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Thread: GUI has no yes/no queries for side changing?

  1. #1

    Thumbs down GUI has no yes/no queries for side changing?

    The game mechanics made me change sides mid in a mission. I did not get token for that mission (suposse cos I was attacking 'good' side), and next mission which i picked still as omni was not giving me exp on killed humanoids.

    The way I changed sides is quite funny:

    ° a clan form appeared in my inventory (guess because I was walking a lot in athens?) on its own

    ° tried to drop it on the ground, said 'no drop item', can't be thrown away

    ° without thinking, went with right mouse button onto it to select X for delete

    ° no menu showed, i released right button, and that activated the form without asking if I really want to do that in any form of some little window or so...

    I am now clan, cannot collect more tokens for a while I guess. (was needing 10 tokens to wear OT armor)

    Started a petition. Guess an ARK will show up and try persuade me psychologically that all is OK and that game is improving, that we are all happy but just don't notice it.

    In the meantime, i cannot play - as my goal was OT token collecting.

    WTG FC, GUI = intuitive ?

    AO still amazes me. Every day i discover 1-3 bugs I have never seen before :P

  2. #2
    CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! You are now a Clanner This is the best choice you have ever done, or can we call it destiny
    NT phone HOME!!

  3. #3
    So if you right click on one of those forms, it automatically switches you from one side to another?

    Add that to the list of 1001 things that need to be fixed in this game.

  4. #4
    You permanently loose all tokens if you switch side dont you? If so it would be fun loosing a 1000board by accidentally hitting a form like that.

  5. #5
    No you don't lose your tokens, but you start off at 0 tokens at the other side. If you switch sides again you got the tokens you've always had.

  6. #6

    Post actually

    I was able to buy myself back the OT status, by filling a OT form.

    (I think at higher levels one needs wait 24 RL hours to change)

    Clicking on this form created my 3rd merit board (!);

    I simply deleted clan merit board and the new OT one, both of which were at 0 tokens, and retained my original 7 token OT board. Ghod knows what would have happened had i clicked on some new token with 3 merit boards on me. (was not willing to pursue that option :P)


  7. #7
    Originally posted by starknaked
    So if you right click on one of those forms, it automatically switches you from one side to another?

    Add that to the list of 1001 things that need to be fixed in this game.
    Yep. I reported this issue a long time ago.

    Back when you could find the forms as the item to be observed. Long before the higher level forms were sold in shops. While the form was sitting on the ground, you could use it while trying to pick it up and automatically switch sides.

    Kind of sucks to lose all your tokens like that.

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