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Thread: quick armor comparison

  1. #1

    quick armor comparison

    QL200 body armor:

    elite: ProjectileAC by 1000
    omni-pol: ProjectileAC by 1000
    flowers: ProjectileAC by 1000
    waitt: ProjectileAC by 1000
    obtru: ProjectileAC by 1000
    primus: ProjectileAC by 1000
    nano: ProjectileAC by 875
    graft: ProjectileAC by 825

    elite: MeleeAC by 1000
    omni-pol: MeleeAC by 1000
    flowers: MeleeAC by 1000
    nano: MeleeAC by 1000
    waitt: MeleeAC by 1000
    graft: MeleeAC by 1000
    primus: MeleeAC by 1000
    obtru: MeleeAC by 875

    elite: EnergyAC by 1000
    omni-pol: EnergyAC by 1000
    nano: EnergyAC by 1000
    flowers: EnergyAC by 1000
    graft: EnergyAC by 1000
    obtru: EnergyAC by 1000
    primus: EnergyAC by 1000
    waitt: EnergyAC by 875

    obtru: ChemicalAC by 1000
    flowers: ChemicalAC by 875
    omni-pol: ChemicalAC by 875
    graft: ChemicalAC by 750
    waitt: ChemicalAC by 625
    primus: ChemicalAC by 625
    nano: ChemicalAC by 250
    elite: ChemicalAC by 250

    flowers: RadiationAC by 1000
    elite: RadiationAC by 875
    omni-pol: RadiationAC by 875
    nano: RadiationAC by 875
    waitt: RadiationAC by 750
    graft: RadiationAC by 625
    obtru: RadiationAC by 250
    primus: RadiationAC by 250

    nano: PoisonAC by 1000
    obtru: PoisonAC by 875
    primus: PoisonAC by 875
    elite: PoisonAC by 875
    graft: PoisonAC by 825
    omni-pol: PoisonAC by 750
    waitt: PoisonAC by 250
    flowers: PoisonAC by 250

    nano: FireAC by 875
    waitt: FireAC by 875
    obtru: FireAC by 875
    primus: FireAC by 875
    elite: FireAC by 875
    graft: FireAC by 825
    flowers: FireAC by 750
    omni-pol: FireAC by 250

    nano: ColdAC by 875
    waitt: ColdAC by 875
    obtru: ColdAC by 875
    primus: ColdAC by 875
    elite: ColdAC by 875
    flowers: ColdAC by 750
    omni-pol: ColdAC by 250
    graft: ColdAC by 200

  2. #2
    You can clearly see that omni-pol beats elite and waitt beats nano. Some bad flaws.
    -War is not about who is right, it is about who is left.

    - L92 MP
    - L7 Enf

  3. #3
    You can clearly see that omni-pol beats elite
    Shhhh... You're telling everyone the secret.

    Seriously, it's hilarious how I got a QL145 elite body for 1 mil, found a QL149 OP for 500k, and turned around and sold my 145 elite on the channel in under 60 seconds for 1.2 mil.

    People see 'elite' and they go dumb. Look at the #s, people.
    Katelin Arinia Rhees
    Level 220 Enforcer
    Former Enforcer Professional
    Former President of the late Midnight Reveries
    Account Created: 2001-10-08; Account Expired: 2005-02-19

  4. #4
    True - But the Elite armor looks Oooooohhhh so sweet !
    Alex "Cado" Portello - Atrox Enforcer
    Lakisha "Sheelai" Thompon - Solitus Doctor
    Al "Asdur" Orender - Solitus Martial Artist

    I have no nose .. I peeked on Ani while she took a shower!

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