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Thread: Alarming Activity seen around the abandoned mine at Azure Lake

  1. #1

    Alarming Activity seen around the abandoned mine at Azure Lake

    Over the past week some small activity has been seen around the area of Azure Lake, mainly close to the abandoned mine that is just south west of Borealis. The activity was small enough not to raise any major concerns until late Saturday afternoon several members of the NLF became aware of some heavy activity. A team was sent to investigate the activity further. Upon first reports several members of Omni Mining as well as their leader Swiftmind where seen loading a very large surface transport ship. The investigating team kept their distance to gather more information of Omni Mining's activity.

    Eventually The Transport ship aided by a convoy of guards began to make its way slowly into Borealis. The investigating teamed alerted other members in the NLF about the convoys movements and our troops where dispatched to intercept. We where able to halt the convoy and demanded an explanation of their activity at the abandoned mine as well as the contents of the Surface Transport ship. After a heated argument between us the convoy was able to cloak and slip into the grid where we lost track of it.

    An investigation was made by Aazamon, Xelun, and my self of the area surrounding the mine at Aazure Lake. Immediately we noticed a fresh seal had been placed on the massive doors guarding the mine. A moment later an Omni Tek employee by the name of Max "Aileader" Depaolo appeared laughing. Aileader began to explain that the mine had been evacuated due to unknown reasons beyond his scope of authority.

    This leads us to believe that something secretive is now going on inside the old abandoned mine that may threaten the occupants of Borealis. The NLF is demanding an explanation of what happened and / or what is going on inside this mining facility. Not only is this a threat to us all that call Borealis home, but to all of those that use Borealis as a hub to reach other destinations.

    We are asking anyone who has any information to please step forward.

    Thank you

    Amado "Ramiyana" Kuiper
    President of |REBEGIN|Strength, Purity, Vision

    Co-Founder of The Nanomage Liberation Front

  2. #2
    Naxilite stretched out his wings and caught an up draught. He soared high over Borealis with half an eye on the milling crowds down below. Not thinking of anything, just enjoying the sensation of flight, of freedom and of life. Up here in the sky he could forget his cares, at least for a short while. Flying higher he headed away from Borealis and went towards the mountains and the old mine. Naxilite soared lazily on the cool mountain winds, to an observer on the ground he would have appeared as a mere speck in the sky, moving fast, swooping and diving high over the mine. Omni-Tek had abandoned this place some years previously as it simply wasn’t profitable to run considering the yield of notum it produced. Now it had become run down and a haven for many different species, some sort of irony there he thought. Looking down Naxilite saw that the mine was a hive of human activity, intrigued he swooped lower and watched the people at their work. They seemed to be loading various carriers, each emblazoned with the emblem of Omni Mining. Keeping in reet form Naxilite perched atop one of the old huts and watched the activity in the abandoned mine.
    Major Eldridge Naxilite McCovery
    Adventurer, level 149
    Ranger and Explorer and of the Shadowlands
    Member of the Independent Rubi-Kans

  3. #3
    John "Blackswords" Rm Stepped outside the mines area and watched as the Mining Equipment was Being loaded into the transports for return to the shops that gave birth to the machines. He was pleased that one of Omni-Minings Fixers had already transported the wounded straight to Omni-Med for treatment. He spotted "Swiftmind" watching the equipment be loaded and she looked upset especially with what his search of the area turned up. He walked over next to her and spoke.

    "Swift, I've confirmed that much of the mine collapse was caused by a Catastrophic energy Discharge on or from one of the Test machines."

    Swiftmind nodded "Caused by what? Any Ideas or Guesses at this point?"

    "I wish I could say but I can't rule out Terrorist attack or Experimental Equipment Flaw or Failure." He sighed "At Present all Miners and Techs save one are Accounted for and safe."

    "Any leads on where he was taken too?"

    "None but "Shhletsdeal" is hacking a trace trying to find out where his Insurance was rezzed too." He glanced over at one of the shacks that was leaning over from the collapse beneath it. "But I don't think that they expected us too figure out he hadn't been Perma Killed so they may have left a few Clues."

    "Hmmm I need to go report this to Omni-Admin..Can you cover this clean-up John?"

    "Certainly" He replied. "Not much too it. Just watch the bots load equipment."

    Swiftmind Nodded her head and then got into her Yalm and flew off.

    John watched her Fly away and then watched the bots fill the transport. He Felt uneasy as if he was being watched so he began a slow scan of the area. He Paused for a fraction of a second when his scanner turned up someone he should have expected to be around.

    John Muttered under his Breath. "Damn Nosy Naxilite. Now I'll have to get some Beers and fill him in on what Happend before he and his Ilk scream Eco-Damage."

    John thought on this a bit and then muttered aloud. "hmm well this time at least I don't have to offer threats just the truth." He pondered more. "To tell Swift or not to tell Swift...Hmmm. Okay lets let fate call that one."

    He tosses a coin in the air and catches it looks at the result and then turns to walk to Naxilite where he's Perched on the shack.

    "Hey Naxilite when your done Molting because your ticked off meet me in Rompas when you can. I'll give you the straight scoop as much as I can."

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