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Thread: Congratulations to the Clans...

  1. #1

    Congratulations to the Clans...

    I would just like to congratulate the Clans and Clan members who forced Omni-pol out of Sabulum.

    Congratulations boys and girls. You just started a war.

    Years of truce, and progress towards what might have been real understanding between Omni-Tek and the Clans ruined by trigger-happy bandits and terrorists, intent on signing their names in the sand.

    Pity they had to do it in blood.

    As Henry Radiman said "When you call on War, War will answer your call."

    The war is coming. And it started in Sabulum.
    Last edited by The Interactor; Jan 29th, 2002 at 23:00:06.
    The Interactor

    "If it was easy, then everyone would do it"

  2. #2
    We will start with the removeal of those traitor clan guards in Sabulum, who went against the Tir accord >:P

  3. #3
    years of truce? don't you mean... a month?
    "By the way, if anyone here is in marketing or advertising: kill yourself." --Bill Hicks
    "Have we turned into gerbils? People are paying money to walk up invisible steps over and over again." --Dennis Leary

  4. #4
    Not a month, years. The Tir Acord was signed 29470, last I checked it's now 29476. For those of you educated (if you can call it that) by the Clan schools, that's 6 years ago.
    General Blyzzard
    Division 9
    Strat Ops

  5. #5

    Angry OT propaganda knows no bounds!

    OT claims to desire peace while OT-affiliated terrorists attempt to nuke Tir! You chastise the Clans for not rooting out the terrorist element among us; are you doing any better? Then you have the cojones to place blame for the breakdown solely on our shoulders!

    OT's hypocrisy knows no bounds! Maybe you should examine some of the $h1t you are shoveling.

    Originally posted by Wyndrunneer
    For those of you educated (if you can call it that) by the Clan schools, that's 6 years ago.
    Didn't they teach you basic strategy and tactics in those vaunted OT schools of yours? If they did, how is it that "trigger-happy bandits and terrorists" managed to rout a multi-organizational task force of educated, well-paid and equipped professional soldiers?

    I think OT is going soft ... what cause do they have to die for? Ross? Money? Your vaunted education is nothing more than diatribe and flatulence.

    - Sllaagor
    Clan - Atrox Enforcer
    Last edited by Sllaagor; Jan 30th, 2002 at 17:56:18.

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