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Thread: a BIG thank you to the AO developers! ! !

  1. #1

    a BIG thank you to the AO developers! ! !

    the devs get a lot of flak from us in this game. but this time id like to give them a warm and hearty thanks for the remodelling of the Baboon's nightclub! ! ! ! as well as the glasses and hats. this really shows that you do care about us lil roleplayers and we havent been forgotten in the sea of pvp, class, balance/tweaks. though id love to see more hats/clothes/social wear, im so happy that they have been put in as this is the step in the right direction for those that enjoy roleplaying. the Bab's remodeling is my favorite improvement in ao in months! ! !

    so much love and thanks,


  2. #2
    developers thank u for fixing hostile takeover
    lankybill coughs another trader nerf
    Lanky Bill Nerf Engis

    ----Omni will rule you---
    ----Clanners, Be gone---

    Spank J-Lo Today!

    Proud advisor of Chimera

  3. #3
    Yes, the remodelling of Baboons is much appreciated.
    Dabblez - Rubi-Ka Universal Robots (RUR)
    We put the Art into Artificial Intelligence!

  4. #4
    They remodled it? please dont say theres a giant cardboard Lev leaning against the bar? *runs off to see the new look babs*.
    Major "Nyadach" Prabel
    Neutral and proud of it!

  5. #5
    Yes its quite excellent, they have reduced lag there by adding more doors.
    Peter Giscombe - Director of the Omni-Tek Corporate Security Coalition.

  6. #6
    Yes thanks Devs for making the game.
    Characters on Atlantean
    Main Character: Ardoyt Former Rubi-Ka Citizen and Former Omni-Admin Employee
    Characters on Rimor
    Anarchy Online Related Stuff
    Former AO Stratics News and "The Community Says" Reporter
    The Death of Ardoyt

  7. #7
    Thanks. I'll forward it to the devs. But this really isn't much about RP, is it?

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