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Thread: Join Omni-Tek!

  1. #1

    Join Omni-Tek!

    This flier has been circulated around Neutral cities and areas.

    Citizens of Rubi-Ka, rejoice!

    Omni-Tek, the galaxy's largest hyper-corporation continues to push the limits of technology with their continued ceaseless research into finding what Notum can do for you. Yes, you heard correctly, for you!

    That is beause in Omni-Tek our primary goal is the well being of our employees. The billions of credits spent on researching Notum to better serve you is just one of company's countless ways of saying 'we care'.

    There is ample room for advancement within the corporation. The lowly Street Sanitation Patrol Officier can be tomorrow's department chair. No need to pay for those expensive Neuro-Stim™ training modules. You will be trained and gain valuable experience on the job.

    Consider the benefits of starting your career in the galaxy's largest hyper-corporation. Better yet, don't even consider,
    join now!

    Join Omni-Tek today!

    Fine print:
    All applicants seeking to join Omni-Tek will need to pay for their own application forms and processing fees. Omni-Tek does not in any way gurantee you the applicant a prosperous career. All claims made in this flier is subject to alteration, modification or nullification without notice. The claims made in the flier do not reflect the attitudes or views of Omni-Tek upper management. We are not responsible for any threats made to your life by Clanners, terrorists or any other fanatic with a screw loose. Cash value of this flier is 1/500th credit. Omni-Tek law prohobits littering, if you throw this away you may be fined 500,000 credits and/or 5 years imprisonment for littering.
    Charles 'Kithrak' Houston - Equipment
    Administrator, Omni-Admin
    Bringing the politics of Rubi-Ka to life!

    "He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster....when you gaze long into the abyss the abyss also gazes into you..." -Friedrich Nietzsche-

    "By denying support to the possibility of peace, the Council of Truth is guranteeing an outcome of war."-Administrator Houston-

  2. #2
    Looks like the bureaucrat in you has gotten the upperhand again
    Director "Meister"
    President, Omni-Pol
    Level 207 Omni-Tek Dictator
    Meister's Reinforced Suit - Bureaucrats may be gimps, but at least we know how to look good.
    Account Created: 2001-06-27 23:07:32

  3. #3

    In agreement

    Indeed, join Omni-Tek.

    Join them and find yourself.

    I do everyday.

    Everytime I can see myself, every time. I can see. I can feel.

    Omni-Tek, they provide support, they provide growth. Sustain my hunger for development. To push past that sweet moment to savour each time of painful progression.

    Reminded, every moment in every day and night.

    Love the company.
    Feed on the offerings.
    Sustain yourself on that skin, that underlaying flesh.

    Keep the blood flow pure, my fellows.
    - Name: Gabriel
    Codename: Malachii -- Former patient of Omni-Reform

    Historic Reference File 1
    Historic Reference File 2
    Historic Reference File 3
    Omni-Tek Incident Report 1

    Recently released from Omni-Reform, Private of Omni-Pol
    Roleplaying Profile of "Malachii"

  4. #4
    For those out there who remain undecided, do not believe the clanner propaganda that spews from the mouths of Silverstone and his kin. Omni-Tek is a wonderful family; a wonderful corporation; and truly, no life compares to one like it.

    Omni-Tek protects.

  5. #5
    One of the reasons why you should join Omni-Tek!
    Director "Meister"
    President, Omni-Pol
    Level 207 Omni-Tek Dictator
    Meister's Reinforced Suit - Bureaucrats may be gimps, but at least we know how to look good.
    Account Created: 2001-06-27 23:07:32

  6. #6
    Joseph "Votary" Zodiac - RK1 Clan Atrox MP
    I can summon pies (now mochams infused!)

    "Holy Mocham!" - Votary

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