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Thread: Making Friends and Not Disinfluencing People on Rubi-Ka

  1. #1

    Making Friends and Not Disinfluencing People on Rubi-Ka

    Betji's Guide to Making Friends and Not Disinfluencing People on Rubi-Ka

    Rubi-Ka can be a great place once you have friends, but how DO you make friends? More than one acquaintance has demoaned their inability to make friends, meet people, and develop a comfortable social circle. I would like to offer this advice to those people who enjoy having a distinct personality, yet wish also to have a pleasant and comfortable circle of friends.

    The first rule is patience. You can't make friends overnight. Pick a place to hang out, and be persistent, on and off, for a week or two. If nothing works, try another locale for a couple weeks. Rompa's (especially) and Baboon's (sometimes) in Omni Entertainment, The Cup in West Athen, The Happy Rebel in Tir, and of course Reet's Retreat in Last Ditch on Stret Upper West Bank are the classic hangout points. More detailed guides can be found if you look around.

    The second rule is to be quietly friendly. Don't bounce around like a demented Reet jacked to its tailfeathers on stims. Stand or sit, smile, compliment people on their nice clothes, impressive armor, powerful weaponry, professional accomplishments, or whatever. If you've read news or stories about them, mention how famous they are. Social type people on Rubi-Ka like to be noticed, so give them a little! Take an interest in them, rather than yammering about yourself.

    The third rule is to present the nicest and best part of your personality to others first. If you've got dark hidden secrets, festering angst, manic or suicidal tendancies, etc., please keep them in check. Let others discover your evil secrets later, once you make friends. If you start with the dark side, don't expect to make many friends in the first place!

    Some people on Rubi-Ka live for politics. The constant tension between omni and clan is lifeblood to them. These people want to air their viewpoints, so be prepared to listen. If your views differ, you might discover in them an arch-rival or nemesis with whom you can develop some great running antagonisms ((a few OOC tells to establish this is recommended, though)). Remember that omnis compete and fight among themselves at least as much as they fight against the clans. Meanwhile, neutrals and clans are split between aggressively hostile organizations (Desert Winds, for example) and defensive 'live and let live' groups (such as Valor Eternal).

    Other people on Rubi-Ka are non-political, sometimes to the point of seeking friends and companionship regardless of political affiliation. These can lead to many wonderful and interesting affairs as you travel in supposedly hostile circles. I have very much enjoyed putting people first and politics last. It has allowed me many good friends and interesting situations that I'd have missed otherwise. One of my the most memorable was leading an Omni team alongside Braedon's Valor Eternal clan team in search of a mutual friend stranded without insurance, arms or armor in the middle of Mort. It was quite gratifying to see traditional arch-enemies briefly assembled to work together.

    If you have strong romantic or sexual desires, please be discrete and non-confrontational about them. Do NOT assume that sexy or scandalous dress necessarily means availability. Mores are different on Rubi-Ka. Lots of women and more than a few men end up dancing semi-nude at Reets. They want to be noticed and admired, yes. Do they want crude advances from strangers, almost certainly no. Even the rauchiest, most overcharged sexual maniacs I know prefer a gentle, gracious approach. No matter how hot someone feels, how immediately needy they are, they don't want to hear, "Heya, sexy thing, wanna f**k?"

    I have noticed a remarkable proportion of people on Rubi-Ka think that it would be interesting, exciting and cool to have an evil, de****able, unattractive personality. Well, it's really very easy to gain antipathy and hatred. Just act like an insulting boor. No skill or sophistication is required, but all you'll collect is a lot of ignores and dirty looks. A far greater challenge is to develop an interesting character that people want to know more about, rather than keep at arms length. Being someone who is "interesting," that people want to learn more about, is the real challenge. And you're on Rubi-Ka because you enjoy a challenge, right?

    It is my practice to always take people on Rubi-Ka at face value, and to never inquire too closely about the age or gender of the spirit that guides them. For example, whenever I begin to speculate about whether the guiding spirit of a certain person is actually male or female, my ladylove Blackpetal gently asks, "Does it really matter?" Of course, she's absolutely right... it really doesn't matter. What counts is who a person is on Rubi-Ka. That is the true wonder and joy of life on this planet, and all the similar worlds in this wonderful, wacky, and ever-changing galaxy we call home.

    - Betji
    freelance atlantean omni agent
    Last edited by Betji; May 22nd, 2003 at 01:29:33.

  2. #2
    I'm sorry if the above is stating the obvious, but hardly a week passes when a friend or acquaintance doesn't bemoan their loneliness, complain that everyone hates them, etc., etc.

    Please forgive me if all the above is second nature to you. This short piece is for those who are still discovering the nature of life on Rubi-Ka, and all similar worlds.

    - Betji

  3. #3

    I am glad you brought this up, very well said.

  4. #4
    bumpity do dah, bumpity aye!
    President, Divine Retribution

    Proudly on the fence regarding omni/clan
    Decidedly a neutral

  5. #5

    New and Lost

    I've been trying to find Reets but having a little trouble. I use the whompa to get to Stret West Bank. From there where do I go? Also is there a map that shows these places? I've been wandering in Athens West for going on a month doing missions etc.. but I have never seen the cup.
    Last and probably most important, is there a way to tell from peoples post here wether they are on Atlantean or Rimor?
    Lillyian Doctor RK-2
    Rhoadss Martial Artist RK-2

  6. #6
    From the Last Ditch whompa, turn left through the archway then follow the walkway left. Carry straight on past the reclaim terminal, up the rise in front of you and into the inner part of the town. Reets is the huge building right in the middle, to the left of the market traders and opposite the mission terminals and general store.

    The Cup is a much smaller club than Reets, but has its own special charm. The entrance is right next to the West Athen grid terminal (note: West Athen itself not Old Athen West).

    As for the Atlantean/Rimor thing, unfortunately not. If you know their character names you could always look them up in the "People of Rubi-Ka" directory. The permanent bio tells you which dimension the character is on (in the URL).



  7. #7

    Some people post what dimension they are on in their siggy blocks....
    -Finalizer Vixentrox-
    Former President and Founder,
    -Whisper's Edge-
    Former Member of the Atlantean CoT Clerical Staff

    Socializer 73% Killer 53% Explorer 53% Achiever 20%

    Kissysuzuki -
    WTB small enough brain and lack of imagination to be able to sit and solo hecklers for 5 days straight.

  8. #8


    Somebody really ought to sticky this. It's rather good advice.

  9. #9
    Bets, this needs to be on OZ, can you post a copy there, or at least give me permission to crosspost?

    I particularly like the paragraph regarding playing an 'evil' character. So often people attempt this but it amounts to them looking silly and being /ignored. Effecive evilness requires a backstory, like everything else, and it also requires some logic and consequences to make it believeable.

    Most of this post applies to both OOC and IC online friendships; And is applicable for anyone wanting to fight the lonely-boringness-of-solo-Rubi-Ka. But the last paragraph is specific to IC relationships. While I don't discount the joys of RP, and the benefits of staying IC, the topic is about how to make friends. I would like to mention that this does not require RP. Maybe people want simply to reach into the Rubi-Ka mythos and establish friendships with the players and well as the in game characters. This isn't something to dismiss. Its a real need of many. While it doesn't require a strict IC, RP style, It does require the other elements of Betsji's fabulous guide .


  10. #10
    Originally posted by Blix
    Effecive evilness requires a backstory, like everything else, and it also requires some logic and consequences to make it believeable.
    Too true...Too true...Because of the high cholesterol content in clanner meat, I have had to cut down to one a day.

    Fortunately, neutrals are a bit more lean and I can maintain the menu I have become accustom to.
    Bliqz, Agent, Omni, Atlantean, "Iron Chef of Rubi-Ka"
    God is a bullet.

    ((The IC only RP forum is back. Bliqz is an Omni Extremist, and his posts IN THAT FORUM reflect that attitude. I can be reached by PM if you feel I have personaly offended you, and I will be happy to change/temper my post. Thank you, and have fun!))

  11. #11
    Sounds like very good advice. I'm one of the lonely ones on RK2. I don't bemoan my fate though. I've rather enjoyed eighteen months of soloing and not getting very far (my highest character is a level 72 NT). I would like to join a Clan (all my characters are Clanners) but its a bit like waiting for the right partner - can take a long time for the right one to come along .

    My other problem is I'm in the UK and haven't found any UK based orgs on RK2 so far. Please correct me if I'm wrong. I'm not sure a European Org outside the UK would be any good for me after seeing how we got Nil points in Eurovision at the weekend (I know the song was horrendous but a little sympathy would have at least stroked our national ego ). And the US wouldn't be much better due to the time difference.

    In the meantime I will carry on along my lonely path. One day I may find a soul mate

  12. #12
    Originally posted by Wurzel
    Sounds like very good advice. I'm one of the lonely ones on RK2. I don't bemoan my fate though. I've rather enjoyed eighteen months of soloing and not getting very far (my highest character is a level 72 NT). I would like to join a Clan (all my characters are Clanners) but its a bit like waiting for the right partner - can take a long time for the right one to come along .
    Hey man, being the lone wolf isn't all THAT bad. I been soloing for my whole time here on Rimor and it's been a blast! It's only been a couple months and (I don't play every day mind you) in a month and a half, I've almost reached level 50 unassisted. Yeah sure I could probably have done it in half that time if I had whored myself out to some clan or another, but what's the fun in that? I'm too independant and cranky to deal with being beholden to a big group of people, even if it does mean uber lewtz and free cash and stuff.

    But Betji's advice is still useful, even to an antisocial reprobate like me. I like to talk to people and interact from time to time when I blow in on an ill wind from the deserts of Newland. I even found a person I decided wasn't completely repellant (yes, I know it's amazing since anyone who knows me knows that I'm an equal-opportunity-despiser of the wooleyheaded masses) and found her advice infinitely useful in cementing a loose kind of friendship with him.

    fur and feathers are so much better!
    Adventuress of the vasty Rimor-Ka deserts

  13. #13

    wonderful work

    I would say this is a wonder work of advise. I also think that we need to remember that no matter what someone's "side" affiliation is, that unto itself doesn't make them a bad person. I have developed relationships with people on Rubika (1) who are clan or omni, because I gave them a chance as a person and not the choice they made.
    I know that should sound obvious, but.. well... I hate to be asked why I am associating with someone who is my "enemy" when I know more about that person than that.

    Originally posted by Bliqz
    Too true...Too true...Because of the high cholesterol content in clanner meat, I have had to cut down to one a day.

    Fortunately, neutrals are a bit more lean and I can maintain the menu I have become accustom to.
    ./me hides

  14. #14
    I am going to mention something that may have been made pretty obvious but, one of the best ways is to join an org. There's a sticky ( )
    of the role play organizations there are on Rubi-Ka. A lot of them have the same name of the org, but you could check out this list and find more info about it, then find some one from it if you really want to join!

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