Lazarus Company Recruitment Phase 1

It is an Omni Atlantean Company wanting civilians for training; main objective in Swift Tower offensives and defence of Allied organisations/Armed Forces facilities.

The Company has an advisor for such combat, but seeks more (PvP knowledge) as well as civilians previously mentioned.

About the Company:
Started by an off World ex Earth Forces Colonel; “Lazerous” Stych. Discapline and order are to be the tools of this Battle group – speed of execution the style.

Its Objective:
To assist Omni Tek ‘civilian’ and military structures in efforts needed for the stability of the Corporation. To be able to deliver on its actions, as and when required.

We are looking for the following starting Units, which will comprise of:

1 Adventurer
3 Enforcers
4 Doctors
2 Martial Artists
2 Engineers

Level ranges from 28 to 40.

If this is you and you wish to find out more, send Lazerous a tell, or email him at

No PvP experience necessary, as advisors will give us guidance. Social life outside of duty will also be a part of life in the Company.