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Thread: Missing Wife! Looking for Luma

  1. #1

    Missing Wife! Looking for Luma

    Rocherd types on his communicator

    Well, Luma has been missing for a few months. If you find her please tell her Rocherd misses her. Thank You.

    Roched uploads it to The Buzz and then cries
    Characters on Atlantean
    Main Character: Ardoyt Former Rubi-Ka Citizen and Former Omni-Admin Employee
    Characters on Rimor
    Anarchy Online Related Stuff
    Former AO Stratics News and "The Community Says" Reporter
    The Death of Ardoyt

  2. #2
    A few MONTHS?

    My god man! You can report someone as a missing person after 48 hours!!
    Katelin "Missmaul" Locknane -Sloooowly climbing her way out of the dank pits of gimpness. But stil crazy. Ya know...just in case you cared.

  3. #3
    I know but I though she was on vacation. I'm hoping she didn't quit AO, was only on trial or stopped playing the luma character and is playing an alt. Her lvl hasn't changed either.
    Characters on Atlantean
    Main Character: Ardoyt Former Rubi-Ka Citizen and Former Omni-Admin Employee
    Characters on Rimor
    Anarchy Online Related Stuff
    Former AO Stratics News and "The Community Says" Reporter
    The Death of Ardoyt

  4. #4
    Have you checked with members of the guild you two shared? Stupid question, but might help if you haven't.

  5. #5
    The guild died. The members never come on so I changed guilds.
    Characters on Atlantean
    Main Character: Ardoyt Former Rubi-Ka Citizen and Former Omni-Admin Employee
    Characters on Rimor
    Anarchy Online Related Stuff
    Former AO Stratics News and "The Community Says" Reporter
    The Death of Ardoyt

  6. #6
    It seems the only possibility is "she quit". its sad, but many real life stuff do come in and leave ppl sometimes quit without having a chance to say goodbye, i lost 2 close friends like that
    Ps. Always remember this is afterall still a game, not real life, dont let it get to u too much.

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