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Thread: one should have different quests.

  1. #1

    one should have different quests.

    Hey ..

    I did Dodga's quest 1 almost a year ago .. Then I had a long vacation starting may last year, and now I'm back. Thought I'd check and see if I could get Dodga's quest 2, but I couldn't so I realised I had to do the first quest over just to get the 2nd quest.

    It was horribly boring, and it was the first time as well. There's little mystery as to what you're gonna do. When you've fired a gun at a robot, you've got the idea. Anyways, I did that .. and it took me many, many hours to get the last piece, and I got the 2nd mission.

    The first thing I have to do on Dodga's 2nd quest is to try and tag the Trash King. Unfortunately, the Trash King is already camped 24 hours a day by other people who are there to kill him, so he's only alive a few seconds at a time. That's kinda where I logged off ..

    I can't see how some people like to spend hours and even days on killing the same mobs or waiting for hours just camping in the murder que on some moron mob that takes a while to respawn.

    It's not fun!

    I can see how hard work should get the best rewards, but it is possible to work and have fun at the same time.

    I've done some of the new static quests as well .. Dog tags and bronto food. It's all shootin' at stuff and picking up the pieces.

    I think FC should change this. Don't make quests that makes you have to camp things, and try to add some variety to the ones you have. Dodga's quest 1 can be done in a couple of days or so in the Aegan playfield, just doing the same **** over and over. It's not fun. I doubt you could do it at TKs anymore, because of the campers.

    Make quests with more travel, interaction, sneaking things .. Running for your life .. gathering coordinates .. Tradeskill quests .. There are lots of possibilities!

    Just something else than shooting and camping, please.

  2. #2

    Tag TK, then kill it.

    Err... this might be different from dimension to dimension, but if you see people camping TK to kill it, you might try to ask them if you can tag it first, before they kill it. It's a reasonable request after all, and tagging it only takes a few seconds anyway.

    I did Dodga 2 a month or so ago, and apart from finding wandering bots (and spending 1 hour in Aegan instead of WV) I had little or no problems.

    That being said, I totally agree that quests could be a lot better, the Dodga is the best one for the general populace, but it's kinda old and stale now.

    The best I think would be to get a quest that spawns a special mission area (but not an ACTUAL mission area of course) where you can do your quest in peace and quiet without interference. Preferably a quest with some non-combat things to do, things to build, puzzles to solve, mazes to negotiate, etc.
    Reverend Revelator Ramagano, Proud Something of Alpha Omega

    Alpha Omega: Fighting For Your Future, Today

    No, I'm not back.

    How embarrassing, after all these years it turns out I CAN'T spell **ncom with an F and a U, talk about egg on my face eh?

  3. #3

    Hmm ..

    Hey ..

    Ah, well .. There was a lot of people there yesterday, and one shouted something like .. "Since you've all been IDIOTS, I'm just gonna open fire on him when he shows up!" and another one replied with something like "You're on!" ..

    Hopefully, it won't be so crowded when I come home from work today ..

    That idea about that special area sounds good, though. I've had just a few ideas myself .. One could make quests suitable for different professions.

    Maybe a tradeskill puzzle where one could travel around, talk to NPCs, solve puzzles and find pieces to build together into some kind of machine ..

    Or some agent mission or something where you'd have to sneak your way through a maze, avoiding mobs rather than killing them or ..

    Maybe a quest where you just have to run like hell from mobs? ..

    Well, these are pretty vague ideas, but with some work, they could get better .. At least, it would be something else ..

  4. #4
    It's been a long time since I did the Alvin/Dodga quests but when I asked if I could tag the Trash King before he was killed I was told he could be tagged even after he was dead. Seemed to work for me at the time.

  5. #5
    Yeah, I could go for a hostage rescue mission...

    Let's get the hell out of here!, don't run into the table. Go throught the door. <!> I said go through the door! THE DOOR! NPC, stop humping the "laser".


    Well it would be different.

  6. #6

    Quests ..

    Hi ..

    As you know, there are a lot who do nothing else than getting equipment, doing quests and so on. I've spoken to people who eventually left the game because of it. The way things are now, it gets old far too quickly. They level a bit, then seek out mobs to camp for equipment .. camp, camp, camp, kill .. Then shoot things and level a bit perhaps, seek out another quest to do or loot to get, camp camp camp kill .. Seek out more stuff, camp, camp, camp, kill ..

    Eventually, one could probably find out that one's only camping mobs for better equipment so that one can camp even higher level mobs for better equipment. Being über takes a damn lot of boredom, and suddenly, that's what the game's reduced to. Mostly sitting somewhere, bored.

    Funcom, please do something about this.

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