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Thread: *tinkering away in his workshop*

  1. #1

    *tinkering away in his workshop*

    Arrgh... I can't get this to work...

    Okay, so maybe only a Metaphysicist can make crystals like these. I wonder if hiring one will help so I can get this nanocrystal to function...

    *looks over the papers on his desk at all the formulas and designs while trying to figure out what he's doing wrong*

    Hmm.... if I can get this crystal to work, no Metaphysicist will ever be lonely again since this crystal is supposed to materialize their feelings of desire (or lust) into a physical form.

    *moves to just grab the papers and crumple them, but then steps back*

    Well, time to get to my communicator to see if I can hire a Metaphysicist to get this thing to work...
    Former EQ Cleric lvl 26, no relation to Bugs Bunny
    90 337 $0|\/|3 l337: It's not just for dinner anymore

  2. #2
    (Meanwhile near the Free Trade of Tir)

    Garold: "Hey Sam, could you please refresh my TS and MC mochams?"

    Sam: "Hold on one moment." *waves arms wildly for 5 seconds*
    Sam: "That will be 500 thousand credits please."

    Garold: "..."
    Just because I have a metalic jaw, doesn't mean I've ever been in a 007 movie.

  3. #3

    MP's tradeskills other than nanoprogramming suck. You need a trader or engi plS!
    Nanomage: The OTHER other white meat

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