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Thread: a little math......

  1. #41
    Lohem, way to represent man. It's the truth, the soldier needs NO MORE NURFS. Soldiers FINALLY start to be a good class around 130. It's time we left the soldiers with some dignity, that if they can level to 150, let them be fun to play for once.

    No NURFS

    100% damage with 40% caps, SURE THING, hell that will be good for soldiers and agents and NTs. IT will be AWSOME for MAs. MA and Soldier are my main, I'm all for it.

    Nurf sheilds? I think not.

  2. #42



    thanks for the backup. I'm so sick of people who are used to owning everyone screaming for nerfs because they are getting whupped in latter levels.

    100% damage and heals with 40% caps !!! bump

  3. #43


    Originally posted by Lohem
    ....You are pathetic...
    3 words that some up this whole post.

    Phionna, at lvl170 you really should have a bit more intelligence regarding the mechanics that are deployed within this game.

    It looks to me as though somebody left your thier account, and actually you've only playing for 3 weeks.(soldier tanking 5 slayers anyone?)

    Please correct me by stating some good solid reasons for/againsed the nerfing of the MK shield.

    Good luck.

  4. #44

    Re: a little math......

    Originally posted by Phionna
    ok so here we have the 50% damage in pvp...
    now we have a soldier zoning in with a shield that blocks 75% of that my damage is down to 12.5%!

    so lets take my gun, the ql 188 raenee my damage ranges from 60-1000 ,2600ish crits on mobs and with 1000 ranged init i have about 1second attack/reload.

    so, using the weapon damage calculator at
    my average damage per second is 491 with 20% crit rate (LMA + hud upgrade adds1%)
    this is on mobs though....

    so lets take that to half for pvp, we get 245. ok im not in bad shape still my aim shot can do 40% usually and the rest of that can go down in maybe 10sec with that damage average..

    now lets add the soldier mk shield!
    13% of 491 is a whole 68 damage per second!
    and these shields last for 1minute + at higher levels
    Ive never seen a pvp fight at these levels last more then 20 seconds.
    so with a lvl 150 soldier lets say hes atrox , has around 5k hp and comes in with his shield.
    i get around maybe 400 aim shot if im lucky with their shield on so hes at 4600 health now.first aid heals that......
    now with my averaging 68 damager per second after that i would need 73 seconds to kill this soldier and stay alive at the same time. add an alpha strike to me im just about dead in 5seconds.

    just a little math, if your going to nerf damage and not shields and any other buffs that unbalance theirs no point.
    Come on! Your an Agent.

    Step 1 - Root Soldier
    Step 2 - back oof to 35-40 meters or until soldier can't hit you.
    Step 3 - Either snipe from range (Novas have 30ish range) or wait till shield is down and gank him in 60 seconds.
    Step 4 - Even if he has the nano to cast this shield 2 times per fight you can root at least 10 times per nano pool that math.

    If you plan on standing toe-to-toe with a level 150ish soldier as an AGENT then expect to die at least 85% of the time.

    If your request to nerf the soldier class's only worth while ability (other then buffing your rifle skill for you) isn't your goal then what is? Sure a soldier with MK shield X is "formidable" in PvP. It makes up for how we get owned for the first 100 levels.

  5. #45
    The problem is NOT the shield itself.... the real problem is 50% dmg combined with the shield, this makes you do 1/8 of the dmg you normally do... but nerf is not needed give us 100% dmg back again, and cap it at 40% of max health...

    BTW, roots is currently mostly useless atm in pvp, the exploits to break them is many, so i dont root much anymore...
    NT phone HOME!!

  6. #46


    it's unbelivable how many ppl want pvp fights to last less then 5s.
    100/40 is 3 hit kills all hit for 40% cap, end of story wouldn't be fun, would be back to instakills.
    and heals capped at 40% how the hell you gonna do that. it's not like you can use the model of the 40% damage cap. cap all healing on players at 40% is gonna get anyone killed soner or later.
    and if you do it like only getting attack by a player then getting a mob ad even if it's grey would unsettle that. and don't tell me every healer with respeck for themselvs wouldn't do that, it's a war.

    you should rather say how come fdights are still finished so fast with 50% damage dealt.
    post i read here states fights last 10s. you can't use tactics in 10s. it's simply who attacks first.

    seriusly consider how may times you have been killed in 3 hits under the current rules. you want the rules changed so more ppl would get the 40% cap on every hit ?

    shields and heals may be overpower. but this game was meant for team pvp not grid gankin.

    nerf heals and team pvp is dead . if you can't solo a doc. get a team for christ sake.

    and if you don't have the skill to attack a main tank class then don't. it's not like i whine becourse i can't kill anyone in pvp. i team up with friends and try anyway.
    Last edited by Illith; Feb 13th, 2002 at 19:23:06.

  7. #47

    Re: Re: a little math......

    Originally posted by Meligant
    If your request to nerf the soldier class's only worth while ability (other then buffing your rifle skill for you) isn't your goal then what is?
    Just an fyi- the soldier rifle buff is most likely one of the more useless buffs in the game. Agent's get snipers bliss before soldiers get rifle mastery, they do the same thing (and don't stack) except that SB adds to aimshot too.

    Agents and NTs should have the range advantage... but leave it to Funcom to make snipers have the same range as everyone else. It was really funny (ironic) when mausers (a freaking submachine gun!) had better range than sniper rifles...

    First Order S.S.S.C.

  8. #48

    Re: Re: a little math......

    Originally posted by Meligant

    Come on! Your an Agent.

    Step 1 - Root Soldier
    Step 2 - back oof to 35-40 meters or until soldier can't hit you.
    Step 3 - Either snipe from range (Novas have 30ish range) or wait till shield is down and gank him in 60 seconds.
    Step 4 - Even if he has the nano to cast this shield 2 times per fight you can root at least 10 times per nano pool that math.

    If you plan on standing toe-to-toe with a level 150ish soldier as an AGENT then expect to die at least 85% of the time.

    If your request to nerf the soldier class's only worth while ability (other then buffing your rifle skill for you) isn't your goal then what is? Sure a soldier with MK shield X is "formidable" in PvP. It makes up for how we get owned for the first 100 levels.
    ok idiot lets use ur tactics

    me a nt

    pre fight buffed to 4800 is hp

    see a soilder ROOT
    he sheilds
    while backing out of range take an alpha strike

    2/3 rds health GONE

    look around whoo hoo no one else i am 1 on 1 ( in a dream world)

    root again wait till sheild goes down while out of range with 2/3 health gone

    dont bother casting waste of nano for 168 dmg

    o boy sheild down i cast a nuke do 1k dmg

    on no alpha'd again dead

    alpha had recycled while i was waiting for sheild to go down and with game mechanics and lag etc he got close enuff for one more hit before i could get out of range

    and if i can root 10 times how much nano that leave for attacking?

    you are a fool

  9. #49
    you are so right alpha strikes are to powerfull.
    wtf has mk shilds have to do with alpha strikes ?
    any proffesion can use alpha strikes !

  10. #50
    besheba your story would have been fun if written this way.
    i see this godlike soldier, so i nuke him to mk shield getting really hut but not killed.
    so i back away and pulls out my gun hehe.
    wait some time and move in for the kill while the poor bugger is locked in place, by my root, and i cast nulity. alphastrike and nuke till death.

    nt's has an invulnability shield too.
    and alpha strikes from non soldier still kills just as bad.

    should have studied english and not math, then i could atleast make myself understandle on english ;(

  11. #51
    Illith are u a soilder?

    cause i would hate to be explaing to u your own profession

    1) would have to stay alive long enuff to bust an alpha strike
    with 2/3 health getting close enuff to somone with full health while that soilder is at full


    3) his sheild would lasts 1 min 20 secs mine last 20 secs
    and quite honestly what differnce does it make 75% or 100 % sheild? no attack i have will kill a soilder while sheild is up i may as well piss into the wind

  12. #52

    Do you duel?

    First off, duels are dumb. We're in a war, and that means you have buddies to watch your back. A smart MP could debuff Matter Creation and/or time and space. Soldiers have almost no nano protection and nano resist is dark blue for soldiers. Second, roots do work, and if a soldier mirrors, he won't be doing it again for quite a while. And seriously... in heated combat, who expects to be alive after the first few seconds? After the inital exchange, you'd figure that at least half the fighters to be dead. If you're a big threat, you're going down first.

    Soldiers can only rely on a big alphastrike, and mirror. We have nothing else. Soldiers have tons of weaknessess. It's funny that this thread is based off the damage of reflect shields and how it turned out that TMS MKX is too long. TMS already got nerfed, and you're asking for more? Will you be happy if every other profession is nerfed to the ground just so that your profession will own PvP and PvM and whatever else you want? Stupid.
    Perfection breeds weakness.

    Obergeist-Burning bright, Above the head ghost

    Mdgprogram-Fearful symmetry <---beat the every lovin' crap out of a level 60 soldier at 49

    Stronger, better, faster, push it

    The Troll Corps want you!tm
    General in the Troll Corps tm

  13. #53
    Originally posted by Dr. Sent

    Heals and debuffs don't kill! Got that? Healing and debuffs don't kill. Again .. healing and debuffs don't kill.

    You cant honestly be this stupid

    Ok maybe you are so lemme point out that healing youself counters damage being done to you your healing is at 100% the damage being done to you is at 50% see the problem? When a doc can stand in the middle of 5 higher levels attacking him, stack DOT's on each one of them then stand there healing himself while they all run for the nearest zone something is quite obviously wrong.

  14. #54


    Originally posted by Turbulence

    You cant honestly be this stupid

    Ok maybe you are so lemme point out that healing youself counters damage being done to you your healing is at 100% the damage being done to you is at 50% see the problem? When a doc can stand in the middle of 5 higher levels attacking him, stack DOT's on each one of them then stand there healing himself while they all run for the nearest zone something is quite obviously wrong.
    What is high lvl's?
    There is no way in h.... me(174) or some other high lvl doc can stack dot's on 5 ppl and outheal 5 toons equal my lvl doing dmg to me, that is the worst bs i ever heard. U think we have a unlimited nanopool? maybe u should take a look at the nano cost of casting dot's and heals and compare it to the nanopool and maybe u be a bit suprised. And if those 5 ppl can't deal more then an average of 1k dmg every 4 sec they have to be seriusly gimped...

    Only professions that can fight 5 ppl at the same time is nt's and soldiers, nt's would prolly not survive at the end, but the soldier will get away with the mk x still running unless he/she gets rooted. Yes i've seen it, a 150'ish soldier kill 3-4 ppl out of 7-8 ppl attacking her, even with all the others 15-20 lvl above her. And i've also seen a NT aoe down lots of ppl about his lvl, he ended up dead tho at the end, but still got 4-5 ppl with him.

  15. #55
    Originally posted by eleetist
    I've seen Slayers hit Veteran Mobs for half thier hit points (my judge is that this is between 5k and 6k damage) well.... I hate to say it, but if I or many other Lvl 75+ players get hit by this it's a one shot death.
    Wow.. I'd like to know what kind of exploit that was. The highest crit I've ever seen done by a slayerdroid is 2378 on a leet in one of the backyards. Trimmed with a QL 158 divert energy to offence trimmer. I've once seen my slayerdroid do 2100 damage to a mob that was orange (Veteran Clan Functionary). It normally hits for 400-700 damage. But maybe with QL 200 trimmers which takes an insane amount of skill to use they can hit a LOT harder?

    I have no idea if the pets still hit for max damage since I don't PvP, and if they do, it needs to be fixed.

  16. #56
    Originally posted by Garzu
    Bah, you didnt get her point did you? Obviously not... she and alot of other players (including me) wants 100% damage back in the game, the dmg nerf didnt count with MK shields and alot of other debuffs/buffs including healing would get alot more powerful, thats why people ask these questions.
    "alot of other players"?

    ... well I'll one up you. Me and the WHOLE FREAKING WORLD don't!

  17. #57
    Originally posted by Turbulence

    You cant honestly be this stupid

    Ok maybe you are so lemme point out that healing youself counters damage being done to you your healing is at 100% the damage being done to you is at 50% see the problem? When a doc can stand in the middle of 5 higher levels attacking him, stack DOT's on each one of them then stand there healing himself while they all run for the nearest zone something is quite obviously wrong.
    I must be, and I just got stupider reading your example about taking on 5 higher levels.

  18. #58
    Originally posted by Dr. Sent

    I must be, and I just got stupider reading your example about taking on 5 higher levels.
    The name Drzand ring a bell?

  19. #59
    Zand was the demi-doc

    Nuf said

  20. #60


    Hehe, they must have been seriusly gimped or DrZand must have been ........ because if u guys take a look at our dot's there is no way Drzand as a nanodoc could cast dot's (not even with current nanopool) on 5 ppl equal his lvl and kill them. Wow, and after stacking dot's on 5 ppl even outheal them, there is only one thing that comes in my mind if that is true......

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