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Thread: Umm

  1. #1


    We all goto 2h0 and expect to get ganked. Why else go there. Level a bit before you go there. I got jumped by 3 omni's twice!! On SAT.

    First time!
    I loved it .. 2 Enforcers one meta. Attacked the Green enforcer and made him my jail wife.. "HA HA" I had pitty on ther others and let them live!!

    Second time!!

    2 enforcers, 1 agent, 1 meta
    Well, i'll keep it short. One enforcer ,one meta and i lived..
    WOOT they ran. Smart little omni's

  2. #2
    What prof are you?
    NT phone HOME!!

  3. #3
    then you realized that it was just the Seasoned OT Techhunter that you killed and there was no one in 2ho at all but the OT bartender laughing at you celebrating

    lol j/k :P
    Phionna -retired 171 Agent

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