View Poll Results: Should cluster names be changed to show the skill name?

529. You may not vote on this poll
  • Yes

    278 52.55%
  • No

    72 13.61%
  • I have a better idea... (post it)

    9 1.70%
  • Use current name, but add the skill too (Alamexis)

    170 32.14%
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Thread: Implant and cluster names

  1. #61
    Thanks Daeem, I appreciate the support. But, I think the one thing the majority agrees upon is that there is an easier system, an easier naming convention, than the convoluted and seemingly arbitrary descriptions we currently have. The key focus of every single idea has been to find a way to get the clusters to clump together in a heirarchy based on location, skill type, etc., and find a way to include the skill modified in the name, while also reducing length of the item names.

    A color coded change to the icons would go a long way toward helping this as well, providing clearer delineations than the cryptic and sometimes arbitrary icons used now. But, barring this, organizing some way to clearly distinguish one cluster set from another, and including the skill, would dramatically improve the implant making process.
    Rhiannon "Krystanova" Pourier
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  2. #62
    I think 95% of the AO population uses Nano Nanny or similar program. And they give you the name of the cluster to look for. (The other 5% don't know what imps are, so they don't really count. )

    Instead of spending time renaming the clusters, why don't you go let your website personthingy out of the darkhole that he/she/it must be locked in and have them put up a link to the tool in an easy to see place that new players would stumble on by themselves.

    In fact, it would probably be nice if you did that for the various tools that are available to make life easier in AO. There are some very nice script/macro/implant/maps/skins/in game help files available, and I can't see what harm it would do for you to go out of your way to direct new (and old) players to them. In fact, I'd think it would only help to build this sense of community you seem so keen about.

    P.S. Completely off subject, but it sure would be nice if your website personthingy changed the forum link from what it is now:


    Or better yet, just make the first link display what the second one does. :P
    Last edited by Zylina; Feb 1st, 2003 at 11:02:21.

  3. #63
    Implant system was hilariously confusing in the beginning

    Now that all the clusters don't look the same anymore I still find myself using implant designer at just because it's so damn difficult to remember which cluster affect which skills.

    Bump for the total name change!

    Also I felt that adding skill name to cluster would also be very somewhat beneficial if complete overhaul is too much to ask...

    This is great idea actully, how come this idea has not emerged earlier?
    "Optimuz" Prime - Title 7 Soldier, Unit member of Storm

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  4. #64


    Originally posted by Daeem

    As for your statement on booby traps would you like to explain how to disarm a roller rat or would it chew on your fingers before you have a chance? A booby trap is not a BOMB. You can prevent it from causing harm if you prevent it from going off. Roller rats are not unintelligent... distrub it in it's home and it'll eat you. Or at least make an attempt at it...
    A Frozen Rat
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  5. #65
    Renaming clusters is a bad idea. The only skill involved in this game is gaining knowledge that can help players get "the edge", and be above average in power for their level. Making the implant creation process easier removes that element of skill.
    "It was almost as incredible as if you had fired a fifteen-inch shell at a piece of tissue paper and it came back and hit you."

    - Ernest Rutherford

  6. #66
    Originally posted by Cz
    Uhm... I meant other ideas about the names.

    Changing the names can be done quickly in the item tool. Changing the new shop system (adding sliders, etc) takes a lot more work, and while it might be wanted, I doubt that's gonna come instead of a relatively 'simple' name change.
    Oh gosh the devs at fc would't want any part of that 'more work' to make their game more enjoyable now would they. Whata joke.

  7. #67
    Originally posted by Unit99

    Oh gosh the devs at fc would't want any part of that 'more work' to make their game more enjoyable now would they. Whata joke.
    Oh, come on. I think what Cz was saying is that there are priorities. I expect that if a month were spent redesigning the shopping process, you'd be whining about misplaced priorities and the fact that your own list of pet peeves wasn't corrected first.
    k- This message has been reviewed by intrusive goons searching for "evil-doers".

  8. #68
    The image of the cluster should show in which implantat it belongs. This could be done with little black icons similar to the backpacks:

    Also i suggest a new cluster und implantate shop. Where you can buy higher lvl premade profession clusters beside unfinised clusters and implantats.

    Similar to the tower shop.
    Last edited by Jonus; Feb 2nd, 2003 at 23:46:39.

  9. #69
    If you really want to faciliate handling of clusters in shops, rewrite the code for the shops to show text instead of icons that all pretty much look the same. Give us the ability to sort stuff according to QLs or alphabetically. Even Microsoft was able to do that in their explorer (and it's not even bugged beyond recognition!).
    Corrine Daimoness Wright
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  10. #70
    I'll take the seemingly unpopular stance of not wanting the cluster names changed at all. Is it really that hard to remember, and if you forget one or two, to shift-left-click?

    If renaming would really be so wonderful, why not just extend that logic and do it to nanoprograms as well? "Adventurer Heal One", "Adventurer Heal Two". "Doctor Heal One", "Doctor Heal Two". "Fixer Run Buff One".. so on and so forth. "Enforcer Strength/Stamina Buff Four"... "Agent +25 Agility Buff". "MP +140 Matter Creation Buff".

    In my opinion, too much has already been made too easy and oversimplified, leading to a dumbing-down of the playerbase. The game is attracting too many carebear types who want everything handed to them on a silver platter, as evidenced by the most absurd amount of recent begging I have ever seen.

    My tone is a direct reflection of your attitude.

    220 Wiseguy - Bureaucrat
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  11. #71
    With the fact that most ppl tend to use nanonanny for the implant design I think the cluster renameing issue is not such an issue..... what is an issue is the time taken to find the bugger at the right (or close) qlty. The pain of finding the clusters way out does the naming issue.

    Still if I have to vote I would go with the skill adjusted first .. followed by cluster type and then location.

    /me loves the whole implant idea but absolutly hates spending hours and hours shopping for the buggers in this "advanced" world.

    The ideal long term wish is to have nanonanny incorporated into the game as perhaps an "upgrade" like the map upgrades... we know you like your money sinks FC

    Wow how many times can I use "issue" in one para ...
    Promoo - Agent, Clan on Rimor
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  12. #72
    Originally posted by Jellobiafra

    Not to come down to hard on you for this, but the vast majority of players are people who are not professional imp makers and the names are just to varied to remember.

    Saying that we seemingly cannot shift+left click is wrong. Of course can. But why should we have to? I have been chasing down implants and clusters for about as long as you have, and cannot imagine how this would negatively affect you.
    Like I said Nano Nanny in example tells you the cluster name as well. I also have a sense of where the certain clusters are, how far I need to scroll and now that they have colours what colour they are going to be - if the names are changed I *will* have to learn it all over again.

    You want it easier? Then ask FC to spend more time to make the shops someway sortable, by QL or something. The way cluster shopping works now is easy enough, why should it all be ready chewed for you?

    Are you saying that if your looking for a INT cluster, you don't have the sufficient mental skills to scroll down alphabetically to the "I"'s and find it? I think you do.
    Now now, flattery ain't gonna make me change my mind.

  13. #73

    I say go for it...

    Renaming nano clusters to reflect the actual skill they modify is a marvelous idea IMO. While the current process is not incredibly difficult to become adjusted to, and while it doesn't take an incredible amount of effort to shift+left-click, it would be a great time saving modification.

    Originally posted by Opturian
    Renaming clusters is a bad idea. The only skill involved in this game is gaining knowledge that can help players get "the edge", and be above average in power for their level. Making the implant creation process easier removes that element of skill.
    I have to disagree with you there. I feel the real skill here lies more in the descisions that you make regarding what clusters to purchase in implant making. Deciding whether to boost 'Max Health' or 'Body Dev' or when to sacrifice stat boosts for weapon proficiency or even nano skill proficiecny will prove to be a much better determinent of skill rather than memorizing that 'Manual Marksmanship' will improve one's Bow proficency.

  14. #74
    Originally posted by Alamexis
    What about appending the name of the skill the cluster affects to the end of the current name? (i.e., "Faded Nanocluster of Empathy (SEN) or (SENSE))
    The clusters would still be alphabetical so if you're looking for a sense cluster you wouldn't find it under S for sense but under E for empathy. This won't help people who don't know what to look for.

    Did that make sense? Probably not but there it is (no pun intended)

    Edit: This has been said before. That'll teach me to read the whole tread before I reply to the second post.
    Feel free to point at me and call me names
    Last edited by Ike; Feb 3rd, 2003 at 22:31:43.
    Ike "Fikksit" Schatz - General of Desert Winds
    Sleep is for the weak

  15. #75
    I can understand that FC would like to make their game more accessible to the new players that join up. The implant process is one of the 1st mechanics that new players see and can be extremely frustrating to someone just starting out. I can see them complaining that implants are so hard, and they have no idea what clusters to look for etc.

    The implant system is the most complex and interesting mechanics I have seen for this type of game yet. It is, however, complicated and hard to understand/optimize until you get used to it. The names of the clusters are only the beginning. There is designing implants with certain skill req's, optimizing your layout for skills that you need, and of course actually equiping them.

    Making the cluster names easier to understand only gives people a false sence of security. As it is, they at least get frustrated early and find out about nano nanny, which will help them in all aspects of implant creation and makes the naming issues irrelevant.

    I say leave the names as is, but add the QL to the title (still sort by alpha name tho). I would actually like the QL listed on every item...shift-left clicking 2 or 3 is fine, but after the 10th or 15th set of implants you gets old :P

  16. #76
    Originally posted by Thelcia
    I say leave the names as is, but add the QL to the title (still sort by alpha name tho). I would actually like the QL listed on every item...shift-left clicking 2 or 3 is fine, but after the 10th or 15th set of implants you gets old :P
    Yes! The endless Shift+L-Clicking while shopping clusters and other items that are sometimes hard to find in high enough quality is quite boring and time consuming. Probably takes more time to check the qls than scrolling to where you know the item you are looking for is in the terminal having sought for one every now and then since the game was released...

    Whatever you do don't rename from the beginning of the name or otherwise rearrange the clusters - it would be a pain for those of us who already know what we are looking for.
    /born Porter was born on Thu Jun 28 09:19:52 2001.
    I'm a Porter, Porters don't PVP.
    First Light

  17. #77
    Thank you everybody for voting. Gaute and I have spoken about the voting and the alternatives, and a decision has been made on how the names will be changed. Basically we go with option #1, but also juggle the name a bit around. More about that later.

    Gaute also said we obviously can't change the cluster names without also doing changes on the implant names, so expect the names of the assembled implants to change too, using a similar naming system.

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