purpose then it is a grave disservice to you who actaully started the ball rolling. However IMHO my fellow neutrals has a history of short term memory when it come to these matters
    He most certainly was notified of this meeting. We are working together on this and I would never not include him.

    After reading the audio logs of the meeting, I am hurt by the lack of trust with my involvement on this initative. Keep in mind that this initative was started because I saw amongst the neutral population growing disconcentment with Loren Warr and her Hired Thugs and wished to address it by aiding them the best I can. This initative is going on donations alone and I have donated a notable part of the funds pledged by other generous private Rubi-Kan citizens and small businesses.

    Before this initative not many really cared or bothered to take action about the issue. I advise caution before being easily swayed by those few with paranoia so we can move on with the matter and hopefully restore Newland City to neutrality and reestablish the neutral identity.

    Administrator Charles 'Kithrak' Houston
    My Dear Charles,
    please do not missunderstand. The issue is that Neutrals feel the need to do for themselves. We are a small community and do not want to be over-run again and again. Or be told what to do by outisde forces.

    I will attend :
    Event: Newland Guards Initative(RK1) - Town meeting
    Date: Oct, 22
    Time: 21:00 GMT
    Location: Borealis Whompas

    and encourage the other Neutral leaders to attend as well
    Last edited by Pyromanche; Oct 19th, 2003 at 19:42:45.
    Emma "Pyromanche" Peele, Neutral Kingpin RK1
    Founder of The Union

  18. #58
    Originally posted by Pyromanche

    He most certainly was notified of this meeting. We are working together on this and I would never not include him.

    My Dear Charles,
    please do not missunderstand. The issue is that Neutrals feel the need to do for themselves. We are a small community and do not want to be over-run again and again. Or be told what to do by outisde forces.

    I will attend :
    Event: Newland Guards Initative(RK1) - Town meeting
    Date: Oct, 22
    Time: 21:00 GMT
    Location: Borealis Whompas

    and encourage the other Neutral leaders to attend as well
    If anyone needs to be reminded, it will be on my head, and apologies to any of you who showed up on Monday evening It was apparently decided that it was simply too soon after the previous meeting to get the word out in time, and so Wednesday was chosen. That was the information I was given and so I passed it along. I was honestly unaware of the change until the last minute, but I will still take full responsibility for anyone who was inconvenienced by it. If you know anyone at all who needs to be contacted, I will do my best to make it happen, simply send me a tell or PM by any of the means listed below. Thank you in advance. But remember if you don't tell me, I won't know, even as a priestess I cannot read minds

    Respectfully yours,

    "Ignorance is the greatest evil we will ever face" . -Dr. James Cone, ca 1990 CE

    Available for Weddings, Mediations, Treaties, Celebrations, and Hugs...
    Neutrals come join #neutrality on! Everyone welcome.
    Counseling available by appointment-Priestess Cathryn Ardman
    Cat's Closet

    Favourite Chat Colours: 250 200 250, try it!
    I am an adventurer, of COURSE I like going camping! :P

  19. #59



    ((damn these silver sodas))

    Pyromanchee? Im home drive me drunk!

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