One of my characters, Quizzical is developing a line of armour based on Intelligence / Agility.

The basic prototype are done, there are some issues that are still being worked on. The armour itself is nothing like anything else in the game, being shiny, semi reflective, and indigo / navy coloring, glowing slightly. This should free up the need for a floating torch. These appearance may be lost as we apply more heat shielding.

The idea came from working with nano armour and with some of the agility based armours.

Unfortunately it will take a long time to complete the next few prototypes of Quizzical's Lightening armour, and way more funds to advertize it enough to get one of the major armour makers to pick up the design.

I think I can do it, but want to know if there is enough of a market out there to support of Agi / Int armour with some reflective / light effects?

Quizzical & Animosity