I had never really noticed this before playing a doctor, but now as a doc it really matters. Sometimes people just dissapear in group, cannot be seen, and I know that if you go out of range and come back they will re-appear, but that is not always an option in the middle of a heated combat.

Another thing I have noticed is that sometimes people will be dying, but thier health bar will show full. Now I am sure that you can see where this could be a problem for a doctor, one minute the whole team has full health, then all the sudden that one crucial team-mate is lying on the floor, dead. To the doc, there is no reason he should have died, to the group, the doc just decided not to heal that guy. . .just wondering if FC could give me some sort of heads up as to whether or not this is going to be fixed and what I ccan maybe do to prevent this from happening (I really dont think it is a computer problem).
