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Thread: noob question on exploits

  1. #1

    noob question on exploits

    In the ninja-loot-thread I noticed an expression, I've never heard before: Mob-training, which is an exploit and bannable.

    Please, what is "Mob-training"? I do not have any intention to take advantage of an exploit, just want to know it, to avoid accidential use.

  2. #2
    mob training is the practice of pulling a bunch of mobs behind you as you run away from them; it looks like a 'train.

    the bad part of training is when there are bystanders that get chewed up by the train.

    training mobs to the entrance can make it very difficult for people becaues they zone and are getting attacked before they gain control of their character.

    this happens willfully and accidentally. some people train mobs onto others for fun or spite, some people are running for their lives and don't realize they are harming somebody else.

  3. #3
    bah... beat by 60 seconds...
    Mick "Nugget" McMullet - Level 220 - AL 16

    Webmaster of AO Soldiers

    "There are other things in my life I need to take care of (I can mention food, sleep, latex... uhm, no, wait!)" - Cz woot!

  4. #4


    lol, I was completely on the "wrong train".

    I thought about "coaching a mob" to do certain things.

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