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Thread: I Prophesise

  1. #1

    I Prophesise

    ( Or however you spell it )

    Many people have thought the clanners are not the threat, or visa versa but another mysterious unkonw power or source.



    History Repeats does it not?
    This may happen again and I have a strong feeling, clanner and Omni-tek are going to have to learn to cooperate soon wether they like it or not.

    I feel them coming.
    Stronger.....I hear the voices.
    The day I stood on this planet, I felt them calling, warning me to leave.
    We dont belong here, I may be wrong and Omni--med may need to examine my head closely but, I sence a stronger being.

  2. #2
    I predicted this last June for purely financial reasons on FunCom's part. Another clue is the stated desire for players to be able to play monsters. I'll be glad as hell once we get through this Clan vs. Omni phase of the story and on to something constructive.

    Expansion pack, here we come.

  3. #3
    Someone has been reading the novel

    I've heard a number of people sounding clever saying there's more going on that there seems to be on the surface... they're not being amazingly insightful, they have just bought the book

  4. #4
    /OOC: the book plainly shows who the "entities" are that are behind the scene pulling the strings.

    While the book doesn't state so I would be shocked to find that strings are being pull amongs the clans as well as inside Omni Tek.

    The challenge is to look at an event and determine if the "entities" are behind it, or if other outside forces are resposable for it, or if it's just someone going solo.

    Here's my read:

    Neleb: Solo player, but posably given funding by outside party (not sure who).

    Cyborgs: Independent Player, but not sure who started them.

    Clone Lab: Most likely back by the "entities".

    Dust Brigade: Independent Players. Funded by rogue clans, and posably SOL Banking Corp.

    The Omega: "Entity" controled, but have been in hidding for centuries.

    Please feel free to disagree, but tell me your reasoning.
    General Blyzzard
    Division 9
    Strat Ops

  5. #5

    Sol Bank

    /OCC - In the videos, you sometimes miss stuff and need to review the script in PDF format. One thing all my guildmates missed in episode 3.

    "The Stranger" is in a heated argument with the person on the monitor. The "duster" is obviously interrupting him every few words so he cannot get much say in.. WE [the audience] do not hear what the "duster" is saying - only the stranger's replies.

    The stranger says that the duster cannot dictate terms to him, its a violation of the contract, after all, they need his company's funding.

    Then he says "huh, what was that about Sol Ba...."

    Obviously, you dont need more than one guess what the duster said. Sol Bank is alive and well and once again making it's presence felt on Rubi-Ka. But there is a spider web of connections between Omni, the Clans, the Dusters and Sol and right now it doesnt make alot of sense because the connections are not clear.
    Commander Portman and Eva are not working in the interest of their respective sides, this is clear. But are they both working for the so called "Dusters", or is all that just smoke and mirrors for Sol Bank or yet another player in the senario we have yet to see?
    Last edited by Avatarius; Feb 6th, 2002 at 23:05:50.

  6. #6
    /ooc: Hmmm... I had missed the referance to SOL Banking in the videos, I'll have to review them.
    General Blyzzard
    Division 9
    Strat Ops

  7. #7

    Script Snippet

    /OCC continued......

    To save you the trouble [since its a small reference, but crucial nevertheless], here is the part from the script "The Reversal".

    The corporation will never agree
    to those terms! Without access to
    our hardware and capital,
    That's a violation of our
    contract! Sol Ban--
    Door. A bolt SLAMS into place.
    The Stranger looks around, worried.
    Don't be stupid. This is

  8. #8
    OOC - I did not read the book :P

    But it looks like im going to be right but..
    Wasnt Sol Banking Destroyed....ah im wrong
    The last of Sol Banking Corporation's troops on Rubi-Ka are crushed in a coordinated strike by both Omni-Tek and clan forces

    "Troops" not company :P


    They are closer, they speak to me in my dreams, everynight, make it stop...why do they come to my head to die......Leave me alone..I cant take it..


  9. #9


    Go read the TAG Article about the "Leets are people too". It seems our least favoriate bank is mass producing Leet dolls for the galaxy.

  10. #10
    Heh, imagine if they had some special ingredient in the stuffing of them Leet dolls. Like C4 or something?

    That's a plot twist I could really appreciate.

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