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Thread: A new beginning....

  1. #1

    A new beginning....

    So, there I was, 2 weeks away from my 19th birthday, and I'm thinking "what have I done with my life?".
    "All that day, various things crossing my mind, sure, I could be a tunnel runner like dad, but I feel that something bigger is in store for me...
    I could join the clans, join the rebellion against the omni, but I'm wondering if they have my best interests in mind....
    I could apply at omni corp, but that frightens me...."

    Eventually, I headed out to the local recruiters, grabbed an application for both omni corp and the clans, went home packed some food and water, grabbed my rifle and headed out.
    "My life is out there, I've got to find it" I told my mother....she wiped the tears from her eyes and wish me goodluck.
    Dad was struggling to hold it in, he's always been a strong man, but I thought I saw a tear trickle down as I headed for the door.

    I headed out and started marching, banding together with a few people from time to time to cross the countryside..

    I met a lot of nice people during that trip, some ended up heading off in the omni direction, some to the clans, others just wandered....
    THere was the odd trouble with the wildlife, but my trusty rifle scared them off a most of the time.

    After three or four weeks of travelling, I came accross a small community of people like me, undecided on which side or join on...
    This is where my adventures began......

  2. #2
    Since then, I've been hanging out with the rest of the people, picking off the roller rats, leets with my rifle, sharpening my skills.
    Occasionally, I'll hit the subway on a little mission to find some schmuck who's lost, or doesn't know how to use something...
    (how come these people can't come find us, and not us find them?).

    After getting my abilities up to a less embarrasing level, I decideded to head off into the city...I wander aimlessly for a while, and end up taking the grid to Borealis and work on getting some cashflow happening.

    My first few missions as a freelancer in town were basic, "recover" this item for us, repair this item in the occupied radar station, then I saw a mission that was my defining moment....I had to assassinate an escaped criminal, his corpse would be found and recovered, and he would re-animate back in prison.
    This mission took me to a slightly rougher part of town, into what looked like a science building, a maze of halls and rooms.

    After dispatching some of his would-be bodyguards, I reached him.
    Pulling out of newly aquired pistol, I let him have it.
    Then I knew....I was going to be a professional agent, stealth, infiltration, assassination.
    This is where my career began...but for which side? Omni? Clans? or should I just freelance.....

  3. #3


    Well, it's been a busy few days, few freelance missions lead to some eventfull adventures, but just recently, I had a little different experience.
    I was venturing in and around Borealis, a few search and identify missions, put item A in slot B, shoot the bad guys along the way type deal...when I began to get sick of the city....
    I ventured out to backyard 3 and layed claim to my apartment, which is still quite bare, and ventured practice some long range firing with my rifle.
    After a brief, and boring conversation with a leet (leet are people too? I've had better conversations with my rifle) I decided more training was in order...
    I squeezed off a few rounds, wandered the countryside, got swarmed by a few rollerrats at one point, but managed to dispatch them with realitive ease.
    After wandering around a bit more I saw one of those flying garbage collector droids, I figured this would make as good a target as any, so I fired a few shots at it.
    This is when the proverbial "poop" hit the fan, I got swarmed by a few more roller rats, including one diseased one, so, here I was, 3 rollerrats, the garbage droid, and me...
    after a few hits, I decided it was time for a little jog, but I was cut down by one of the rats.

    My life as an agent has been an interesting one, and I'm still not used to those darn bio-regeneration machines yet!!!

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