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Thread: Salvation or Damnation?

  1. #41

    'hehe Don talking of his daughter' April giggled, shaking her head.
    Idiot, she's 10, I'm not married and this child just appeared recently. Obviously she is not my bioloical child, she is adopted from the street. So yes, she spent the better part of her life with nobody, forgive me for trying to help the poor girl your heartless wretch.
    Atlantean Soldier.

    Director of Obsoleet (@.@)/'

  2. #42
    You all say what you want, but I have to say this. I love SoS. I myself have not seen anything wrong with them. I always go buy first hand experience. To me if they do something to me to offend me, then i will think otherwise. But with SoS and my experiences so far, they rule. They are really nice, and they ARE helpful. If you choose not to believe it, then thats your choice. Thats what I have to say. SoS this goes out to you all, you all rock.
    Spearmajor: 203 Martial Artist
    Maclen008: 182 Agent
    Doublebigmac: 23 Enforcer
    Beckenbauer: 121 Keeper
    Lordmaclen: 90 Nano Technician
    Maclen: 40 Trader

  3. #43


    "He is a Harkonnen ANIMAL!! Let me, Please m'lord..."

  4. #44


    Dericad glanced quickly around the post, narrowing his eyes on what he saw. He sighed, and began returning a response.

    Msice, your known specifically as one of April's slaves, so how can your word be valid towards the whole deal? Everything you live for is to please her, so there isn't any reason why you would talk bad to her. And no, not one thing I said was opinionated. Read it again, if you have to. April did in fact force someone to leave the orginization because they wanted a dominating realtionship with their lover. But that would mean there would be two in the Society, and that would mean April will have lost some control over the whole idea.

    And that's what your about, April. Control. Cold-hearted control. Thats why you involve yourself in every department of your org, right? Must be why no one else can get around to recruiting, because your to busy inviting everyone without a data tag. Might be why there's alot of incompatibility within the Society, no?

    And what about me? You made me leave the orginization because (oocly: my style of RP) my style of living was UNNACEBTALE for you. For the leader of a whole society, of different types and different faces...that doesnt show a whole lot of character.

    Now you prey on children? Unsuspecting and apparently ungaurded, you want to prey on a little girl? I think it is you with a sick desire.

    In pain, and in shame, my wretched friend.

    He let out a low sigh and looked to his left, and the soft talking couple. He gave them a slight smile, returned by a warm smile from longtime friends. In front of him lay his paperwork, and a small fragment of notum. He rubbed his eyes and went back to work.

  5. #45

    Thumbs down

    Dericad, I am sincerely sorry to read this bitter and ressentful reply. It is devoid of measure and of sense of reality. Are you sure you were part of the SoS? or was it some evil gang of demons? Whatever you say, our goal is not to look like the second.

    Fact is you were rejected from our org. Did you bother reminding us the reasons? no. I will do it for you. Your aggressive behavior made 2 respectable members of our org leave. You made several members fed up with your constant way of pushing people.

    Additionally, you committed murders. You were arrested by omni pol for that. You unacceptable attitude let every single members of our org convinced that you meant trouble, and added nothing to our good atmosphere inside the org.

    You pretend to start and lead a new org now? Good luck for it.

    [ooc: Dericad, what revolts me the most in your reply, is that your memory was erased in the event with OP. Which is the reason you were freed by them. After you were gone from our org. Now you write information about the SoS? What sort of RPer are you??

    Certainly not one that I esteem valid for our org. Nor for ANY serious RP org. Once again, you proove you have nothing to do with us. Whatever your RL bitterness, please understand that NOONE regrets to see you gone. Goodbye.

    Let me remind that the SoS is about strict RP. NO RL consideration should be brought into our org. People like you deteriorate the humor and friendship of our org, therefore we stated the rule which makes us reject the atmospher spoilers as you are.]
    Last edited by Everwatch; Aug 20th, 2003 at 19:52:11.
    April "Everwatch" Garasha

    General of the ~ Society of Salvation ~, RP omni org on Atlantean
    Leader of the DART - Department of Acquisitions, Raids and Training, the military branch of the SoS.

    Feel free to contact me for events and application to the DART.

  6. #46

    Grownups... hmph...

    Lemmy read the posts from the Buzz at home in her bed. The more she read, the more disgusted she became by it.

    What's wrong with you people? Is it so hard to say sorry and make up? It makes me wonder if Lemmy does ever want to grow up, since grown ups just act like little children, so what's the point?

    Lemmy pressed send on her com then rolled in her bed back to sleep.

    I hate to say this but I feel it is something that needs to be said. Keep all ooc out of this post and any rp story. It is poor role-playing practice to mix ooc details with ic information, and vice-versa. While there is a need for ooc-communication in role-play, it is best to keep those private between the sides involved in order to work out a rp plot. What's more, no one wants to hear about ooc-org issues for most oftentimes, both sides are at fault but neither will claim any fault of their own. Thus, it results in finger-pointing, harsh words, and the players dis-respecting each other. The RP community in any game, including Atlantean's server AO, is far too small to have splits within it. No need to like a player ooc, but don't start trying to dis-respect them for that results in conflicts ic and ooc, which as said earlier, should not be mixed. If there is no respect, there is no role-play, as no one can role-play with a character that is being ignored. Once again, please keep all conflicts IC, for once the bounds of ic and ooc are crossed, then in the future there will always be doubts of whether the player did something for ic reasons or ooc reasons or even both.

    Thank you,
    ~ Ylem
    Ylemae (6-10? years old):
    "Lemmy" (True name: Jiselle Waldram)
    Jennifer Matusz - Daughter to Don "Doncarnage" Matusz

    Chelle "Crysallys" Dinnen (14 years old)
    Hayley Dinnen's Daughter
    Growth Accelerated as a Baby
    Born Dec 25, 29476 RST
    Trainee in Vector Blue

  7. #47
    Now for this obscene 'slave' term that people use against me.

    I know well that this term is meant to hurt me and those I love, nothing more. Still I will explain. Because those accusers are trying to hurt my org using my private life, and it s wrong, it s mean.

    I do love 3 persons. They love me in return. They all agreed to be part of our unique relationship, knowing all the details.

    And I can see no chains on them. Each of them know, I know, and people who attack me know as well, that my lovers are free to leave me anytime they want, even if it would sincerely break my heart.

    It s all there is. I dont understand what is wrong in loving much, loving several. Check any law you like. there is nothing there forbidding to love.

    Of course, ideally, those who are still thinking that something I do is wrong or shocking could come to me and have an adult conversation, to explain, to fix things. I invite anyone to do so. But I am afraid that those persons usually prefer to hurt, from far, cowardly, blindly. I regret that, and feel sorry for them.
    April "Everwatch" Garasha

    General of the ~ Society of Salvation ~, RP omni org on Atlantean
    Leader of the DART - Department of Acquisitions, Raids and Training, the military branch of the SoS.

    Feel free to contact me for events and application to the DART.

  8. #48
    [ooc: Reply to Ylemae 's post.


    Your post is totally true, and i feel sorry now, as my reply to Dericad was probably too harsh.

    Yet, as a strict RPer myself, I feel very hurt to be attacked for OOC reasons, or with blatant failures in the storyline.

    Now, I will apologize sincerely to Dericad. I think that I have over reacted in my post. What I say there is true, but too aggressive.

    The constant attacks on the SoS seem to be launched more by jealousy and ressentment than a real will to roleplay and have fun. this does deteriorate my patience.

    Sorry then about this.

    The SoS, as it always was, is intended to give fun and serious RP to its members. All our efforts are done to this end. Please, to anyone, feel free to involve us in your stories if you will, but DONT make fools out of us, DONT hurt us or our allies meaningly, knowing that you will deteriorate our reputation and atmospher. It isnt right.
    Last edited by Everwatch; Aug 20th, 2003 at 20:35:16.
    April "Everwatch" Garasha

    General of the ~ Society of Salvation ~, RP omni org on Atlantean
    Leader of the DART - Department of Acquisitions, Raids and Training, the military branch of the SoS.

    Feel free to contact me for events and application to the DART.

  9. #49
    *Meta sighs deeply, reading the latest words from Dericad. Sadly she formulates her thoughts and begins to reply*

    ugh is right...

    Dericad, i am sad to see you have gone this route. i knew when we met at Reets and you walked away rudely, with hurtful remarks that you would be the cause of more trouble. Honestly, i hardly know you. And it is shocking to me how hurtful you try to be. It seems you need an explanation or something from me? So i will give one. But, know i think you are a cruel person. You comment on things you know nothing about.

    You call me a slave...

    *She looks down at her body. Hands and feet free, freshly bathed and neatly dressed. Happily listening to GSP on the stereo in April's apartment, and drinking a cool cider. Her brow furrows as she begins to explain things she should not have to*

    Dericad far be it from me to expect you to understand. But... i love April. It is a love more deep and true than any other. i choose of my own free will to be with her. April has healed me, loved me, and made me complete. We are engaged to marry, and i am possible the happiest young girl on Rubi-ka... and most surely i am the most blessed. We do not need your consent Sir. All i ask is that you have a bit of respect please. You have no right to comment on who, or how i choose to love...

    *Meta presses enter on her comm, and sits down on the soft carpet. She slides down to the floor holding her teddy, and begins to cry softly. Her mind replays the most recent events. Attacks from Doncarnage, his public humiliations. Articles written by disgruntled former SoS members. After some time her thought drift back to April. Instantly she begins to relax, her chest rising and falling gently as she calms down. Her eyes close slowly as she is swept to dreams of April*

  10. #50
    *Returns home after a long night at the Rompa, and quickly begins a report on the nights events*

    Once again the Rompa Bar proved to be an interesting evening...

    The child who made accusations of kidnapping and harm against April Everwatch Garasha, was seen at the Rompa again with her "care-takers", and completely out of control. What kind of people bring a young and obviously disturbed child to a bar night, after night. Supposedly Don has "rescued" her... taken in an orphan.


    Who are these women that watch her? Why isn't Don ever around?

    Knowing the child's past and her lack of family, or appropriate care... it seems ludicrous that she should be in Don's custody. Reports were made to OP from the Rompa last night. The young child was screaming and out of control. Pushing her guardians and acting like she had gone mad. Her guardians had no control over her as she acted out. They all departed quickly when report was sent to OP.

    Is this similiar to the situation April encountered when she tried to help the girl?

    How long will the Corporation allow irresponsible people like this to take care of a young, emotionally disturbed child?

    This is a dangerous situation, and something must be done...

    *Exhausted from the night, Meta closes her comm and tries to relax. "i know i was not about to help the child... and have accusations and lies thrown at me. It is a sad day when a child is left to unfit guardians" She sighs and opens a cider*

  11. #51

    - Meanwhile, in an apartment situated within Romes Green district -

    Shadows push away the monitor screens light, at the same instance a slow release of air filters across the surface of the desk supporting the vid-screen. News articles and discussion threads based upon certain events often created a flicker of satisfaction. Brief amusement in concentrated periods of intense training.

    Satisfaction that progression in retraction, generally speaking, turned up each side of his relaxed mouth. Paper forms that had been neat fluttered in the breeze brought about by a strong, meditated sigh.

    All things gone, the dust collecting layer... by layer.

    Satisfaction indeed.

    An echo from before, his own words, tapped into his mind as clearly as if he, himself, stood alongside him... whispering.

    "People disappear from Rubi-Ka all the time..."

    Nodding to nothing that uttered something... he used his facial muscles again. The so-called vipers smile. All things done, all things forgotten. Placing palm to palm and placing forefingers to meet to touch the other, lips pursing in a thoughtful glare as the news responses returned to the main entry screen... eyes moved carefully to a collapsed form that continued to huddle against itself.

    So much to say.

    And no one he could trust or care to share it with anymore. He only had examples to make of others to show others. To prove things to himself that he had been correct all along. Instinct...

    ... why did he not bathe in instinct that screamed to allow an offering to drown in its wisdom?

    Amends will be in his prayers. As would those whom he had already claimed. Public image leech, the mirror being who sought to use both sides in existence in twisted realties, the babe lost in the metal and stone woods... and the torn, self shredded heart. And that heart moved again, watching through his eyes with cold executioners intent... the huddled mass began to sob.

    The voices questioned again and again, heard faintly over the increasing volume of the bodies sobbing. Answers would arrive once the fire began. He'd been here before. Another place, another time.

    Or was it this time, this place he had been? Or would be? Will be?
    Perhaps the answers would find him along the way?
    - Name: Gabriel
    Codename: Malachii -- Former patient of Omni-Reform

    Historic Reference File 1
    Historic Reference File 2
    Historic Reference File 3
    Omni-Tek Incident Report 1

    Recently released from Omni-Reform, Private of Omni-Pol
    Roleplaying Profile of "Malachii"

  12. #52
    I wish to invite the persons who have been involved in the recent trouble with the SoS to read the following Article, which explains partly why those arguments started, and why the drama has reached frightening heights.

    As a sidenote, I have to precise that whatever the various insults, death threats and declarations of war of all kinds that were said, The current SoS members never declared war or threatened to kill anyone. We are ready to defend ourselves, but still are not foolish enough to organize attacks from omni to omni, whatever the pressure we have faced.
    The members who did commit crimes or threatened, have been dealt with, as shown in the article. The SoS is now back to it s usual form and atmosphere, we are mature, fun, friendly people, military active against the clans who prooved to be evil, and partiers at the same time.
    The SoS is now cleared of any su****ion, as we arranged each offense we have been accused of, wether by dealing with the treators involved or prooving the accusions as false.
    April "Everwatch" Garasha

    General of the ~ Society of Salvation ~, RP omni org on Atlantean
    Leader of the DART - Department of Acquisitions, Raids and Training, the military branch of the SoS.

    Feel free to contact me for events and application to the DART.

  13. #53
    Your wrong in so many places its unbelievable. You think that giving your followers confidence that the situation is under control, when, believe me, it isn't, will solve your problems. It will only make them worse. As for you saying this is an Omni vs. Omni might not be for long. *chuckles while siting on his favorite sofa in the Rompas, asking the waitress to get him another drink*
    Chairman of the Kenley Criminal Syndicate..

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