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Thread: Has anyone thought about our universe?

  1. #1

    Has anyone thought about our universe?

    The big universe of worlds that we used to think only had a few worlds back in the age of Earth. Now there are many worlds claimed in other galaxies like EverQuest, DAoC, AC, E&B, Rubi-Ka, The Star Wars Galaxy, and many others. Each world is part of the universal system. Though Rubi-Ka is the best planet in the system!
    Characters on Atlantean
    Main Character: Ardoyt Former Rubi-Ka Citizen and Former Omni-Admin Employee
    Characters on Rimor
    Anarchy Online Related Stuff
    Former AO Stratics News and "The Community Says" Reporter
    The Death of Ardoyt

  2. #2
    A virtual traveler named Carl
    In too many worlds did ensnarl.
    It fractured his mind,
    Like spit pumpkin rind.
    Now words from his mouth come out gnarled.

  3. #3
    Last edited by Ognom; Feb 14th, 2003 at 05:28:30.

  4. #4
    Originally posted by Nelida
    A virtual traveler named Carl
    In too many worlds did ensnarl.
    It fractured his mind,
    Like spit pumpkin rind.
    Now words from his mouth come out gnarled.


    Excellent jest.
    Graduate of the Elite Academy

    Viray's Yalm Cleaning Services

    Viray's Taxi Co.

    The moral highground was levelled the very day the first player landed in a backyard, saw a cute leet and said "I wonder what it drops?"

    - Savoy

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