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Thread: The Dark Angel

  1. #1

    The Dark Angel

    The program worked through her system. The blood stopped, but upon being jerked awake the horror of the situation put her into a state of shock and Lem quickly found herself once again passed out. Tearfall worked quickly trying to aid her. He had found her after all... lying with only her blood as clothes.

    "A warning..." he said.

    Normally Lem would have taken this message and paid it no heed, but the fact remained she thought herself invincible. Under the Immediate Solution, she had learned not to trust su****ious calls but as a reporter she had found it yielded the best results. Reluctantly she stepped out into the Backyard District and found herself being dragged into a nearby apartment.

    The man... was it a man? Well, the voice spoke to her. It was harsh, cold... she did not think a man or a woman could speak with such emptiness and hatred. A dark, black mask hung over where his face would have been. His hands moved with un-canny speed, binding the arms and legs.

    A kick. Another kick. Against the side again, and again. Then came the first glimpse of what would be her suffering. A long, metallic strand of metal was shown and this being pressed it flat under her breast. "You will remember what pain is..." A gasp, a cough of blood. The metal pierced into her skin, the being of darkness shoved it deep inside her so that the end stuck out from the other side.

    Another nano-program. Friendly voices? Who was it... it all seemed a blur. There Tearfall was again. He held her down. Why are you holding me down? Who are you? Holding her, he yanked hard pulling one of the metallic strands out and suddenly she realized why it all seemed a blur. The strand was pulled directly out from her eye. Pain enveloped Lem once again. He held her fast to the floor, trying to have her relax. Again he pulled, this time one of the metals out from her other eye. The pain was overwhelming, the pain was immense, the pain disappeared as she fell into yet another state of unconsciousness.

    "You shall be my messanger to everyone. You shall tell them of pain. You shall tell them that death is not to be toyed with. That death is meaningful and not to be reclaimed." The shirt was torn and caused her to cry out in pain as it rubbed against the protruding metals. Her pants met the same fate, leaving her with only her shoes. "Remember the Dark Angel. I am the Dark Angel." The room was moving, or was I moving? I'm flying? The Angel had thrown her off the balcony, landing on her head. The surroundings dimmed, as a friendly figure rushed over in Tearfall to try and save her life.

    "Dark Angel... no! No! NO!" the reporter shook awake from her sleep in the place of Rompa's. Private Tearfall had brought her here, she had asked it to be so since she feared going to her apartment. Her eyes, still in pain. The holes yet not healed. The piercing, still in suffering. "First it does that then it hounds me in my dreams!" Sleep would be impossible. But Tearfall, one he said was named Micheal, gave her his trenchcoat earlier before so she would not be nude. Patched her up, taking to see Omni-Med. Then brought her back here, she was thankful. She was afraid, distrought, unstable. Sleep would be impossible. Yet he told her it would all be alright.

    Sleep would be impossible... but in that moment she found it a welcome guest. The Angel stayed away... but the memory still lurked.
    Ylemae (6-10? years old):
    "Lemmy" (True name: Jiselle Waldram)
    Jennifer Matusz - Daughter to Don "Doncarnage" Matusz

    Chelle "Crysallys" Dinnen (14 years old)
    Hayley Dinnen's Daughter
    Growth Accelerated as a Baby
    Born Dec 25, 29476 RST
    Trainee in Vector Blue

  2. #2
    My normally so white and glistening Omni-Pol armor.... blood.
    Everywhere, blood.

    As I gaze down upon the helpless girl... still sleeping... tormented by nightmares...

    I lean down closer... I can swear I heard her mumbling something.

    I listen for a while... but as I realize what's happening... I quickly jerk her awake.

    During the last few hours.... I've seen and heard so much... but this...

    For a brief moment, my emotions flicker in my eyes... before I manage to keep them under control once again.

    The life of a soldier is a harsh and lonely one...
    But never did I think it would be this devoid of any support... any kind words... any help.

    ....My anger, fueled by the recent events threaten to overwhelm me, the only thing mirroring this is my eyes, while I maintain my kind smile that only reach my lips.
    Should I ever loose control again...
    I dare not think of it.

    The girl doesn't seem to notice.

    I used to see things in black and white....
    But I just a few days ago realized that things area all shades of grey.

    Now, I see how wrong I was.

    There is no white... no shades of gray,
    It's all a looming shadow of pitch-black.

    As I talk to her, calming her down.... wrapping my arms around her, my mind is still wandering far from where my words are.

    So many names.... so many faces.
    ....So many deaths.

    I finally knew the most parts of it,
    And it was no longer a mystery to me.

    I, myself, had become the mystery.

    My records would show a brilliant career before I joined the Forces.

    From a Private to rising to the ranks of a General... to resigning due to the operations we had to... HAD to... proceed with.

    No more of that.

    Then to my more questionable past....
    You'd think I'd have learned something.

    A hint of a crooked smile cross my lips as I assure the young girl that everything will be alright, my arms still holding her.
    I'm thankful that she can't see my eyes as she nuzzles her head into my chest, taking refuge from the cruel world around her.

    My words are kind... calming.
    I wish they were true.

    But after hearing her out... and from my other... contacts...
    No one is innocent.

    No one.

    Not even myself.

    Come with me
    To a quiet place,
    Where sun and breeze
    and grass erase
    Troubles, Conflicts,
    Senseless chatter.

    Come with me
    To find what matters most...

    Holding you,
    I find my heaven close.

  3. #3
    This was spanning through two Organisations at the least.

    "Light, 1", I said quietly as I stepped through the door.

    The computer adjusted the lightsource inside the room.... leaving it a nice and soft, and very faint glow playing in my appartment.


    Sighing, I threw my black bag in a corner of the room, my Division 9 still strapped on my back.


    The metal door silently slid into place,
    A soft whirr all that indicated that the security lock had been engaged as well.

    I reached up to my helmet... my hands hesitating inches away from it.

    Something was wrong.

    I sidestepped to the left of the door, cautiously scanning the room - the sensor-array I had installed indicating that no life-forms were present.

    Frowning, I kept my armor on.... wishing it wasn't quite as glistening.

    "Light, 0"

    The room immediately went black.

    Come with me
    To a quiet place,
    Where sun and breeze
    and grass erase
    Troubles, Conflicts,
    Senseless chatter.

    Come with me
    To find what matters most...

    Holding you,
    I find my heaven close.

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