I suggest that you remove all the tiny bugs asap. Like the trade bug where items vanishes after and you have to zone to get them. Getting stuck in yalms, jumping while equiping yalm makes you stuck on the ground so you dont fly at all until you zone, well you name it.

About professions beeing uber and **** doesnt mean as much. Fix these to turn the game into a proper one (How many games do you see with this many bugs??)

I know that this thread wont make any changes, or why anyone post in here. But it just makes me freakin angry!

you pay $12/month for a game that's not even completed, then you get addicted because it's a fun game. But how many times havn't you gotten frustrated over these small bugs all over the place?

Also pet pathing ... why have something that important in the game ( for 3 classes) if it doesnt even work like it should? (funcom doesnt know how to fix it) couldnt you have thought about that earlier before you made them?