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Thread: * Nanotek News *

  1. #1

    Smile * Nanotek News *

    * NanoTek is proud to annouce its 200th Delivery! *

    (Delivered by Yggsdrasil to Omni-Pol and signed by Maclen008 - 6/03/03)

    This represents over 3000 Nano Crystals (and misc supplies) Delivered to OmniTek affiliates!

    NanoTek wishes to thank the following departments for their cooperation and support:
    • Division 9 RSGE
    • Omni-Mining
    • Omni-Pol
    • Red Tape of Omni-Admin
    • SPARTA
    • Special Interception Troops
    • The Honored Maidens

    NanoTek is a non-profit affiliate of Omni-R&D. Formed in 10/14/02, We specialize in construction and delivery of Nano Crystals to Official OmniTek departments.
    Last edited by Lordfoul2000; Jun 6th, 2003 at 04:40:42.
    NanoTek - "Better living through Nanotechnology!"

  2. #2
    The continued support by Nano Tek is welcome by Omni-Pol. You have always been a great help with keeping our officers equipped properly with technical equipment and nano technology.

    Omni-Pol salutes you for your hard work during the last months and we hope to continue the friendly relationship between our organizations.
    Director "Meister"
    President, Omni-Pol
    Level 207 Omni-Tek Dictator
    Meister's Reinforced Suit - Bureaucrats may be gimps, but at least we know how to look good.
    Account Created: 2001-06-27 23:07:32

  3. #3
    *thumbs up to NanoTek's clean work*

    Deliveries were always welcome, trust meh. A department never have enuff of good (and of various ranges!) nanocrystals.

    SPARTA is no more, as we all know, but I may contact ya in a short while fer another collaboration if yer interested.

    /me slightly smiles
    Jen Markarian - Put the weirdness back in Omni-Mining
    Updating my stories -- 19/03/08. Going slowly, but certainly
    Anarchy Reloaded - AO webcomics for the sake of being silly

    I never want to lose what I have finally found
    There's a requiem
    A new congregation
    And it's telling me: go forward and walk
    Under a brighter sky
    -- Delerium, Euphoria --

  4. #4
    Division 9 would like to congratulate our friends at Nanotek for their hard work and perseverance. Your quick deliveries have always been a symbol of the efficiency and excellence that is Omni-Tek.

    Well done, all of you, and thank you, as always, for supporting the cause.
    General Hershel "Kasimir" Jurik

    President of Division 9 R.S.G.E


    Braumiester of the Pagan Bartenders, wielder of dual SSo8s

    Stealer of hearts, creds, and anything not nailed down!

  5. #5
    Kudos to Nano-Tek for their tireless work to deliver supplies and nanos to the Omni-Tek departments. Their efforts have done much to enchance the family atmosphere that is Omni-Tek.
    Charles 'Kithrak' Houston - Equipment
    Administrator, Omni-Admin
    Bringing the politics of Rubi-Ka to life!

    "He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster....when you gaze long into the abyss the abyss also gazes into you..." -Friedrich Nietzsche-

    "By denying support to the possibility of peace, the Council of Truth is guranteeing an outcome of war."-Administrator Houston-

  6. #6
    Lordfoul2000 your serving the enemy my friend. Come to the Nano Side Lordfoul2000 together we can Rule the Galaxy!!!
    Aazamon General of the Nanomage Liberation Front

    28973 The first Homo Nano is born in an Omni-Tek laboratory. The inclusion of trace notum into the DNA sequencing of Nano foetuses means that this breed is able to live only on Rubi-Ka.

    Until all are free!

    We are recruiting

    The Nanomage Liberation Front

  7. #7
    Special recognition goes to "Veteran Omni Metaphysicist" and "Hardened Criminal" for their outstanding work in protectine the Theft Food Dispensers located in various non-descript buildings in Broken Shores. You make us proud, damnit!
    Nanomage: The OTHER other white meat

  8. #8
    Originally posted by THEDEACON!
    Special recognition goes to "Veteran Omni Metaphysicist" and "Hardened Criminal" for their outstanding work in protectine the Theft Food Dispensers located in various non-descript buildings in Broken Shores. You make us proud, damnit!
    Oh the comedy!

    I'd like to thank nano-tek too, although special interception troops has been merged with mayhem for soem time now, we really appreciated the work of nanotek. I still have a some left over crystals, some from yopurselves and some of our own collection, maybe you would like these to redistribute ? contact me ingame if you do.
    I quested all the way to Penumbra, and I didn't even get a lousy t-shirt.

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