Strolling calmly through Tir as he returns to civilizaton Fixerben is startled by the presence of Sentinel Abrigan. He walks over slowly, knowing the Sentinel has no clue who he is, wondering what is happening. The Sentinel is talking of a meeting between OmniPol and some Mercenaries in Tir. Shocked at the thought of OmniPol in Tir once again, Fixerben tears off on foot to find this meeting.

In a small building at the SE corner of the city Fixerben comes upon 3 Mercenaries speaking with 2nd Lieutenant Jacia. She is talking about some attacks of Borgs on Athen. Not knowing of any recent attacks Fixerben contacts Sentinel Abrigan to see if he knows about these attacks. The Sentinel is clueless as well.

Sentinel Abrigan waits outside the door of the building with a large group of Clanners, awaiting the exit of the Traitors and the OmniPol. Fixerben buffs his attack skills, switches his safety off, pumps a round in the chamber, and takes aim at the door.

The group of awaiting blood thirsty Clanners takes down the 3 traitorous mercenaries. Jacia however is another story. After revealing her intent to Abrigan and being informed that she was being taken into custody, she runs. Fixerben tries to root her so she wont escape, but the combination of her NanoResist and the Supression Gas in the City make it impossible.

After she had fled and disappeared Fixerben was rewarded for his loyalty to the Clans with some money, and he continues the conversation with Abrigan.

Wondering what attacks Jacia had spoken of Fixerben asks Abrigan to inform him if he comes up with any information pertaining to these attacks. No promise was made to keep in touch, but Fixerben wonders if this was a warning of something to come. Or if it was just a lame excuse to meet in Tir, under false pretense to plan the murder of Simon Silverstone.

Slowly walking to his new home in Borealis he ponders the things that have occured recently, arrives at home, and lays down to relax.