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Thread: Attn Omni Tek Landlubbers

  1. #21
    <smacks everyone with a belaying pin>

    Avast the mutiny of this thread yarr! This be fer the press gangs of Ye Olde Scurvy Mates. Helmsman, set course as directed, not on the scuttlebut.

    By my fists you shall be exalted.

  2. #22

    ...are alts allowed? o.O))
    Katelin "Missmaul" Locknane -Sloooowly climbing her way out of the dank pits of gimpness. But stil crazy. Ya know...just in case you cared.

  3. #23
    So the other day I was talking to this real gullible Fixer. I wont mention his name. Just call him PirateFixer1. And this was part of our dialogue.

    Fixerben:You know, I think we should be pirates.
    PirateFixer1: What? I dont know anything about being a pirate.
    Fixerben: I will teach you then.
    PirateFixer1: Alright.
    Fixerben: First thing you have to know, is to know about your ship.
    PirateFixer1: Ok, Where does the Captain normally stand?
    Fixerben: The Captain normally stands on the Poop.
    PirateFixer1: The poop?
    Fixerben: Yes, the Poop.
    PirateFixer1: Why am I standing in the poop, shouldnt someone clean it up?
    Fixerben: No the Poop is where the Captain stands to steer the boat.
    PirateFixer1: hmm...Okay...So where does the Poop come from?
    Fixerben: Its part of the ship,
    PirateFixer1: So this is where I use the bathroom then?
    Fixerben: No, you go to the bathroom in your Head.
    PirateFixer1:My what?
    Fixerben: Your head.
    PirateFixer1: Do all the men on the ship have a head?
    Fixerben: No, Just you.
    PirateFixer1:Well that explains the poop, so this must be where my men go then?
    Fixerben: No, they go over the side.
    PirateFixer1: Well obviously if they dont have a head.
    Fixerben looks puzzled but continues to talk.
    Fixerben: So now let me tell you about the Mast.
    PirateFixer1: Ah yes, the mast, where is that.
    Fixerben: It sticks out of the Poop.
    PirateFixer1: Now why..
    Fixerben: Dont interrupt. The mast sticks out of the Poop, and you stand here with your Coxswain.
    PirateFixer1:My whats swaying?
    Fixerben: You Coxswain, you know...the Boatswain ...the Coxswain.
    PirateFixer1: Well I hope my Cocks swaying if the Boats swaying.
    Fixerben shakes his head...
    PirateFixer1: Now wait wait wait.
    Fixerben: What?

    ***PUNCH LINE***

    PirateFixer1: So your telling me that the mast sticks out of the poop that I am standing in, while the Boatswain and my Coxswain. I have to go in my head. And my men go over the sides because they dont have a head.
    Fixerben: Yes.

    Fixerben takes a bow,

    Athank you
    Last edited by Fixerben; Feb 13th, 2003 at 21:20:40.

    Benjamin "Fixerben" Bacarella - L212 AL10
    Haywood "Brawlking" Jablomy - L220 AL21

  4. #24
    [lubberspeak ON]
    Certainly alts are allowed!. As I perceive it, our priorities are Style (always a key element in Cyberpunk, or else mirrorshades and Miir suits would never be seen), Fun (c'mon, pirates are fun!), and gameplay (everything else, including but not limited to extending OT influence over Rubi Ka).

    That being said come one come all!

    Ben: GREAT post about the confusion regarding maritime terminology. Try teaching people how to pronounce words "properly" sometime, like Forecastle (foc's'le), Coxswain (coxin), or Boatswain (Bosun) sometime

    By my fists you shall be exalted.

  5. #25
    LOL now that is some funny stuff...
    Graduate of the Elite Academy

    Viray's Yalm Cleaning Services

    Viray's Taxi Co.

    The moral highground was levelled the very day the first player landed in a backyard, saw a cute leet and said "I wonder what it drops?"

    - Savoy

  6. #26
    added a little more about the Coxswain and the Boatswain.

    Benjamin "Fixerben" Bacarella - L212 AL10
    Haywood "Brawlking" Jablomy - L220 AL21

  7. #27
    ((OMG this is such a great idea!!! I think I would about die laughing if I saw this, but I absolutely love it! I agree though....should've gone neut.....then terrorize the high dunes!!! Yarrr!!!))

    Kyrstina heads off to her local bar muttering "Yarrrr..." and "Avast ye swabs...." and "Bring me ale, wench".....
    Janeen "Kyrstina" Gabriel - Level 127 Adventurer - Squad Commander, Whisper's Edge
    Check out my armor set I'm working to have one day.....and I'm pretty darn close now (or better) ^_^

  8. #28



    pirates. with lasers.
    Are you having an argument on the internet, again?

    Gene13 - on a space odyssey since 2001
    XXX - N

    Some day your ship will come in, but you will be at the airport.

  9. #29

    Aaaaaaw .. ;p


    Foul Ole Ron jaywalks in with a limp and glares at the others while drooling intimidatingly ..

    Aye, I've always wanted to be a pirate!
    Too bad you're corporate pirates and not rebels like you should be .. ;p

    Admit it!
    A pirate guild should be clan, not omni ..


  10. #30
    A pirate guild perhaps, but these ae privateers! With a shiny Letter of Marque and everything!
    Bliqz: "anything Uwen says is a vicious and ugly lie"

  11. #31

    That be" Corporate Raiders" at yer service to assist in yer "Rightsizing" needs and revenue management, cuz "Omni-Tek be yer Mateys". We be not yer enemies, we be yer friends!

    When ye see the black flag with the Chrome Skull n' Crossbones (TM) approachin, ask yerself if ye have been operatin efficiently. There be always room in the crew fer an able bodied swabbie. In this economy, we are one of the few crews who can actually afford to expand, due to our unique budgetary allocation system. Yarrrr!
    By my fists you shall be exalted.

  12. #32
    Nealandbob Headbasher Burninsword-RK1
    Deathfyst Tonofbricks -RK2
    Tonofbricks Nealandbob -RK Test embracing my inner Brat
    Finally back from Iraq
    Enforcers ONLY vote here!
    WoW-Pahani, Skywall/Horde and Barthilas/Horde
    "A good Enforcer dies a lot"-Deng
    "FC didn't create Enforcers, Deng did" -Tza

  13. #33
    Yarrr! there be a shellback here!

    I got me shellback 2 years before me golden dragon yarrrr!
    By my fists you shall be exalted.

  14. #34


    i'm also a member of Ye Olde Scruvy Mates. If you ar interested in joining our ever growing ranks, send me a tell ingame
    let darkness be the light

  15. #35

    This is simply the best idea for any ogranization i've ever heard of. Rumguzzler, you have my full respect. I love this idea. Bringing the old age mytho's of the pirates into the future, it could make for great fun. I wish you all the best in this. Very very cool concept.
    Alex Neboja Graveheart

    Assault Corps, cpl of Omni-Pol


    Angelus IceKing Anasazi

    "I'm an Enforcer, my motto is simple. Hit, stick, bust d***...and talk ****, and what? Talk ****, and what? Talk ****!"

  16. #36
    YArrr, it be not me idea, I am jest the mate who posted the word here
    By my fists you shall be exalted.

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