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Thread: Of Hawks and Doves

  1. #161
    BzzzBzzz!! BzzzBzzz!!! BzzzBzzz!!

    Aameul moans angrily into his pillow and rolls onto his back. He slaps at the buzzing comm on his nightstand, managing to cut it off just before it buzzes again. Rebekah stirs sleepily next to him. He smiles, glad he was able to cut off the comm before it buzzed again and truly woke her. Kissing her ear, he whispers "Go back to sleep, kitten" and slips his arm out from underneath her warm body. She falls back to sleep easily, far too used to him being disturbed in the night by his Advisor duties to their clan, Valor Eternal.

    "This had better be freaking good" he mutters and he swings his bare feet to the floor. On his way to the small kitchen, he glances at the message and sighs.

    Yo, turkey, wake your honky butt up and CALL ME!
    Even on his best behavior, Jivegenius wasn't exactly "reliable." A good friend from back in those dark days alone on the streets of Tir, but certainly not reliable. Not for the first time, Aameul wonders if it was really a good idea pulling some strings to get Jivegenius off the street into an office job, and setting him up with Valor Eternal.

    "If that clownboat hauled me out of bed for nothing, I'm going to grab him by that ratty afro and throw him across the room, and then I'll break that shifty little depressed robot of his into little pieces," Aameul growls softly as he settles down in a kitchen chair, calling Jivegenius with his comm.

    "What's up? I don't appreciate getting hauled out of bed in the middle of the night. You KNOW this is my time with Jhourney," Aameul says into the comm, voicing his displeasure.

    "Hey, man, I know dat! I'd never pull you out of bed wit your lady friend for small potatoes!" Jivegenius says from his end of the calm, pausing briefly to command his helper-droid to hit on one of the women walking past them on the hill in central Old Athen.

    "Well, what is it? I wanna get back to bed."

    "Maaan, you gotta let me finish! I was gettin there! Braedon was jiving on guild comm, begging for donations to the guild bank... apparently he's been schmoozing with some folks tonight and is trying to cut a deal that'll get those nasty Sents outta Tir!! But.... he need the Bling Bling, if ya know what I mean, my brotha, and you be the king of the bling bling right now."

    Aameul nearly drops his comm. "What the..? Are you 'jiving' with me or whatever? If you're messing with me I'll..." He sighs and sits back. Unreliable, yes... but not for something like this. "I suppose you AREN'T messing with me, eh Jive? How much."

    He can almost hear Jivegenius's grin through the comm. "Man, I KNEW you were the man to call! Braedon says the whole deal will cost some MAD funds... plus a few things money can't buy. There are plenty of other guilds ponying up... Whisper's Edge, Unity of the Rose, First Light, Vitae Covente, and the Mercury Dragons... Nelida and Fixerben were involved, too." Jivegenius pauses a second.

    "Got a better hold of your comm this time, Aameul? Braedon wants Valor Eternal to donate 20 million credits."

    Aameul whistles softly into his comm. "My friend, that is, indeed, a lot of 'bling bling'. Let me think it over."

    "And Jive?" Aameul says. "Thanks for the call. This was definitely important enough to wake me up."

    "Maaaan, of course it was! You know me... Mr. Dependable, baby!" Jivegenius cackles into the comm and cuts the connection.

    "Twenty million credits," Aameul whispers to himself. That WAS a lot of dough, even to him. But getting that goon Silverstone his warmonger Sents out of Tir? Priceless. And with the Sentinals gone... perhaps Elite Ops could be persuaded to call of the mercenaries in Newland City. With barely a hesitation, he taps the wallstation terminal to life and begins typing rapidly.

    /org bank add 20000000
    He shakes his head again, looking at all those zeros. This was a moment to remember, he thinks, and hits return, sending the transaction to the bank. With a blip, he watches his net worth take a dive.

    Smiling, he picks up the comm and sends a call to Braedon. "You've got the cash. Make this work."

    "I'll do my best, man. It's still early in the game, but having the cash on hand will be a great help so we can finish up this deal," Braedon says. "You don't have to do this, you know."

    "Yes, Braedon, I do," Aameul says from the doorway between the kitchen and the bedroom. His eyes rest on Jhourney, sleeping peacefully in thier bed. "Yes, I do." Anything for her happiness. Anything. he thinks.

    He clicks off his comm and he walks over to the bed. Laying down next to Jhourney, he kisses her ear and whispers his love to her. Smiling happily, he settles back into bed with her, pulling her close as he drifts off to sleep, dreaming of peace.
    Aameul - Fixer - RK1
    Hethradiah - Keeper - RK1

  2. #162
    Lexus had heard the recent news and nearly fell from her seat as she sat in The Cup. she had listened silently as her opposition hooted and hollered. It was quite possible the Sentinels would no longer be in Tir, that they would be relocated. In an instant she saw all that could have been her clans future burn like so much ash. The idea of a Tir without sentinels was too much for the young colonel to bear. "I've lost..." she thought as she watched her former allies revel in the possibly frightening news. "It can't be true" She thought. All of her work, all of her time invested would be for naught. Outside of the cup as she stumbled down the pavement, barely able to stand of her own power, her face flushed, her knees grew wobbly and for the first time in her life, being alone was a great reality. Lyzor strolled by and helped her to regain her composure. The two had talked about what was to become of the future of the clans. Lexus, without an adequate reply merely walked off, arriving to her apartment moments later.

    As she packed the few things she owned, she thought to herself for a moment, the thought of the sentinels not having a hand in the workings of the cities about her made her sick to her stomach. She gathered her things, her destination clear in mind, Perpetual wastelands. it was the only place she could go to gather her thoughts. She paced through the door, knowing that if all that was said was true, perpetual wastelands wouldn't see her long.... It'd be time to settle elsewhere, away from Rubi-Ka. With that she closed the door to her west athens apartment, and with a heavy sigh of regret, she whispered good bye to her beloved cities.
    "Did I tell you that you could speak?....then why are you still talking?."

  3. #163
    Bailey sat on her apartment floor as she listened to the stereo and wrung her leet doll in her hands. Thoughts randomly popped into her mind, something was wrong her sudden cold-shoulder attitude in regards to the guild was bothering her though she couldn't place why she was being the way she was. Shaking her head she sighs deeply.

    The introduction went well I think, so the security was a bit much but when I recieved the offer and after what happened it was just a that its all done. I don't know it seems to quiet. The kinda quiet that makes you wonder what is going on...
    she says out loud looking at her leet doll which she suddenly tosses across the room bouncing it off the wall.

    Damn and that Mr Locknane...umm Maeltroll yeah Dr Flowers fiancee, he said he was at that meeting to decide about hiring criminals to guard Newland City. Well I wonder what it takes to be on that invitation list.Hmmmph.

    I don't even know where to ask, well maybe Dr Flowers, or the President. Though maybe my attitude is comming from my gut feeling that the guild really don't care. If that is the case I need to find out , I just staked my possible future reputation introducing myself on behalf of the guild Im in. Bailey grumbles and pulls her knees to her chest resting her head in her hands.

    I suppose I should be out working, seems people don't think you're worth hearing unless you're more learned in your profession.. Yeah its been rather quite. Its a big world wonder whats going on in it.

    Closing her eyes she takes a few deep breaths trying to relax herself and force herself to think before she opens her mouth. A task which lately is getting harder and harder for her to do.

  4. #164
    Pilgrimaging in the Plains of Salt for weeks to reflect on the goings-on of recent weeks, Asterik received a communique with scrambled references to the events that led him to his hermitage.

    So much misunderstanding and so much hatred. He had even isolated himself from his own organization as the virus known only as prejudice had woven it's vile pestilence into his brothers' and sisters' mindsets.

    A clan's unity lost. Direction misplaced. Focus gone.

    A campfire in a crevice atop a windy rock. Anun flesh charred to black. So reminiscent of lo so many years ago betwixt the youth of working the mines and the futile years of Clanhood. Now this Neutral sits and welcomes the bite of the wind against his leathered skin. Just punishment perhaps for actions gone wrong.

    But, is there a ray of light?

    Would the end result of the actions be as intended albeit through a route sluggish and circuitous. Would he at least be a martyr?

    Was that his intention all along?

    The ties that bound seemed fast and sure. The venom seemed to dissolve them in the blink of an eye. Perhaps all that remained was to observe. The trusted ears while still present have all but gone deaf.

    He still would do his part as he promised to himself all along. This never was meant as persecution, but rather a cry for help. An eye-opening with a 100 million credit price tag. A price tag far more than that in personal loss. Perhaps a bargain in goals achieved.


    -Asterik. (Retired ponderer. Ex-miner, disillusioned clanner. Neutral)

  5. #165
    10 Feb 29477

    What a weekend! Cathern reflected on the events of the past couple of days over her morning brew.

    Things had started badly. Lexusstreak had left a hideous package for Cathern. A severed head. How could she!? Cathern was shocked as anyone would be. Lexus had gone too far. Even for the Sents this was madness. What could have caused such a drastic change? True lexy had been a bit radical, but this? This was not like her at all! Perhaps Cathern could get a doctor to examine her. Maybe her head implants are malfunctioning or something. Cathern was indeed very worried about her old friend.

    Her thoughts now drifted to JimmyT. Plans were still going forward with giving the scoundral a trial. The leaders of Healing Hands and Rubikan Freedom Fighters agreed to act as judges for the Neutral and Clan factions respectivly. Lesentia was supposed to be working on finding a suitable Omni person to fill the role. Cathern hoped she hadn't forgotten.

    Cathern attened the meeting presented by the Healing Hands at Reets. She had off-world business to attend so she missed some of it. Luckily Micia, one of her officers, picked up the slack. The meeting turned out as expected and Cathern socialized some after the meeting. Nothing too heavy. After all, the EG Beach Bash was later on....

    Ah the Beach Bash. For many people it was the first time they had seen the leader of Whisper's Edge so scantily clad. She had long gotten over feeling tottaly inferior to her sister in the looks department. Cathern felt pretty and wasn't afraid to show it. The party was pretty good...eventually moving to Reets. Cathern's friend Yoshimai showed up along with Maephina and several other friends. Yes, it was a very good night. Much of the cares drifted away...helped by alcohol! Maephina sure knew how to dance, Cathern smiled to herself.

    Morning came far to early. Ughh...alcohol. Luckily Cathern had several hours after waking before attending the Endgame meeting. Cathern still wasn't convinced about joining Whisper's Edge to EG. The meeting was a lot of back and forth. She wasn't sure much had been accomplished but it looked like more change was coming. Cathern gave her little speech at the end of the meeting. It was a little harsh but, the leaders she spoke to later said it was fine and they were glad to hear such talk. Hmm...Cathern thought. EG was looking better and better. She still needed to schedule time to talk with Kalannar and Trellame. Neither had showed at the meeting. Well, the life of a leader can be busy.

    Later that day...something happened that Cathern was not expecting. She had been outside The Cup talking to Jynne when she noticed an interesting individual heading into The Cup. This person matched the descripition Emiliy had given of a person who helped her when she was confronted by Lexy. The man was called Mr. Wilson. They exchanged pleasentries and talked about several thing. Mr. Wilson was very interested in the Rubi-ka Mining Coop, Cathern's views on the Sentinals, and what she thought about the Newland City mercs. Apparently, Mr. Wilson had some high powered connections.

    He thought that it was possible to remove the Sentinals by way of bribe. Cathern immeditaly opned her comms to Szentashas, Fexerben, Nelida, and others. This could be the answer to their prayers. What so many people hd fought so long and hard for...the removal of the Sents from power. Many leaders began flocking to The Cup to discuss options. Valor Eternal, Unity of the Rose, Vitea Covente, Mercury Dragons, and First Light's leaders all showed. Various other citizens from other clans were also present. Much discussion was tossed around.

    Eventually several things were decided. Everyone agreed the Sentinels had to go. The leader of Mercury Dragons had an excellent idea. Instead of forcing them out of power, give them the chance to fight for the clans on the front lines. Relocating their base of operations to say, Central Artery Valley or Perpetual Wastelands, or some other place where they can aid the Clans in their fight against Omni. This would allow Silverstone's honor to be saved.

    Tir could not be left a vaccuum though. The leaders and citizens voted that Sir Gallahd should be invited to provide security for Tir with the understanding that the guards would no longer attack Neutrals unprovoked while providing the same level of security as the Sentinal troops.

    These proposals, Mr. Wilson thought fair and he would see about greasing the whels of change. Cathern thought about Mr. Wilson some more. Appearances may be deceiving. This unassuming man had some serious conncetions.

    Cathern sipped on her coffee some more...wondering when Mr. Wilson would be in contact with her again.
    -Finalizer Vixentrox-
    Former President and Founder,
    -Whisper's Edge-
    Former Member of the Atlantean CoT Clerical Staff

    Socializer 73% Killer 53% Explorer 53% Achiever 20%

    Kissysuzuki -
    WTB small enough brain and lack of imagination to be able to sit and solo hecklers for 5 days straight.

  6. #166

    Weekend of talking

    Nack Barlau, Director of The Concillium, sipped on his cold beer and talked in quite tones to his Org mates. They all listened with attention though to the talking going on around them in The Cup, the planning, arguing, and frankly the whining of some of the leaders assembled.

    Mr. Wilson, "The Bagel" as Nack thought of him, was a fellow who seemed to evoke respect from all the leaders assembled, but Nack could find little reason for it. He didn't seem to be offering a lot of ideas or plans, but the other leaders were looking to him for suggestions anyhow. All in all, it seemed little was being accomplished, just a lot of hot air.

    Speaking up from his spot on the couch, Nack said "Talk talk talk, and no leadership, no action. The eternal weakness of our Clans."

    A few of the leaders looked his way, some even smiled in agreement, but all went back to their mutterings and complaints.

    Nack turned to his wife, Vanle. "You know, if they'd do something about that ridiculous situation in Newland, everyone would follow, no matter who. Get results, and folks will ignore a lot of things..."
    ::: Ayken Barlau :::
    Director of The Concillium

  7. #167


    Gridgrinderr looked out the small window of his cramped compartment in the Omni-Tek freighter he was riding to Rubi-Ka. He shifted around in his seat, desperately trying to get himself comfortable as the ship completed it's trip. He smiled as he saw the dustball bathed in the light of it's twin suns, such a peaceful scene for the turmoiled planet. He heard the small hum in his ear as the comm started up, the ship was entering orbit. Soon he also felt the dormant nanobots in his body reactivate, he had entered the notum field as well. he moved his hands, activating the algorithm like he did so often before.

    Soon he felt his entire body pulsate as it phased with the grid, streams of translucent data streaming through his fingertips. He activated his datapad and connected to the gridspace, and even more strings of data began flowing in front of his phasing hands. He began carefully sifting through all the information transmitted through the alternate reality, twisting the threads to bring up a display on his datapad. "Gah, ye'd think Omni-pol'd file less reports about minor infractions an' just get right ta kickin' tha crap outta their suspects.." He commented with a smirk as he continued scanning the Grid. Soon he came upon something more..interesting. A message sent from the Voice of Freedom's gridspace out to it's major distributors. An Omni lawyer, Alamexis, dead. He was apparently working on a constitution with a clanner for a democratic governing body on Rubi-Ka. Gridgrinderr frowned at this news, hoping the document would still be completed. He'd have switched to Omni much sooner if that tyrant Silverstone was throwing his weight around in clan territory, acting as their 'governing body'. He began searching for related files, related names..hell, he even hacked into a few comm logs as he gathered more and more information.

    After piecing a good amount of the story together, he saw a small light turn on above the door of his room, the ship was preparing to dock. He saved what he could on his datapad, deactivated his phasing nano, and prepared to return to the home he tried to forget, vowing to take a closer look at this development when he had the chance.
    Last edited by Grid/ Wylderr; Feb 10th, 2003 at 21:55:14.

  8. #168
    February 10, 29477
    One Week After the Death of Malcom Age...

    The darkness, hate, loss and devastation seemed to follow her like a plague wherever she went. Fleeing from Omni-Prime had not helped; it only allowed it to gain power. The past week and 7 years ago seemed to blend together in a torrent of sadness and death as she stood overlooking the spot where the man that she had loved was murdered by some cold-hearted conspiracy of monsters.

    Standing in quiet lamentation, her tears slowly rolled down her cheek, lightly falling to the dirt of the planet that she had thought to be an escape from the situation that she had fled from years ago. The wind lightly blowing across the plain that the city lies near, her hair slowly swirled around on her shoulders and back, her coat blowing back behind her as she reached in one of her deep pockets for a small object that was not often seen on Rubi-Ka.

    Kneeling down to the ground, Randa gently laid down a single, long and full white rose.
    Randa "Lesentia" Forejt

    Whisper's Edge

    "Why oh why didn't I take the blue pill..."
    -Cypher, The Matrix

  9. #169
    For the first time in weeks Nelida's teeth begin to unclench. The meeting with Mr. Wilson at The Cup had gone remarkably well considering it was a meeting of more than one Clan leader. Actually everyone stayed on topic and came to a near unanamous conclusion. Finally there was some hope that the Sentinel thugs would be moved from a civilian population area to someplace more....ummm...suitable to their nature. And Galahad possibly replacing them...

    Nelida wonders, "This might be the first time Galahad has left Avalon. And think of the 'color' it will give Tir..."

    Nelida chuckles softly but then her face hardens as she thinks of Elite Operations. Next will be their move...will they quickly remove Warr's thugs from NLC? Time will tell but not even time will wash the blood from the hands of EO.

    Wiping a tear from her eye she ponders, "If only Alamexis was here to see this..."

    Considering just how critical these next few days and weeks might be Nelida decides that there must be no let up in her opposition to both the Sentinels and EO. This battle is not won yet...

  10. #170
    "One week..." She mumbled aloud softly, her head glancing upwards from her brother's gift to the mighty Council of Truth building towering overhead.

    Overtly, to the members of Whisper's Edge and those around, Emiliy had been unfazed, happy and seemed as if nothing tragic had happened. Inside, it was a much different scene. Raging torment wrapped itself tightly around her beating heart, tearing it unendingly apart, at the loss of Malcom, and then at the betrayal by her closest friend Amacia.

    No one had seen it, lest she herself show weakness; at a time when she knew she had to prove herself to her new family, despite the caring they had shown her, there were always those who were watching her, waiting. Radein had vanished since Amacia had been murdered at the hands of JimmyT. Last night's developments would undoubtedly have the Sentinels on higher guard.

    And yet she sat in front of the Sentinels' very guards, feeling protection in the shadow of a once mighty symbol.

    "Still mighty..." She corrected herself, as a smile crept across her face. Whether it was occupied or stood vacant, it was still an enchanting beacon through the fog, shining the light of harmony upon the clan capitol. It embodied diversity, discourse, resolve and friendship; illustrated how an amalgum of interests could unify. And fight. "...and win."

    Easing the anguish was Infinitum - the book that Malcom had prepared for her. Emiliy was no lawyer, but growing up with him, listening to him and virtually idolizing him had taught her a thing or two about the way it all worked. The way all politics worked. Barely halfway through the book, she could hardly put it down. Seeking to prove her worth to the clans, she had undertaken an endless number of missions, striving for her merit.

    Being an engineer certainly had its advantages in both respects: she could hold Grrrrrrr by his metallic hand and command him about, while she sat in the adjacent room, forever reading, and forever learning. Council of Truth...Dust Brigade...Council of Ares...Radiman...

    Emiliy closed her book, tucking it ever so gently into her napsack. Smiling once again at the structure above her, she began the journey to West Athen.
    Emiliy Age
    Unit Leader, Foreign Relations
    Speak your heart, don't bite your tongue...

    Whisper's Edge | Gridmail | Engy's Workshop | Tir School of Engineering

    Bliqz on Shadowlands: "Gonna make it hard to decide who I can and cant eat."

  11. #171
    Cathern had been sitting in The Cup again. Who should appear but Mr. Wilson. Mr. Wilson was still trying to arrange a mutual settlement between the various Clan leaders and Silverstone/Gallahad.

    Cathern asked Mr. Wilson to try to appeal to each of the major leader's sense of duty to the Clans instead of accepting money like some mercenaries. Mr. Wilson said he would look into it and see if Silverstone and Gallahad could be coaxed into making the switch for the good of the Clans.

    There was another leader who also announced the backing of the relocation of the Sentinels and Gallahad's warriors. Cogs, of Rubi-ka Freedom Fighters agreed to join the other Clan leaders in the movement.

    Cathern smiled. Cogs is such a wonderful man.
    Last edited by Vixentrox; Feb 12th, 2003 at 18:43:04.
    -Finalizer Vixentrox-
    Former President and Founder,
    -Whisper's Edge-
    Former Member of the Atlantean CoT Clerical Staff

    Socializer 73% Killer 53% Explorer 53% Achiever 20%

    Kissysuzuki -
    WTB small enough brain and lack of imagination to be able to sit and solo hecklers for 5 days straight.

  12. #172
    Another intersting evening Cathern reflected while she sipped her coffee, going over the latest intelligence. Lesentia had decided to leave the coporation that had failed her and Malcom so badly. She joined the ranks of Whisper' Edge. Cathern hoped Malcom's spirit...if there was such a thing...was pleased with Lesentia's decision.

    She had hoped for word from Mr. Wilson but none was forth coming. Perhaps tonight.

    Fixerben. Cathern smiled at his name. What was his game? He was certainly an interesting person. He should lead a Clan, Cathern thought. He would make a fine leader. He revealed some things to her that Cathern thought...interesting. He was a man worth watching. He could do so much more if he didn't limit himself to being nothing more than a follower in someone else's Clan. "Maybe he just don't want the hassel of command", Cathern thought. He had offered to take her on a picnic. It had been a while since she had been on a picnic. Maybe when she had the time she would take him up on the offer.

    Cathern then thought about the strange comm she recieved from a member of SPARTA. It was a rare thing for her to be contacted directly by a SARTA member. He wanted to meet with her to discuss the Neo Luddite manifesto and recent acts of sabotage and vandalism against robots. Cathern agreed and met the SPARTA agent in West Athen. The SPARTA agent thought this group of vandals could be a threat to all factions. Cathern agreed that the potential was there, but right now was nothing too dangerous. Cathern thought the Neo-Luddites were slightly wacko based on what she had heard and seen.

    Cathern shook her head and went back to looking over intelligence reports.
    -Finalizer Vixentrox-
    Former President and Founder,
    -Whisper's Edge-
    Former Member of the Atlantean CoT Clerical Staff

    Socializer 73% Killer 53% Explorer 53% Achiever 20%

    Kissysuzuki -
    WTB small enough brain and lack of imagination to be able to sit and solo hecklers for 5 days straight.

  13. #173

    A flock of hawks...or doves?

    Somewhere in the streets of the City of Home in Broken Shores...

    "Jesus Wind, I can't believe you're wearing it".

    "Well, a statement must be made."

    "Yeah but...a full CAS set? it's...not quite an Agent look."

    "I know, but Mercury Dragons must accept the achievements of others clans, if they are to receive them with open arms into our clan."

    "Hey, are you talking about what I think you're talking about?"

    "Umberdeath, how long have you known me?"

    "Damn, I knew your father for a few years, and you for about a year or so. But your father would not approve of a merger with CAS, what about Redruum, their past with Red Freedom, CoA, all that?"

    "My friend, you are right about my father, he is not pleased. But I...had to make it clear to him, he is retired, and it is I who lead the clan now."

    "Ouch, can't imagine how that went."

    "It wasn't a very pleasant conversation, at least it was short. As far as CAS and their involvement with Red Freedom, Portman and the's history, I will not judge an entire clan on things that happened years ago. CAS has good people, veterans who will be valuable in the war, and my clan needs them."

    "I still think they're a bunch of hawks."

    "What did you say?"

    "Oh, hawks are birds from earth, I think they all dead now."

    "I know, but what made you think of...hawks."

    "Got a grid email last week asking if I was a hawk or a dove, probably a joke."

    "Hmm, yeah, probably."

    ::Windguaerd ponders about the message he had received not long ago with the same question::

    "Wind? Rubi-Ka to Wind, hello?"

    "Uh? oh, sorry. Was thinking about something."

    "You're up to something Wind."

    "Umber, when have I not been?"

    ::The Atrox laughs loudly::

    "Well you know you have friends in Apocalypse man, why all this merging stuff? you got enough clans to stay afloat."

    "That is the point my friend. I want MD to stand on it's own, we've counted on friends and allies for too long. It's time for MD to rise once again, stand tall and strike against the enemy. You understand, I'm a military man, my duty is to train my men and make them into professional clan warriors, to protect the clan, our friends and allies."

    "Wind, what about your officer peeps? they ain't gonna like having a bunch of new guys in uniform out of nowhere ya know."

    "Do I have to tell you too who leads the clan?"

    ::The Opifex frowns at his friend::

    :: The Atrox raises his hands::

    "Hey hey bro! don't get all 'commandah' on me, I'm sure you got it all planned, as always. How about a beer man? lets relax, yeah, you need to have a beer! lets go!"

    ::The Commander raises and eyebrow::

    "Well why didn't you said so earlier? lets go bud, all this talk of business got me thirsty, and please...don't go on a drinking contest again...every time you end up putting half the club on the floor and we end up with a HUGE bill man."

    "Who? Me? nah nah man, I'll be good"

    ::The Atrox crosses his fingers behind his back, out of view from his Opifex friend::

    "Let's go, and lets hope it all works out for my clan my friend."

    "Yes, we'll drink to Apocalypse and Mercury Dragons! hehe!"

    "I'm all for that, let's hit Happy Rebel."

    ::Both friends head of the grid terminal::

    An hour later in the streets of Tir...

    "Hey, what's with all the Sentinels running?"

    "Don't know sister, let me ask. Hey you! where you guys going?

    The sentinel shouts as he is running.

    "Big brawl in Happy Rebel, Umberdeath again!"

    The guard goes out of sight and other guards are running through the streets toward the club.


    "Brother, what he say?"

    "I think it's better we head to The Cup instead."


    "Trust me sis, if we go into HP now, we'll end up flying or ducking from furniture."

    ::Brother and sister walk back toward the whompas::
    Last edited by Windguaerd; Feb 14th, 2003 at 19:01:39.
    Twitch Channel - Youtube Channel - Twitter - Facebook - Pinterest
    AO Universe - By Players, For Players! The #1 AO Fansite Worldwide - Site Founder (Retired). | AOSpeak - Unofficial AO Teamspeak 3 Server - Founder (Retired). | AO Recipebook - In-Game Recipe/Tradeskill Bot - Founder (Retired).
    Founding member of the Council of Truth Clerical Staff.
    Keep in mind: My posts are my own personal views and thoughts.

  14. #174
    *Sits across a boxed room from Lyricia*

    Lyricia: "Umber are you interrogating me?"

    Umber: "I could never interrogate you Lyr! But now my turn, would you like to hear a story?

    Lyricia: "Yes!"

    Umber: *smiling* This is a story about an event kept secret from so many eyes for to long, it begins with..."

    One Dove to Guide the Hawks,
    One Dove to Defeat them.
    General of Apocaylpse

    --The Council of Atroxes--
    Power to the Atrox!

  15. #175

    That was the verdict given to JimmyT for perma-killing Amacia and his involvement in the death of Alamexis. Cogs, Bailey, and Savoy determined his punishment was to be turned over to the ICC for further processing. JimmyT...ever slick, cheated the tribunal. He executed what appeared to be a perma-death nano on himself.

    Cathern wasn't satisfied....but that would have to do for now.
    -Finalizer Vixentrox-
    Former President and Founder,
    -Whisper's Edge-
    Former Member of the Atlantean CoT Clerical Staff

    Socializer 73% Killer 53% Explorer 53% Achiever 20%

    Kissysuzuki -
    WTB small enough brain and lack of imagination to be able to sit and solo hecklers for 5 days straight.

  16. #176
    Winds howled outside and the patter of rain could be heard across a thin sheet metal roof. The shack was still dusty in most corners only the cot and small insta-heat plate had been disturbed, no other trace of life or occupation was evident.

    A shadowy figure sat in a rickety chair and stared small glowing screen with a message slowly blinking across it...

    --- GridNano Transmission ---

    A Hawk has fallen, be wary.

    --- Transmission Terminated ---
    With a sigh Lynar rose to deposit himself on the cot, "So the eluvise JimmyT has pulled his plug... not many of us now, oh no, not many of us now. What are we going to do... Seems with one of us gone things have gone astray, no communications what so ever, he must be deep into hiding as well."

    Lynar browsed his different streams of data, incoming transmissions from all over the world of Rubi-ka, some live feeds from camera's the late Jimmy had placed for the group...

    "Oh, now that is interesting... some Clanners might actually liberate Tir from the Sentinels, but who will replace them?"

    A small chuckle escaped his lips as his own thoughts turned towards by gone days... "Oh would have happened had we controlled Tir, if that fool Radiman had fallen on his face... Things surely would have been different. Yes. Much different, but then again that is why we are here now, to cause change... to further peace.", he thought as a slow sharp grin formed across his face.

    Lighting pierced the dark sky into many jagged pieces with the sound of frightful laughther chasing the flashes out into darkness.
    Graduate of the Elite Academy

    Viray's Yalm Cleaning Services

    Viray's Taxi Co.

    The moral highground was levelled the very day the first player landed in a backyard, saw a cute leet and said "I wonder what it drops?"

    - Savoy

  17. #177
    "I will not submit to the will of this tribunal! They have no authority that I recognise! This ends now!"

    Jimmy executed his most powerful damaging nano on himself. He reclaimed at his old save point in West Athen and ran into his apartment and logged into his "Unregistered" account to contact Radein. His captors had taken his commlink which had provided him with a way of disappearing.

    "Radein: It worked like a charm. I killed Amacia. They could not decide whether I was telling the truth about Amacia or not. The only thing they convicted me of was killing Amacia. I've escaped and they have my comm, meaning they can't contact me. I'm changing my name and my registration. I'll be able to completely disappear. I did have to resort to Plan B so you were implicated. We will both have to disappear for some time, but you moreso as they are not entirely sure whether or not I am alive. It looks like this little epic is over. I coded a message to read 'A Hawk has fallen. Be wary' Take no notice of it, it is merely a device to help the facade of my permadeath. "

    He then opened a comm to Lynar:

    "Lynar, it worked perfectly. I had to resort to naming Radein, so he will have to disappear for awhile. I'll fill you in on the details later, but they won't find me again. I coded a message to read 'A Hawk has fallen. Be wary' Take no notice of it, it is merely a device to help the facade of my permadeath. "

    And then to Ternicko:

    "Ternicko, its over. I named Radein so he will have to lie low for awhile, but once I have my name officially changed, we can all be active once more. I coded a message to read 'A Hawk has fallen. Be wary' Take no notice of it, it is merely a device to help the facade of my permadeath. "

    Jimmy smiled to himself. It had all gone perfectly. They had taken him out of the cell he was trapped in, which wasn't too bright. The cell had an anti-transport device on it so that if he killed himself there, his soul would not escape, but out in the openess of a Borealis backyard, tehre was no such device. They had even taken their one way of contacting him away. He already applied for a name change and very soon he would become a ghost. He thought to himself What a glorious little adventure. Most fun I've had in awhile. Will have to thank Radein next time I see him.
    Last edited by Uwen; Feb 19th, 2003 at 04:42:43.
    Bliqz: "anything Uwen says is a vicious and ugly lie"

  18. #178
    Fixerben stares across the city at the new recruits into the Clans. Wonders of they have a clue, or if they even care about what is going on around them. His dream of peace slowly slipping away. He walks out of Tir for the last time, dons his black cloak and hood and moves away from the City. Walking into Borealis he looks for the closest domicile and takes up residence. Among the undecided he takes his place, to live peacefully.

    Moving in the shadows, and hacking his Comm to be Unknown he hides himself from further abuse from any side of the conflict. Only to be contacted in person, if he can be found.

    Benjamin "Fixerben" Bacarella - L212 AL10
    Haywood "Brawlking" Jablomy - L220 AL21

  19. #179
    Making her way to her apartment Friday night after the bash at Reets, Randa sighed as she looked out at the stars above Borealis. The soft twinkling of the sky made her feel at peace with the world as she made her way back to her apartment.

    Sliding her keycard into the slot of her door, she noticed a cold draft wafting in when the door slid open. With the lights slowly brightening, Randa let out a shriek of terror that could be herd throughout the city.

    Her furniture slashed apart, torn and scattered around the room. Her terminal smashed into pieces and scattered around. Most disturbing of all, was the message that had been left for her.

    Written it what appeared to be dark red, thick paint, scrawled on the wall in front of her.

    All Traitors Die...

    Stepping closer to the wall, Randa saw a pile of white feathers sitting in a small pool of blood and entrails, the remains of a dove.

    Grabbing a black cloak that had not been used in months and a few salvageable supplies, she sped off into the night, not even noticing the thin and cloaked figure that was following her silently behind.
    Randa "Lesentia" Forejt

    Whisper's Edge

    "Why oh why didn't I take the blue pill..."
    -Cypher, The Matrix

  20. #180
    ((Even though that the story is closed, I feel that I must make this post on the end of it possibly explain what had happened to me during all of this, and part of why I am where I am right now.))

    March 10, 29477
    Borealis, The Dish

    She remembered a night like this from what seemed a life-time ago, the last time that she had seen Malcom alive and full of spirit. On the horizon, storm clouds were gathering for the night, ready to wash the world again in their cleansing waters. The wind blew across her face, her hair flowing back behind her like water in a swift stream.

    Randa remembered back to that day, the day when she saw the man that she had loved killed, and the day that her trust and loyalty to the company was destroyed along side him. What had changed in her because of that day, she might never be able to fully explain. It could never be put into words the anguish that she felt when she heard the news, the pain the she would carry with her until her dying day. Her loyalty to Omni-Tek had been destroyed. With the company branding Malcom as a traitor, not even caring that he had been killed and now them wanting to kill her. She never could go back on her decision, not now, not after all that she had accomplished after leaving the company.

    With her newfound view on her life and the lives of the members of her clan, she could no longer look the same way at the work that she had done while in the company. She had much more to live for now than just some desk job in Intern-Ops, she had a true purpose to her work. The hawk that had arrived on Rubi-Ka years ago had been killed, in it's place, a dove had been born.

    Looking over her shoulder, her eye caught the silhouette of a man standing on the edge of the hill. Walking over and out of the ring of light she slowly walked closer to him, their forms slowly becoming one against the sea of stars in the sky.
    Randa "Lesentia" Forejt

    Whisper's Edge

    "Why oh why didn't I take the blue pill..."
    -Cypher, The Matrix

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