I'm half convinced that the soldier health buffs Survivor's Resiliance, and Battlefield Endurance were forgotten during the last revamp out of beta. Let my show you why...

Titan Physique Ql 113
bio met-533
mat crea-515
*Health added-416
health delta -2
duration- 50 minutes

Survivors Resiliance Ql 139
bio met-656
mat crea-621
*Health added-361
health delta -3
duration- 1 hour

Battlefield Endurance Ql 152
bio met-730
mat crea-651
*Health added-403
health delta -3
duration- 1 hour

Now looking at those, doesn't it strike you as odd that the ql 113 nano is actually better then the last two high ql ones? The duration is a whole 10 minutes longer on them, and they have a higher health delta but those are meaningless gains (health delta 3 means that while sitting I will gain 23 hps every 10 seconds instead of my usual 20), the fact of the matter is that Survivors Resiliance gives a whole 55 less points of health then Titan Physique, and Battlefield Endurance gives 11 less. Do those nano's seem correct to you other players? Don't they seem unfinished, or left out, or forgotten somehow?

(I won't even get into the fact that while we're getting an extra 416 hp's at 533 bio met/515 mat crea an enforcer already has a 590 health buff that adds +20 str/stam and lasts an hour and a half, plus a thousand point heal (mongo) vs our 200-300 (-10x10) heal. That's a whole nother issue )