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Thread: Tir under attack within 24 hours

  1. #1

    Tir under attack within 24 hours

    During my patrol through Tir today i came across a adventurer named Darryll "Quickstart" Musashi. He told me that his daughter was kidnapped by a person called Midia. And that Midia will attack to take siege of Tir tomorrow.

    I have been involved in a previous conflict with several forces sent by Midia attacking Old Athen. Now i call to fellow clanners to be ready to defend Tir tomorrow

    I am also very interested in knowing more about this person so if anyone has more information about Midia please share it here.

    ((ooc) i noticed that lately ARK has been holding more and more events lately and want to let everyone know that RP isnt dead yet. So if you have witnessed a event please share your experience. btw this is all in Rimor.)
    Kayl - Adventurer
    Niomay - Shade
    Barenn - Soldier <--- retired due to being extremely gimpy

    8Proud members of Tiger Claw7

  2. #2
    No one has information about this?
    Kayl - Adventurer
    Niomay - Shade
    Barenn - Soldier <--- retired due to being extremely gimpy

    8Proud members of Tiger Claw7

  3. #3
    [I'd love to help out, but I'm on Atlantean, so I haven't seen the events occurring on Rimor :/]

  4. #4
    I didnt get to help out on the Tir attack, but I heard there were lots of Medusas everywhere.

    Does anyone have any information on this Midia character?
    Everything I have heard is sketchy.. I cannot even establish if she is clan, neutral or omni
    Black "Taoh" Lotus
    Director of Komodo

    ~Wallaby~ General of Komodites

    Slipster1012: You should level
    Taoh: It has taken me nearly 5 years to reach level 200, don't rush me!

  5. #5
    Interesting....I've been getting some reports that ((ok on Atlanteen)) that Omni-AF attacked for an as yet unknown reason a mine ((not tower from all storys)) outside of Tir and in the process killed over 50 Atrox mine workers at some time in the last few days. As said, haven't found anyone yet who witnessed it but a mix of various rumours. If anyone witnessed this masacre or has any information it would be greatly far my usual sources are kinda empty on this but its beleived from other sources this was probably just the opening salvo to something much bigger coming from AF and Pol directed towards Tir, Newland and Borealis if the reports are correct.
    Major "Nyadach" Prabel
    Neutral and proud of it!

  6. #6
    Valentia "Midia" Tepeshz should be considered highly power hungry and bitch to some degree. Was involved in some events some time back, but my memory about it is quite blurry.

    A few weeks ago, Gary "Dinnide" Eberling, went hunting for Emmi "Ebonyfox" Farrel, for "questioning". In our failed attempt to hide Fox, Dinnide configured her ncu with explosives, and demanded us to back away, so we did.. Last we saw of her she was sent off to a dropship and flew off into the horizon of Wartorn Valley.

    Yesterday, all hell broke lose, a horde of powerfull Medusas attacked Tir Westgate, Clansmen and women managed to fight them off, barely. Once things settled down, Midia and Dinnide demanded to speak with a clanswoman, and told her to bring 5 others of her choice for a "private conversation". Thenagain, through clan "skilled" organisation of their soldiers and others, Happy Rebel, the meeting place, was of course packed. We all assumed Midia was under the Medusa attacks, as she had done just some time ago, but to our suprise, she asked who of us had taken control of her Medusas. After a bit of back and forth, she demanded a ransom for Ebonyfox: Quickstart, or the remains of the Intercessor, a man who was mutilated and made to something resembling a cyborg, made to kill Quickstart a while back.

    The Intercessor was back then hacked, and turned as close to human again as we could, he was learning his human ways again, untill Omni-Med managed to take him in, and destroyed him. In our rescue/sabotage attempts, a few induviduals managed to save the remains and are now probably still holding them.

    Anything else? *grins*

  7. #7
    One word...."serum"....don't suppose u know anything about it?
    Major "Nyadach" Prabel
    Neutral and proud of it!

  8. #8

  9. #9
    Back story on Lane Summers AKA "Intercesstor"

    The Intercessor arrived on rimor some months ago because of a downed transport pod along with 3 investors from an off world research company. The Intercessor was said to be a dangerous assassin that was the result of some highly advanced cyborg technology. The Investors informed us that the transport pod had been on its way to back to their main research lab where the Intercessor was scheduled to be terminated due to a flaw in its design when it was sabotaged and crashed landed in rimor. Fearing that the escaped Intercessor would hunt them down and kill them, the investors took refuge amongst the people of Rimor two in the hands of clan and one in the care of omni. The investors were also said to hold a pass code that would allow one control of the cyborg, this lead to greed and deception amongst the Clan and Omni and objective soon became which side could gain control of this weapon first. The 3 investors were eventually killed off by the people of Rimor and the final pass code to take control of the Intercessor was swiped by Ebonyfox and sold to the clans. Upon accessing the Intercessor’s mainframe the clans learned that the subject used to create the Intercessor was a young boy at the age of 21 named Lane Summers who was taken against his will and reprogrammed into a killing machine. The clans also learned that the "flaw" that had prompted The Intercessor to be scheduled for termination, was that in some cases of the Intercessor model the cyborg would regain partial memory of their lives before being programmed which was the case with the Intercessor as he was beginning to remember parts of his past. The clans decided to give Intercessor control over himself and an opportunity to regain his life back here on rimor. He changed his name to lane summers as a symbol of his new freedom. Many of the clans supported this decision and offered Lane refuge and tried to help him assimilate into our culture. However Lane was still not safe, because of ignorance, fear, and greed Omni-Tek and some amongst the clan still sought to see his death. Those that supported Lane tried to protect him the best they could but lane was eventually killed and his remains taken.

    (At this point I missed a few events and i'm a little fuzzy on as to the details of who he was killed by and what happened to the parts after that, I think they were shuffled around a bit and the parts eventually ended up in the hands of Quickstart. Maybe someone with more details on what happened after he was killed could fill in the gaps ^^)

    Midia has a history in cyborg research, I have no doubts that she seeks to obtain the Intercessor's remains in order to utilize its sophisticated technology. This technology, if in the wrong hands, could pose a serious threat to the clans and should be kept from her at all costs.
    Last edited by Tinkertrish; May 26th, 2003 at 18:34:27.
    Originally posted by Runar Thor
    Having a launch like AO had was like being violently spanked for 2 years straight and we swear by the great, soft pillow in the sky to take every precaution possible to ensure the future safety of our botties

  10. #10

    TBC roleplaying stance

    sry, wrong thread. edited.
    Last edited by Synthx J00r; May 30th, 2003 at 23:24:04.
    Annmarie 'Synthx' Joor
    Shimmergloom- Jewel of the Dark

  11. #11
    Uhm..Might just be me, but do you have the wrong post or something?

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