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Thread: Decalssified Report: Clan threat to the Clans.

  1. #1

    Decalssified Report: Clan threat to the Clans.

    Viray opened his information screen on his comm and began to read...

    Clan threat aginst the Clans
    Report Author: -Classified-
    Date: Feb. 10th, 29477

    --Begin Report--

    Elite Operations intelligence has become aware that there is a group/groups of people amongst the Clans that may try to thwart the plans for removal of the Sentinels.

    We were contacted by individuals seeking information and assistance of a combat nature, all offers were refused.

    No Clan Org. was apparent from the individual that contacted us, however he was definitely clanned aligned. He also seem to be hiding his employer and purpose for any information gathered.

    Shortly after our refusal the individual disappeared amongst Borealis, it is our belief he is either of planet or hiding deep within Clan territory.

    Elite Operations has declassified this information in hopes that those working towards removal of the Sentinels are fore warned and appropriately prepared.

    -- End Report --
    "Why would anyone want to help keep the Sentinels in Tir?"

    Viray began gathering a list of names he could think of that had supported removal of the Sentinels... he would need to contact them all in person using the grid stream could definitely cause a security risk.

    FixerBen's words echoed in his head... "Peace at all costs."
    Graduate of the Elite Academy

    Viray's Yalm Cleaning Services

    Viray's Taxi Co.

    The moral highground was levelled the very day the first player landed in a backyard, saw a cute leet and said "I wonder what it drops?"

    - Savoy

  2. #2

    Re: Decalssified Report: Clan threat to the Clans.

    Originally posted by Viray
    FixerBen's words echoed in his head... "Peace at all costs." [/B]
    As much as I respect Fixerben and support his goals, this is a, pardon the brusqeness, moronic statement. "Peace at all costs" indeed.

    On a tattered and ancient piece of "paper" in my pocket I carry this bit of wisdom from the ancient past:

    "Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take;
    but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!"
    ::: Ayken Barlau :::
    Director of The Concillium

  3. #3

    Re: Decalssified Report: Clan threat to the Clans.

    Originally posted by Viray

    "Why would anyone want to help keep the Sentinels in Tir?"
    Some clanners still wish all nuetrals dead, some omni's to.
    General of Apocaylpse

    --The Council of Atroxes--
    Power to the Atrox!

  4. #4

    Re: Re: Decalssified Report: Clan threat to the Clans.

    Originally posted by Nack Barlau

    As much as I respect Fixerben and support his goals, this is a, pardon the brusqeness, moronic statement. "Peace at all costs" indeed.

    On a tattered and ancient piece of "paper" in my pocket I carry this bit of wisdom from the ancient past:

    "Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take;
    but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!"
    Nack that is exactly what I meant by "Peace at all costs." If I must die for Liberty then so be it. I think you misunderstood.

    Benjamin "Fixerben" Bacarella - L212 AL10
    Haywood "Brawlking" Jablomy - L220 AL21

  5. #5

    Re: Re: Re: Decalssified Report: Clan threat to the Clans.

    Originally posted by Fixerben

    Nack that is exactly what I meant by "Peace at all costs." If I must die for Liberty then so be it. I think you misunderstood.
    Ah, "Liberty at all costs" is a sentiment I can wholeheartedly support. Unfortunately I have heard too many "peace at all costs" statements in my life and those costs are often chains.

    Still with ya Fixerben.
    ::: Ayken Barlau :::
    Director of The Concillium

  6. #6
    Why would I trade the Chains of a man on the other side of the planet, for the Chains of a man on the other side of the city?

    Benjamin "Fixerben" Bacarella - L212 AL10
    Haywood "Brawlking" Jablomy - L220 AL21

  7. #7
    As she sat leaning against the wall across from the exit of her apartment, Emiliy tossed her floatie torch at the door, catching it as it bounced back to her. The reverberating sound echoed throughout, and had been for over four hours, broken only by an occasional mutter of frustration at the fact her door was still locked.

    Suddenly, three high-pitched beeps erupted in the next room, and Emiliy stood and proceeded to her grid terminal. Her eyes flared alive with urgency as she scanned the Elite Operations intelligence report.

    Criticism had been fired at Simon Silverstone and the Sentinels for their actions in reclaiming Tir from the ICC since the day it happened. Most clans were outraged at the manner in which they slaughtered neutral citizens, and spoke ferociously in their condemnation of these actions. Nelida. Vixentrox. Benjacrat. Daimoness. Fixerben. Uwen. Malcom...

    Yet the Sentinels had done nothing. They had simply taken the outrage with an arrogant ignorance, and Fisk himself had openly supported the actions in TAG. Emiliy knew, from the moment Mr. Wilson had approached her and from the instant the deal had been agreed, that it would not remain hidden from them for long. The Sentinels had ignored popular dissent among the clans, but now that such dissent had translated into action - action that would serve to see them removed - the beasts within were angering. Perhaps even to the point of taking action.

    Emiliy sat upright in her chair and steeled with resolve. The Sentinels had certainly done justice by removing the ICC from Tir and giving it back to the clans, and for that she could actually praise them. But they had crossed that very fine line between being saviours and murderers. The emotion that guided Silverstone and Fisk, and others like them, would not be quelled by anything done violently to remove them, merely infuriated further. Infuriating this cornered beast would serves no one's purposes but Omni-Tek's, in this case...

    Another thought tossed into the wind, Emiliy returned to her perch in the hallway. As she resumed tossing and catching her floatie torch, one singular thought crossed her mind: Once that door opens, what's gonna be outside waiting?
    Emiliy Age
    Unit Leader, Foreign Relations
    Speak your heart, don't bite your tongue...

    Whisper's Edge | Gridmail | Engy's Workshop | Tir School of Engineering

    Bliqz on Shadowlands: "Gonna make it hard to decide who I can and cant eat."

  8. #8
    Originally posted by Fixerben
    Why would I trade the Chains of a man on the other side of the planet, for the Chains of a man on the other side of the city?
    Indeed, I still cannot understand why the people who support the Sentinels would have us all trade a 20 (the Board of Directors of OmniTek) dictators 1 million lightyears away (on OmniPrime) for 1 dictator 20 miles away (I live in West Athen).

    This is important information and I thank EO for sharing this. Whether this is warmongering OmniTek generals trying to keep a war going and their purpose fresh, or Sentinel supporting fools, they will not stop us in removing the Sentinels.

    Let us know if anything else develops Viray.
    Bliqz: "anything Uwen says is a vicious and ugly lie"

  9. #9
    First let me say that I do not in any way support the Sentinels, nor do I oppose them event though they kill neutrals like me on sight (thats not a unique sentiment on this world, nothing new to deal with). What I do oppose are blind assumptions, so I want to request some info.

    Could someone direct me to the info stating what the from of government the Sentinels want after ridding Rk of Omni-Tek, cause I cant seem to find it?

    While I have searched a bit, I cant seem to find anything that states that they wish to create a dictatorial government after liberating RK. Is it just ignorant assumption or is there really some document out there that states this? Is the idea that they want to rule themselves based on their actions or words?

    Is it simply because they didnt ask anyone before acting? If thats it then ask yourselves this: with no form of governemnt in place, how should they have gone about asking, and who should they have asked?

    The fact is that there is a war going on. The Sentinels are fighting a war as they think right, that is not the same as governing a city. The Sentinels command their forces, but do they command others? Are the Sentinels now ruling Tir, or are they just "protecting" it from non clanners? Have they made laws and enforced them in the clan population?

    It just doesnt seem to me like they are ruling at all or have any intrest in ruling. They seem more interested in fighting a war.

    Yes, the Sentinels draw very strick lines in the sand as far as their war effort goes, but that doesnt necissarily mean that they wish a permenent military government does it?

    If there is some sort of proof of thier intent, please direct me towards it and I'll apologize for my ignorance, but as of yet, I havent seen any.

  10. #10
    Originally posted by Akudama
    If there is some sort of proof of thier intent, please direct me towards it and I'll apologize for my ignorance, but as of yet, I havent seen any.
    Unfortunately, like many fledgling tyranical organizations, they have not openly given us a Declaration of Intent.

    What, you expect them to do so? "We, the leaders of the Sentinels, intend to grind you under our heel"?

    Not bloody likely, eh?

    The wholesale slaughter of unaligned folk in Tir speaks volumes of their intentions. And, I do believe, their boss spoke of genocide as a solution to the problems on Rubi-Ka as well, though that was a bit before my time.

    One thing the world doesn't need is another Silverstone apologist.
    ::: Ayken Barlau :::
    Director of The Concillium

  11. #11
    So in other words, No, there is no proof that the Sentinels want a dictatorship. All this blustering and claiming that they seek to rule is just conjecture? Ok, thanks.

    Wanting Genocide and killing Neutrals, while wrong, doesnt amount to seeking a dictatorial rule. I dont support them, but I just hate it when people ignorantly agrue and state things that arent true or unproven or are not pertinent.

    "They kill neutrals, so they must want to rule" just isnt a logical statement. The only real thing you can surmise from "They kill neutrals" is "They dont think neutrals belong in Tir". Their actions thus far have said implied nothing as to any goals for actual conquest and rule. Stating that they do something unrelated but wrong doesnt prove anything, its a moot point when talking about rule.

    The whole "trading tyrants" thing seems based on opinions rather than facts and as such holds no weight in an argument.

    Everyone seems to be arguing about the Sentinels and making broad statements, but no one can provide me any real info about their goals other than the obvious on of winning their war.

    Also, if they are such Tyrants, please show me how they rule the clanners. What laws they create and enforce amongst the clan community.

    As I said, I dont support them, I just hate poor logic especially when applied to a debate such as this.

    Wanting Genocide and murdering do not amount to the same thing as taking over Tir

  12. #12
    Originally posted by Akudama
    [B]So in other words, No, there is no proof that the Sentinels want a dictatorship. All this blustering and claiming that they seek to rule is just conjecture? Ok, thanks.
    Those might be YOUR other words, but not mine, thanks.

    Originally posted by Akudama

    Wanting Genocide and killing Neutrals, while wrong, doesnt amount to seeking a dictatorial rule. I dont support them, but I just hate it when people ignorantly agrue and state things that arent true or unproven or are not pertinent.
    Nice that you can see that genocide is wrong. Suprising a "neutral" is willing to make such a strong ethical judgement call, rather against y'alls nature eh?

    Originally posted by Akudama "They kill neutrals, so they must want to rule" just isnt a logical statement.
    You're right, it's not. Good thing no on here said it.

    Originally posted by Akudama The whole "trading tyrants" thing seems based on opinions rather than facts and as such holds no weight in an argument.

    As I said, I dont support them, I just hate poor logic especially when applied to a debate such as this.
    Heh, good thing we're not that interested in forming a debating society and discussing these fine matters over cups of tea in the parlor.

    Those who have the clarity of vision to see what is before their very eyes know exactly what is going on in the Clan territories with these criminal Sentinels. If you can't see it, well, you aren't the only one who's blind... some are even willingly blind.

    /me shrugs.

    Talk to Fixerben, he's been one of the leaders in the movement to eliminate the Sentinels from Tir and reduce their influence on Clan politics. Maybe he can point you to actual documentation of the Sentinels intentions. Assuming they filed those intentions in the proper forms that would satisfy you?
    ::: Ayken Barlau :::
    Director of The Concillium

  13. #13
    It is the work of a few people, the Sentinels are no more ALL clan members' responsibility any more than Loren's folks are Neutrals'...but we cannot use that as an excuse to not do anything about it, and both groups are working to resolve each issue...
    "Ignorance is the greatest evil we will ever face" . -Dr. James Cone, ca 1990 CE

    Available for Weddings, Mediations, Treaties, Celebrations, and Hugs...
    Neutrals come join #neutrality on! Everyone welcome.
    Counseling available by appointment-Priestess Cathryn Ardman
    Cat's Closet

    Favourite Chat Colours: 250 200 250, try it!
    I am an adventurer, of COURSE I like going camping! :P

  14. #14
    So, you'd rather form your opinion and try to prove a point with flawed logic and ignorance?

    quote me and make snide comments all you like, but your argument is based on poor logic, groundless accusations and ignorant assumptions.

    I never said that I was quoting you directly you will note, but rather rephraseing you, I hope you can gather the wit to see the difference. You said something to the effect that there was indeed no evidence that you knew of, but that their actions speak volumes, which essentiallyu means "You have no proof, but base the claims of a desire for rule on assumptions and opinions"

    I also believe that in essence you did

    I'm sure those with the inteligence to understand will see it thusly, even if you dont.

    Does having the "vision" mean not needing any proof and just assuming everything?

    Please show us that you have more in your repetoir than groundless snide remarks.

  15. #15
    July 05 29470

    Simon Silverstone, leader of the clan Sentinels, declares that the members of the Council of Truth are traitors to the clan cause, and cuts all political ties with the Council. The Sentinels are immediately joined by a large number of extremist clans.
    This was 7 years ago. The Sentinels laid their feelings out on the table that blind aggression was the way to handle Omni-Tek and the way for Clans to make peace.

    Today we have the Council of Truth disappear, and the Sentinels sweep in and take over Tir. The Sentinels are already huge Omni-Tek aggressors and now they have sighted Neutrals...

    An excerpt from High Commander Fisk in his interview with Tawanda Iacopino Madman or Idealist? on December 06, 29476 RST...
    "I have absolutely no tolerance for people who lack the guts to have an opinion, and stand by it. It’s cowardly, weak, and completely dishonourable. I loathe the neutral, even more so than the Omnis. At least they believe in something."

    I start to shake violently with Fisk's gaze fixed on me, his eyes filled with contempt as he releases one tirade after the other, spitting out words of disdain at everything I believe in. I’m frightened; I keep my eyes downcast and my hands visible.

    "Indifference is a dangerous cancer that has to be cut away as early as possible, without question, and without lack of resolve. How can you ever hope to trust someone with two coats on?"

    "I…," I try.

    "NOTHING will ever dissuade me. Neutrals should be wiped off the planet,"


    "No buts, if it were up to me, and I had the resources available, both Newland City and Borealis would be blown to thousands of pieces in order to eradicate this breeding ground for thoughtless indifferent drones they have created."
    Now this is a vailed threat imo and warrants pointing out that Fisk against any one not Clan... as their hate of Omni-Tek is already well stated...

    What government do they intend to put up? Well they have already placed Commander Fisk as current administrator of Tir.

    No votes. No speeches. Just blind agression and placement of a leader of their choosing. I would qualify that as a dictatorship and I don't see any making for change.

    These are all public documents and come either from Rubki-ka publications (( offical story )) or documented histories (( time-line ))...

    Thank you for your time.
    Graduate of the Elite Academy

    Viray's Yalm Cleaning Services

    Viray's Taxi Co.

    The moral highground was levelled the very day the first player landed in a backyard, saw a cute leet and said "I wonder what it drops?"

    - Savoy

  16. #16
    Thank you for the info Viray, I stand corrected it seems! I always like having something a bit more concrete than "I think" or "well he said so" before passing judgement on something, guess I am just a minority though. But then again I'm not a mindless clan or omni follower eating up propoganda but a free thinkning neutral!

  17. #17

    Ah, I see good Viray beat me to it.

    There are other resources available for you to educate yourself as to the true nature of these cretins, if you chose to avail yourself of them.
    ::: Ayken Barlau :::
    Director of The Concillium

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