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Thread: Neutral "Guards" to other Neutral Cities?

  1. #61
    Originally posted by Khamuk
    I support putting them in every neut city teach you clanners not to pick on the little folks
    IMO, If you hate clanners so much, have you considered a career with the Omni-Tek Corporation. Application forms are readily available in superior bookstores to help you get easily acquanted. They look after you well with better equipment, and provide you with a lifelong benefits. After all, they did provide you with transport to Rubi-Ka, insurance reclaim technology and their guards *mostly* still tolerate you - except for key military installations. ((ooc: you get nice loot, large guilds, 1K token boards, higher XP bonus and you dont mess up the tabbing!)).

    With little backing ((token boards, powerful guilds, loot)), you will be no match for the clans ((ooc: they wipe out whats left of your pitiful XP % bonus)).

  2. #62
    Originally posted by xTc

    IMO, If you hate clanners so much, have you considered a career with the Omni-Tek Corporation.
    Pigs will fly and satan will be skating to work...
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  3. #63

    Lightbulb This is what I find interesting


    Sorry for posting ooc, but I just had to say something that I found interesting. Correct me if I am wrong, but when the Sentinels took Tir FC gave the players no decision in that matter. With these new "Guards" coming into Newland, the neutrals had a say in that matter from FC. FC called it a RP event, but in my opinion what it really was was FC playing on the fact that neutral lands were being attacked by some on the biggest daycare orgs on RK-1 and FC saw it as a way to start the downfall of the neutral faction by offering this solution to matter. When FC put the Sentinels in Tir, they did not tell us that they would kill neutrals on sight. When they announced the "RP event" of these new neutral "guards" in Newland however they stated that clanners would be KOS to them. Now in my opinion that is just plain screwing a good portion of your population by not giving them a choice, but giving another portion of your server population a choice in the matter. I know that the Sentinels weren't the only cause of the neutrals getting upset at the clans, hence the posting about the daycare guilds (I say daycare because they tend to be big babies when something doesn't go their way and their members seem to have nothing better to do then play all day everyday.), but should an entire side be held responsible for something that totally autonomous orgs are doing? If you want to answer yes, then shouldn't the neutral side as a whole be held responsible for the actions being taken by the orgs that are hiring these merc guards? I think that no side as a whole should be accountible for the actions of a few rouge orgs that only want to be "uber" or that only care about "their xp bonus". These things were never theirs, they are given by the sheer grace of FC and can be taken away at FC's whim. If that happens what are you gonna do? Are you gonna cry and threaten to quit? Be real, and grow up. If you want to RP, then RP. If you wanna grief people take it on down the road.

  4. #64

    long of word short of reality

    The clans caused the downfall of the CoT, the CoA is purely player run! They ran out the CoA, nullified the Tir accords and got Sentinels as the cause. Further more- we dont blame or hate all clans, but even though the RP forums have supported us, see how quickly the former friendly clans turned on ALL neutrals because some of us support the new guards? A little hypocritty to me.
    That aside words dont really mean much to the non-RP clanners that ravage neutral towers daily. But the new guards will! If you RP clanners were really serious about helpin neutrals, instead of just payin lip service- this could have been avoided. Instead of sayin o man thats soo wrong- ill talk to the other clan leaders about it. Why not DO something about it, you could have censored the offenders by not helpin them vs neutrals or omnis. Make criminals fair game to all sides by not giving them ANY support- mark them as criminals, dont ally with them or team with them. Nothing. That would have been a nice gesture to say the least. You could have taken it further by helpin neutrals regain their land from the offenders, but i guess that would be asking to much from such enlightened folks- who knew what was goin on was wrong yet did nothing to stop it. Its like watchin a crime and not helping, or even callin the police. Just watching and then sayin o man that should not have happened.
    But its ok for neutrals to just get bullied, beaten and picked on and not get any help from clanners that could have helped. So now when we get a ray of light, a glimmer of hope, a frickin bone man, all hell breaks loose cause the RP clanners are upset and decide to join mind set with the thug clans against neuts.
    Well whats new? You say we shouldnt lump all clanners together but look now- you are all acting alike now.
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  5. #65

    Red face There is something.....


    Back in my EQ days they had a guild war feature when two guilds had a beef that they couldn't hash out any other way but to fight. It lasted for like 15-20 days or so, but in that time each and every person in the two opposing guilds were considered PvP versus each other no matter where they were on the planet of Norath. I wish FC could implement that feature into AO, but is probably too much work for them to do. If anyone thinks this feature would be a good idea in AO please voice your support. It would give us a good alternative to massive world altering events.

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