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Thread: Omni-Clan collusion!

  1. #1

    Omni-Clan collusion!

    Traipsing across the countryside in Upper Stret West Bank today, I was startled when a powerful General of RK-Mafia, Poisoned, suddenly appeared running beside me.

    "You wouldn't happen to have seen any troublemakers out here have you?" he said with a mischeivious wink that said maybe you want to start some... trouble... with me or I know you're with them, and you'll will be targeting practice should you continue in your folly...

    "Trouble?" I shruged. "Omni's bothering clanners here?" Just then, a streak of armor appeared over the hill. I've seen Rookie OT Agents before, but this one seemed smarter than the others, certainly well-trained as it carried a weapon twice the size of its opifex body.

    Sensing the presence, and to my surprise, recognizing the specialist, Poisoned seemingly ordered the agent to be gone. "Snipe...." My optical circuits zomed in to ident the figure. Snipefix, agent, rank 35, of the Germz faction. curious, an Omni, who would certainly have been attacked by even moderate Clanners....

    Unnerved, I smiled, "Just a little lost while sightseeing... Borealis is to the west?" Poisoned noded with a smirk. I waved farewell, and continued west, playing along with my own ruse.

    I hacked myself out of the world database (went anonymous), unfurled my portable Yalmaha, and surveilled the area cautiously. From just beneath the clouds, I witnessed several powerful clanners zipping about, but always coming back to a pair of notum mining towers and several armed people, all with OMNI idents!

    The smoking gun: the militant wing of my notorious Nanomage Liberation Front has attacked several mining facilities of late. And unbeknowst to me, a squad of six from NLF's Assault Force was taking action against the Germz facilities as I floated overhead. They hid behind a rock foromation by a waterfall, preparing for battle. But before I could warn my compatriots, an enforcer blitzed their position. Within seconds, Germz and RK-Mafiosi converged on them, and ganked them all.

    I burned quietly within the safety of this flying alloy, and rushed to the nearest insurance reclaim to help heal the wounds of this travesty.

    As one of them recovered on a makeshift bed of grass, they pronounced a chilling truth: "The coffin of greed bind together, without discrimination, all who sell their integrity."
    Last edited by Vashtiklorna; Mar 26th, 2003 at 11:05:11.
    Vashti Vashtiklorna Toussand,
    Nanomage Liberation Front.
    "Until all are free!"

  2. #2
    When I first read this note on collusion, I was in shock. But then I thought about it some more.

    How exactly is it collusion? Now its understandibly collusion when say an Omni & Clan guild attack another Clan or Omni guild. Because in the war on Rubi-Ka, Omni & Clan are supposed to be against each other. Having one side help the other to attack a group of Omnis or Clans would be treasonous for one of the two attacking orgs. A hypothetical example would be Unity of the Rose assisting First Order to destroy Whisper's Edge territory, with First Order gaining the land. In that scenario, UotR would be considered traitors to the clans, especially Whisper's Edge. ((OOC: those were the first 3 guilds that popped to my head, no offense or implication intended))

    However, in the "One True War" scenario, its the planet vs. the notum miners, is it not? The planet "faction" has a name, called the BORPACT Alliance. The notum miners faction, is presumably, everyone who IS NOT part of the BORPACT Alliance.

    Since this the case, it is completely acceptable for an Omni & Clan faction to engage a BORPACT faction.

    Is it fair? Probably not. But since when was WAR fair?

    While I do agree with the BORPACT and support it, I also support the clans in their struggle against Omni-Tek. These are two completely seperate issues. Lets please try and keep them seperate..

    Thank you!


  3. #3

    Re: Omni-Clan collusion!

    Originally posted by Vashtiklorna
    "The coffin of greed bind together, without discrimination, all who sell their integrity."
    ((Your quote, or from a source? I only ask as I may use it in a sig, and wenat to credit the author))
    Bliqz, Agent, Omni, Atlantean, "Iron Chef of Rubi-Ka"
    God is a bullet.

    ((The IC only RP forum is back. Bliqz is an Omni Extremist, and his posts IN THAT FORUM reflect that attitude. I can be reached by PM if you feel I have personaly offended you, and I will be happy to change/temper my post. Thank you, and have fun!))

  4. #4
    When a common threat to the future of Rubi Ka presented itself in the past (id est Sol Banking), OmniTek and the Clans banded together to stop what would lead to a destabilisation of the planet at least. This is no different. The BORPACT represents a threat to the future of Rubi Ka if it continues trying to stop all notum mining. The galaxy will have its notum, whether through OmniTek, the Clans, or by militarily seizing the supply. "Right" and "wrong" will have no bearing. Addictions, such as the galaxy's addiction to notum, tend to blur what is right and what is wrong, two concepts which are abstract and subject to opinion even without addictions to blur them further. While I don't think I will defend any OmniTek mining facility that comes under attack from the BORPACT, there are some I would consider assisting. And if the BORPACT ever took action against a neutral mine I would defend it, no questions asked. The same goes for clan towers of course. If the BORPACT achieves its goal of stopping the exportation of notum, it will only last until the ICC or a coalition of companies with the ICC's approval invades to protect the notum supply (read: not very long). Then the notum would be mined faster and the BORPACT's supposed goals of notum preservation would be defeated as a result of their own actions. Their relatively shorter term goals to forcibly halt notum exportation are contradictory to their longer term goals. Then agian, logic doesn't seem to be part of the BORPACT game plan.
    Bliqz: "anything Uwen says is a vicious and ugly lie"

  5. #5

    Re: Re: Omni-Clan collusion!

    Originally posted by Bliqz

    ((Your quote, or from a source? I only ask as I may use it in a sig, and wenat to credit the author))
    Yes, I made that statement. /me blushes profusely I believe it was a fellow by the name of "Geesus" who said "Greed has no walls." but after some thought, it power as a statement diminishes after "Love (also) has no walls." so *shrugs. (I think mine's tighter analytically, albiet more complex!)
    Vashti Vashtiklorna Toussand,
    Nanomage Liberation Front.
    "Until all are free!"

  6. #6
    Originally posted by Tifanyx
    However, in the "One True War" scenario, its the planet vs. the notum miners, is it not? The planet "faction" has a name, called the BORPACT Alliance. The notum miners faction, is presumably, everyone who IS NOT part of the BORPACT Alliance.

    Since this the case, it is completely acceptable for an Omni & Clan faction to engage a BORPACT faction.
    Thanks for your clarity about this issue Tif. Indeed, collusion must be seen in context. I suppose I continue to be affected by pre-BORPACT political climate.

    /me takes an intelligence stim
    Vashti Vashtiklorna Toussand,
    Nanomage Liberation Front.
    "Until all are free!"

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