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Thread: Chartans list

  1. #1

    Chartans list

    This is a lengthy report on changes I would like to be discussed and perhaps implemented. Let this be known as the Chartan Report J

    Meta Physicist changes
    1. Pets should be on Auto Follow when created. I think there is a bug with this as mine doesn’t always follow
    2. Auto Guard should also be activated during creation.
    3. Auto Heal. Whats the point in casting a healing pet, if not for healing yourself?
    4. All the pets have sooo limited lifespan, why? Does the MPs anger just suddenly stop during mid-battle? Instead, let the pets be alive and draining nano energy instead. Implement this as a separate group of nanos perhaps?
    5. I need a bot-health-meter

    Engineer changes
    1. Robots should stay alive, even after relogging. Right now all engineers, with a decent level, stays online, just for one purpose, to keep the pet they pay for to create. I usually pay a trader 350k and 100k to an MP, just to be able to make a decent bot. When I crash the bot dies and I have to start looking for and paying the trader and MP once again. So instead, I stay online, not playing, just sitting around for 3 days, till the time I can play again. By simply letting the built bot stay with the character, this would solve this problem and keep people from creating extra lag.
    2. Robots have health points. With the above implemented, maybe the robots should have extra damage control systems that could only be taken care of when in a shop. A robot restoration device.
    3. Building stationary cannons with a choice between area damage or target laser shooting damage. The graphics are already there; cannons exist, but just not build-able by engys. This would add a whole new dimension to fighting in groups, defending outposts.
    4. Capability to build tanks (se below)
    5. I need a bot-health-meter
    6. I would like a small newbie-lookalike sentry robot, that acts like a scout for the engineer, sending messages back to the engineer of what encounters it has.

    Soldier changes
    1. The MA has a crit-buff that influences the mind to get better hits. The soldier should have one that influences the use of guns only, as they should have a battle instinct and knowledge of guns that most other classes don’t have.
    2. Below are ideas for new cars and a tank unit, which is an advantage for the soldier.
    3. New soldier camouflage uniforms (you know the type…)
    4. New soldier Bazooka against tanks…
    5. Being good with vehicles should also influence on maps. Have soldiers get map navigation self-buffs.

    Nanos in effect on status bar
    I would like a list of the active nanos as small icons on the status bar. It would keep me from having the ctrl-9 window open all the time…

    New cars
    I have often wondered why cars were so static in their design. No difference in there acceleration, start and stop time and only the QL varies the speed. But there is also one more thing that is strange. Why are not all the car designs in use?? I have seen other graphics for cars in use in the cities (near high-rise 19), cars you cannot buy. Lets get some variety here.

    I would also like to see multi-player cars, like the carrier or even new graphics. Can’t be that hard to create and cars really need a benefit that the Yalmahas don’t have.

    The graphics is already there and the cannons are even in use in some outposts. Let the engineer be able to build such a thing, a stationary robot cannon that can do area damage or direct hits depending on which type of cannon you build. Area damage should be slow guns and direct hits should be of normal speed. Cannons could be buffed by AC nanos, maybe a new series of them?

    A specialty here would be anti-air guns. It seems unlikely that aircrafts such as the Yalmaha cannot be shot down by some means. I think this would need new graphics though.

    I think to add a cannon, would not be too much a goodie for the engineer and it certainly would add to the game.

    Adding anti-air cannons leads to having special versions of the Yalmahas capable of doing dog-fights or even bombing areas. Again the graphics is there, just use it…

    The dream of every player of AO! And the best thing about it, they already exist! Look right outside of 20k… the graphics is present. Why are these not in use?

    My idea of this is that this is an Engineer (for building and repairing), Soldier and Fixer thing (for using guns and steering and grid-communication). Tanks are group vehicles which means it acts like 1 unit, tough, very tough, but as one and would especially be used for conquest of outpost and cities when the war escalates. It would certainly also enhance the role-playing in wartime.

    Building a tank
    Tanks need a body, shields, weapons and radar systems. These are built in several goes via nanos (and some present tools) and combined to make a capable unit. To do this you might need people specializing in different areas.

    Item built Class with nano Skills needed for nano
    Tank Chassis Normal* Engineer, Soldier Matter Creation, Matter Metam., Mech. Engineering
    Tank Chassis Bio* Doctor, MP Matter Creation, Matter Metam, Bio Mat
    Shielding layer Engineer, Soldier Matter Creation, Quantum FT, Mech. Eng.
    Reflection layer Engineer, Soldier Matter Creation, Matter Metam.
    Radar system Engineer, Trader Mech. Eng., Map skill, Elec. Eng.
    Communication equipment Fixer, Trader Elec. Eng., Sensory Imp.
    Anti-missile missile Engineer, Soldier Matter Creation, Mech. Eng.
    Side- rifle N/A Real normal rifles are equipped here and lost when tank is destroyed.
    Front cannon Engineer, Soldier Matter Creation, Mech. Eng.
    * The Normal tank needs to be repaired, this is an engineer job that requires the engineer to leave the tank, do the repairs and get back into the vehicle.
    *The bio tank is self healing (like sanoo)

    All nanos comes in various QL as usual, but should be interlink able, so that the different parts does not necessarily have to be same quality (to spread the units behaviour)

    When the tank is created, a tank-key is made in the holder’s inventory. This tank-key is copied, using key-copier to all those who needs it. The tank-key will work like a normal vehicle icon regarding activation and deactivation. The first one to click the tank-key creates the tank and will be assigned the steering of the tank, and the rest enters the tank and will be assigned gun duty.

    1. Steering
    2. Front Cannon
    3. Left side rifle
    4. Right side rifle
    5. No assignment – Will be used for repairing engineer, buffing trader, mp, fixer or doctor

    Using the tank
    Should need several people, all specialized to a certain degree in the specific fields needed to control the tank.

    1. Steering the tank. An obvious vehicle control task, which means a soldier has some advantage in skills.
    2. Radar systems, which is the groups map with upgrades. The fixer would have 2 buffs. One to create the radar systems and one to link the radar system to all players (which in terms means that the player maps works with all upgrades when inside the tank)
    3. Communication systems. The protection of the tank body removes the capability of communication via the chat system. The fixer and trader can fix that with a buff.
    4. Weaponry. Clearly a soldier is best trained for handling heavy weaponry (primary skill for cannons). Cannons are able to bombard ground instead of targeting a specific player, uses heavy ammo and is particularly slow firing. The side rifles are more normal and follows the rifles data that has been equipped.
    5. Repairing the tank. For the non-bio tank, the engineer is self-written for this job, with a new series of tank-repairing nanos. For the bio-tank an mp or doctor would be useful. But repairs cannot be done during battle, only the bio-tank has the self healing ability (like a robot) and this is the real benefit the bio-tank has.

    Steering is as normal, but requires a little more practical skills here, as tanks are very big vehicles that cannot go everywhere. Radar and communication systems are not active enhancements but needs to be buffed. This can be done within the tank. Weaponry rifles works as normal, the one controlling the rifles use this as normal attack (although hard to use hiding here…). Using cannons require clicking on the map to choose target coordinates. Using the cannon requires some nano.

    Rifles damage is as normal, but the cannon will do twice the normal damage without the normal 40% max in PvP areas. Might be hard to hit precise with the cannon, but it does heavy area damage.

    When people shoot at a tank, the characters inside the tank does not take damage, but the tank will. The tanks health is shown as a normal pets health points would show. Given the strength (lots of health points), the tank works a little like a robot, in its ability to “tank”. The health points of the tank is derived from the QL, but compared to a robot, it would be about 4 times as healthy.

    So how much is the full manpower to use a tank? A soldier to steer the tank, 3 soldiers for using the weaponry and either a fixer and engineer or an mp and doctor to repair/heal the tank. Furthermore a trader could be good for buffing combat skills during battle heat. A crew of 4 as minimum and 6 as optimum. An NT would however not be of much use in a tank, as with other vehicles, you cannot cast tank out of the vehicle.

    The Ultimate Tank
    There are several tank upgrades available.

    Cloaking Device Works like normal cloaking device, just good skill and for the tank only.
    Antigravity unit Makes the tank able to fly, just like a Yalmaha.
    Targeting Scopes Works as normal t-scope, just for the tank.
    Radiation layer Engineer buff that improves heavily on the normal tanks Radiation AC
    Energy protection layer Engineer buff that improves on the normal tanks energy AC
    Chemical layer Engineer buff that improves on the normal tanks Chemical AC

    Defending against a tank
    The tank is strong and has a lot of health points, about 4 times a normal robot the same QL, so heavy damage is needed to destroy the tank.

    Damage type Damage to Normal tanks Damage to Bio-tanks
    Imp/Projectile Very Low* Normal
    Energy Normal** Normal
    Melee/ma Very Low* Normal
    Cold Low Normal
    Fire Normal High
    Chemical High* Normal
    Radiation Hits personnel directly* Low
    Disease Hits personnel directly Normal
    *can be buffed
    **can be buffed, but may put electrical systems out of work

    Notice that player build cannons are typically using fire/explosion damage, which is good against both tank types. Soldiers could also use heavy weaponry to some good effect, however, you don’t want to be an agent, as aimed shots don’t really work.

    Name Class Nano AttTime RecTime Ability
    Antigravity Engineer 2952 63s 1s Creates an Antigravity item that can be used to improve tank capabilities
    Heavy shielding Engineer 2406 25s 1s Creates a Heavy Shielding item that can be used to improve tanks AC generally

    Destroying or conquering a tank, should count as a normal PvP kill counting the number of players killed, to encourage cooperation and serious use of the tank.

    Player shops
    There is little but the trade-channel to encourage trade. One solution could be player shops. A normal shop where players have the chance of putting their items for sale, at the price they wish. There should be a time limit to such sales. People come in, goes to the buying machine, puts up the sell of item and price they want, its displayed in the normal other slot-machines, under appropriate place. There could be a message board inside such a shop as well.

    Dynamic world
    What we really need to get this more exciting is a dynamic world. This could be 2 things.

    Dynamic dungeons
    Godager has made an article on some of the ideas here, with a boss monster and such. Good ideas and fairly easy to make. What I don’t like is instant spawn of boss monsters… they should be there all the time.

    Dynamic hunting grounds
    Boss monsters on hunting grounds… no thanks. Not the way Godager describes it anyways. I would like to see something different…

    Lets take an example. Godager the Wild Beast, an excellent monster here from referred to by Wild, lives in Eastern Fouls Plains in a deserted camp-like place. He was born here when noone was around and the location of his whereabouts is secret. He wants to be powerful, so he creates mutants. When his camp has a few high level mutants, like 8-10, he starts sending these out to the most visited places in the EFP, in small groups. Being small wandering groups, its hard to know where to be careful, so the EFP gets a bad reputation of “where did they come from”. Given time, Wild keeps producing more and more mutants and finally now controls most of EFP, with groups of 3-4 mutants spread across the land. But Wild is greedy, he wants more, so his minions starts showing up in PM as well, crossing the border. In fact Wild keeps expanding his reign, until a group of players pull their organisation together and fight back.

    This little thing would create a dynamic world as Wild would not be the only creature that would like to expand his reign. So people will have to, from time to time, deal with the situation and the closer they get to Wilds centre of reign of evil mutants, the stronger the monsters would become.

    Roaming monster
    The above is called roaming monster, but also includes the boss monster and his centre of evil. It would also add a little to the game if we had normal roaming monsters… Well more actually, as

    Other dungeon issue
    We still have a problem with zoning lag. The solution to this is simple. A great part of this, is the lag that is created when it is necessary to repeatedly zone in and out from hard dungeons. By adding a first room, where battle is not possible, the heavy duty zoning would completely vanish. I see no negative side to this at all.

    Taking the enemy prisoner
    Your right, how do we do this now??? We cant, we can only role-play it and we have to agree on the role-play, both sides. This is easily fixed though.

    I suggest that a common series of nanos are made available to be cast in battle, before victim dies. When the victim dies the “Take Prisoner” nano would wake up the killed (knocked out) victim, who would be without his stuff until freed. The captivators, the guy casting the “Take Prisoner” nano, would be able to use orders like “/pet follow”, “/pet wait” and “/pet status”. Wait command would make it possible to keep a person inside a building / prison.

    A debuff nano, called “Free prisoner” would then be cast to free the man again. Prisons can only be done in 25% areas, as in Omni-Entertainment a debuff nano can easily be cast without resistance. A prisoner would be taken to a prison house somewhere in 25% area and heavily guarded by the winning faction.

    Reclaim ALL button
    Ugh, yet again, 20 mouse clicks to get all stuff from the reclaim booth. Include an ALL button in the inventory list.

  2. #2

    Re: Chartans list

    Originally posted by Chartan
    This is a lengthy report on changes I would like to be discussed and perhaps implemented. Let this be known as the Chartan Report J

    Meta Physicist changes
    1. Pets should be on Auto Follow when created. I think there is a bug with this as mine doesn’t always follow
    2. Auto Guard should also be activated during creation.
    3. Auto Heal. Whats the point in casting a healing pet, if not for healing yourself?
    4. All the pets have sooo limited lifespan, why? Does the MPs anger just suddenly stop during mid-battle? Instead, let the pets be alive and draining nano energy instead. Implement this as a separate group of nanos perhaps?
    5. I need a bot-health-meter

    Engineer changes
    1. Robots should stay alive, even after relogging. Right now all engineers, with a decent level, stays online, just for one purpose, to keep the pet they pay for to create. I usually pay a trader 350k and 100k to an MP, just to be able to make a decent bot. When I crash the bot dies and I have to start looking for and paying the trader and MP once again. So instead, I stay online, not playing, just sitting around for 3 days, till the time I can play again. By simply letting the built bot stay with the character, this would solve this problem and keep people from creating extra lag.
    2. Robots have health points. With the above implemented, maybe the robots should have extra damage control systems that could only be taken care of when in a shop. A robot restoration device.
    3. Building stationary cannons with a choice between area damage or target laser shooting damage. The graphics are already there; cannons exist, but just not build-able by engys. This would add a whole new dimension to fighting in groups, defending outposts.
    4. Capability to build tanks (se below)
    5. I need a bot-health-meter
    6. I would like a small newbie-lookalike sentry robot, that acts like a scout for the engineer, sending messages back to the engineer of what encounters it has.

    Soldier changes
    1. The MA has a crit-buff that influences the mind to get better hits. The soldier should have one that influences the use of guns only, as they should have a battle instinct and knowledge of guns that most other classes don’t have.
    2. Below are ideas for new cars and a tank unit, which is an advantage for the soldier.
    3. New soldier camouflage uniforms (you know the type…)
    4. New soldier Bazooka against tanks…
    5. Being good with vehicles should also influence on maps. Have soldiers get map navigation self-buffs.

    Nanos in effect on status bar
    I would like a list of the active nanos as small icons on the status bar. It would keep me from having the ctrl-9 window open all the time…

    New cars
    I have often wondered why cars were so static in their design. No difference in there acceleration, start and stop time and only the QL varies the speed. But there is also one more thing that is strange. Why are not all the car designs in use?? I have seen other graphics for cars in use in the cities (near high-rise 19), cars you cannot buy. Lets get some variety here.

    I would also like to see multi-player cars, like the carrier or even new graphics. Can’t be that hard to create and cars really need a benefit that the Yalmahas don’t have.

    The graphics is already there and the cannons are even in use in some outposts. Let the engineer be able to build such a thing, a stationary robot cannon that can do area damage or direct hits depending on which type of cannon you build. Area damage should be slow guns and direct hits should be of normal speed. Cannons could be buffed by AC nanos, maybe a new series of them?

    A specialty here would be anti-air guns. It seems unlikely that aircrafts such as the Yalmaha cannot be shot down by some means. I think this would need new graphics though.

    I think to add a cannon, would not be too much a goodie for the engineer and it certainly would add to the game.

    Adding anti-air cannons leads to having special versions of the Yalmahas capable of doing dog-fights or even bombing areas. Again the graphics is there, just use it…

    The dream of every player of AO! And the best thing about it, they already exist! Look right outside of 20k… the graphics is present. Why are these not in use?

    My idea of this is that this is an Engineer (for building and repairing), Soldier and Fixer thing (for using guns and steering and grid-communication). Tanks are group vehicles which means it acts like 1 unit, tough, very tough, but as one and would especially be used for conquest of outpost and cities when the war escalates. It would certainly also enhance the role-playing in wartime.

    Building a tank
    Tanks need a body, shields, weapons and radar systems. These are built in several goes via nanos (and some present tools) and combined to make a capable unit. To do this you might need people specializing in different areas.

    Item built Class with nano Skills needed for nano
    Tank Chassis Normal* Engineer, Soldier Matter Creation, Matter Metam., Mech. Engineering
    Tank Chassis Bio* Doctor, MP Matter Creation, Matter Metam, Bio Mat
    Shielding layer Engineer, Soldier Matter Creation, Quantum FT, Mech. Eng.
    Reflection layer Engineer, Soldier Matter Creation, Matter Metam.
    Radar system Engineer, Trader Mech. Eng., Map skill, Elec. Eng.
    Communication equipment Fixer, Trader Elec. Eng., Sensory Imp.
    Anti-missile missile Engineer, Soldier Matter Creation, Mech. Eng.
    Side- rifle N/A Real normal rifles are equipped here and lost when tank is destroyed.
    Front cannon Engineer, Soldier Matter Creation, Mech. Eng.
    * The Normal tank needs to be repaired, this is an engineer job that requires the engineer to leave the tank, do the repairs and get back into the vehicle.
    *The bio tank is self healing (like sanoo)

    All nanos comes in various QL as usual, but should be interlink able, so that the different parts does not necessarily have to be same quality (to spread the units behaviour)

    When the tank is created, a tank-key is made in the holder’s inventory. This tank-key is copied, using key-copier to all those who needs it. The tank-key will work like a normal vehicle icon regarding activation and deactivation. The first one to click the tank-key creates the tank and will be assigned the steering of the tank, and the rest enters the tank and will be assigned gun duty.

    1. Steering
    2. Front Cannon
    3. Left side rifle
    4. Right side rifle
    5. No assignment – Will be used for repairing engineer, buffing trader, mp, fixer or doctor

    Using the tank
    Should need several people, all specialized to a certain degree in the specific fields needed to control the tank.

    1. Steering the tank. An obvious vehicle control task, which means a soldier has some advantage in skills.
    2. Radar systems, which is the groups map with upgrades. The fixer would have 2 buffs. One to create the radar systems and one to link the radar system to all players (which in terms means that the player maps works with all upgrades when inside the tank)
    3. Communication systems. The protection of the tank body removes the capability of communication via the chat system. The fixer and trader can fix that with a buff.
    4. Weaponry. Clearly a soldier is best trained for handling heavy weaponry (primary skill for cannons). Cannons are able to bombard ground instead of targeting a specific player, uses heavy ammo and is particularly slow firing. The side rifles are more normal and follows the rifles data that has been equipped.
    5. Repairing the tank. For the non-bio tank, the engineer is self-written for this job, with a new series of tank-repairing nanos. For the bio-tank an mp or doctor would be useful. But repairs cannot be done during battle, only the bio-tank has the self healing ability (like a robot) and this is the real benefit the bio-tank has.

    Steering is as normal, but requires a little more practical skills here, as tanks are very big vehicles that cannot go everywhere. Radar and communication systems are not active enhancements but needs to be buffed. This can be done within the tank. Weaponry rifles works as normal, the one controlling the rifles use this as normal attack (although hard to use hiding here…). Using cannons require clicking on the map to choose target coordinates. Using the cannon requires some nano.

    Rifles damage is as normal, but the cannon will do twice the normal damage without the normal 40% max in PvP areas. Might be hard to hit precise with the cannon, but it does heavy area damage.

    When people shoot at a tank, the characters inside the tank does not take damage, but the tank will. The tanks health is shown as a normal pets health points would show. Given the strength (lots of health points), the tank works a little like a robot, in its ability to “tank”. The health points of the tank is derived from the QL, but compared to a robot, it would be about 4 times as healthy.

    So how much is the full manpower to use a tank? A soldier to steer the tank, 3 soldiers for using the weaponry and either a fixer and engineer or an mp and doctor to repair/heal the tank. Furthermore a trader could be good for buffing combat skills during battle heat. A crew of 4 as minimum and 6 as optimum. An NT would however not be of much use in a tank, as with other vehicles, you cannot cast tank out of the vehicle.

    The Ultimate Tank
    There are several tank upgrades available.

    Cloaking Device Works like normal cloaking device, just good skill and for the tank only.
    Antigravity unit Makes the tank able to fly, just like a Yalmaha.
    Targeting Scopes Works as normal t-scope, just for the tank.
    Radiation layer Engineer buff that improves heavily on the normal tanks Radiation AC
    Energy protection layer Engineer buff that improves on the normal tanks energy AC
    Chemical layer Engineer buff that improves on the normal tanks Chemical AC

    Defending against a tank
    The tank is strong and has a lot of health points, about 4 times a normal robot the same QL, so heavy damage is needed to destroy the tank.

    Damage type Damage to Normal tanks Damage to Bio-tanks
    Imp/Projectile Very Low* Normal
    Energy Normal** Normal
    Melee/ma Very Low* Normal
    Cold Low Normal
    Fire Normal High
    Chemical High* Normal
    Radiation Hits personnel directly* Low
    Disease Hits personnel directly Normal
    *can be buffed
    **can be buffed, but may put electrical systems out of work

    Notice that player build cannons are typically using fire/explosion damage, which is good against both tank types. Soldiers could also use heavy weaponry to some good effect, however, you don’t want to be an agent, as aimed shots don’t really work.

    Name Class Nano AttTime RecTime Ability
    Antigravity Engineer 2952 63s 1s Creates an Antigravity item that can be used to improve tank capabilities
    Heavy shielding Engineer 2406 25s 1s Creates a Heavy Shielding item that can be used to improve tanks AC generally

    Destroying or conquering a tank, should count as a normal PvP kill counting the number of players killed, to encourage cooperation and serious use of the tank.

    Player shops
    There is little but the trade-channel to encourage trade. One solution could be player shops. A normal shop where players have the chance of putting their items for sale, at the price they wish. There should be a time limit to such sales. People come in, goes to the buying machine, puts up the sell of item and price they want, its displayed in the normal other slot-machines, under appropriate place. There could be a message board inside such a shop as well.

    Dynamic world
    What we really need to get this more exciting is a dynamic world. This could be 2 things.

    Dynamic dungeons
    Godager has made an article on some of the ideas here, with a boss monster and such. Good ideas and fairly easy to make. What I don’t like is instant spawn of boss monsters… they should be there all the time.

    Dynamic hunting grounds
    Boss monsters on hunting grounds… no thanks. Not the way Godager describes it anyways. I would like to see something different…

    Lets take an example. Godager the Wild Beast, an excellent monster here from referred to by Wild, lives in Eastern Fouls Plains in a deserted camp-like place. He was born here when noone was around and the location of his whereabouts is secret. He wants to be powerful, so he creates mutants. When his camp has a few high level mutants, like 8-10, he starts sending these out to the most visited places in the EFP, in small groups. Being small wandering groups, its hard to know where to be careful, so the EFP gets a bad reputation of “where did they come from”. Given time, Wild keeps producing more and more mutants and finally now controls most of EFP, with groups of 3-4 mutants spread across the land. But Wild is greedy, he wants more, so his minions starts showing up in PM as well, crossing the border. In fact Wild keeps expanding his reign, until a group of players pull their organisation together and fight back.

    This little thing would create a dynamic world as Wild would not be the only creature that would like to expand his reign. So people will have to, from time to time, deal with the situation and the closer they get to Wilds centre of reign of evil mutants, the stronger the monsters would become.

    Roaming monster
    The above is called roaming monster, but also includes the boss monster and his centre of evil. It would also add a little to the game if we had normal roaming monsters… Well more actually, as

    Other dungeon issue
    We still have a problem with zoning lag. The solution to this is simple. A great part of this, is the lag that is created when it is necessary to repeatedly zone in and out from hard dungeons. By adding a first room, where battle is not possible, the heavy duty zoning would completely vanish. I see no negative side to this at all.

    Taking the enemy prisoner
    Your right, how do we do this now??? We cant, we can only role-play it and we have to agree on the role-play, both sides. This is easily fixed though.

    I suggest that a common series of nanos are made available to be cast in battle, before victim dies. When the victim dies the “Take Prisoner” nano would wake up the killed (knocked out) victim, who would be without his stuff until freed. The captivators, the guy casting the “Take Prisoner” nano, would be able to use orders like “/pet follow”, “/pet wait” and “/pet status”. Wait command would make it possible to keep a person inside a building / prison.

    A debuff nano, called “Free prisoner” Reclaim ALL button
    Ugh, yet again, 20 mouse clicks to get all stuff from the reclaim booth. Include an ALL button in the inventory list.

    and dogfights in dogstile...sounds cool)))

  3. #3
    1. Pets should be on Auto Follow when created. I think there is a bug with this as mine doesn’t always follow

    I have never had a problem with this.
    What are the specific circumstances in which a pet will not auto follow you?

    2. Auto Guard should also be activated during creation.

    Some players prefer that pets do not auto guard. Myself included.
    Having pets auto guard would be very annoying for crats.

    3. Auto Heal. Whats the point in casting a healing pet, if not for healing yourself?

    When I solo, my heal pet spends 90% of it's time on my combat pet. In a group, it's spends most of it's time on the main tank.
    Having the heal pet auto-heal it's master could be problematic. Heal pets can be stubborn in changing targets. I rarely draw aggro in groups.

    4. All the pets have sooo limited lifespan, why?

    I have to laugh at this. So many of the new crop of metas are so ungrateful. It's not enough that they are by far the most powerful profession in game, they want to be beefed up some more.

    Here's a little background on metas and how they were at release.

    1 pet at a time.
    No animas.
    No Creations
    No mesmerise pets
    Chant line of buffs didn't work.
    Pets did not zone.
    Pets cost more nano to summon.
    Heal pets..Sanoo and higher did not work at all.
    Pets lasted 10 minutes.

    Meta pet lifespan is fine. It increases as you gain levels.

    5. I need a bot-health-meter

    /hotkey REPORT /pet report


    1. Robots should stay alive, even after relogging.

    That's the silliest suggestion I have seen yet.

    2. Robots have health points.With the above implemented, maybe the robots should have extra damage control systems that could only be taken care of when in a shop. A robot restoration device

    Engineers have pet healing nanos.

    3. Building stationary cannons with a choice between area damage or target laser shooting damage.

    That would be cool but I'd rather Funcom spend resources on bringing other professions up to the level of pet professions.

    4. Capability to build tanks (se below)

    Heehee. A Slayerdriod is pretty close to a tank.
    I would love to see Juggernaut pets.

    5. I need a bot-health-meter

    /macro REPORT /pet report


    1. The MA has a crit-buff that influences the mind to get better hits. The soldier should have one that influences the use of guns only

    They already have a nano called Automatic Targeting. It increases the chance of landing a successful attack.


    Adding anti-air cannons leads to having special versions of the Yalmahas capable of doing dog-fights or even bombing areas. Again the graphics is there, just use it…

    There is an air vehicle that has weapons.
    A dogfight is not possible with AOs game engine.
    Last edited by Miir; Jan 28th, 2002 at 22:07:03.

  4. #4


    Listen...people..I know what he means, I and im sure he does know it is impossible to allow decent vehicles, let alone tanks and dog fights.

    Ok some of you dont know much about the game "itself" but.

    This is NOT tribes 2.
    This is not operation flashpoint.

    This game is NOT built for vehiclular physics and simulation.
    Your yalmaha is simple a shell around your body, and you are free to use the "NOCLIP" feature like in Quake, understand?

    Vehicles do not get affected by gravity, no drag nor vertical elavation or, pretending dive bomb runs.

    This game would have been good if vehicles where like those in tribes 2.

    Nice smooth controlling, you got into it not " a shell" It got damaged.
    Etc etc.

    Prime example.

    Yalmaha = Shrike
    Tank = Tank :P

    enforcer =HOF mwaha

  5. #5


    Okay, wow....

    1 guy copies the whole text.... nice

    1 guy is so far of, that Im worried he smokes something he shouldnt. Your answer are so way of the way of the game and my comments, what were you thinking??? I can see you qouted some of the text, but you clearly didnt understand or maybe read much of it?!!!

    Cloudeh... please read my text again... I never suggested gravity or anything you said there. My point is a completely different one.

    hmm maybe Im to blame, maybe Im the newbie....


    Engineer 127
    MP 88
    Doc 83
    NT 63
    MA 53
    Soldier 50
    Fixer 44
    Trader 44

    Doc 14
    MA 14

    and then again...

    Should I mention Im a professional programmer and project manager? nah...

  6. #6

    Thumbs up great!

    This is something i have always been afraid. People are in quite high levels (~130) and have several other characters also, but still they don't seem to have too much of a clue. Should I also mention that this must be just because they might be professional programmers and/or even project managers. nah...
    Last edited by illu; Jan 29th, 2002 at 12:46:49.

  7. #7
    only one i agree with is the pet should stick around after you log, it really is a pain...


    soldiers should get the mounted gun idea... makes the most sense, besides below lvl 100 they suck

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