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Thread: Not Mentioned in 13.6 Patch Notes: New MOB Behavior

  1. #21

    Talking Horray!!!

    I love this. Anything that introduces strategy and incourages interaction is fabulous!

    We all know that the fastest way to level in this game is to camp a hunting spot. If you want to do that, great! I'm not judging you, but I don't do this because it is horribly boring. I want a game that is interesting, and less predictable. This way, the game may actually be fun to play after doing missions for a few months.

    Thanks Funcom !!!

    Then again, you really should put an important change like this in the patch notes.

    - Szentasha / Unity of the Rose

  2. #22
    No, leveling via camping a hunting spot is VERY slow leveling at higher levels. The only viable (not taking a month per ding) way to level is via BS Missions.. if the risk becomes too great; then it is simply not possible..

  3. #23
    LOL this is a great change!

    Missions were very boring, now it will be harder, sure, but it will be a lot more INTERESTING.

    I like to be INTERESTED in playing a game, not BORED, but boy I sure am leveling at a nice steady clip!

    I hope they also reduce mobs HPs tho along with this change so it doesn't get too silly.

  4. #24
    Challenging.. mm.. hummm..

    /me gets wheeled back into the little foam room

  5. #25

    Talking Risk vs. Reward

    I already mentioned that I LOVE this change, but I thought about it and came to the realization that mission rewards should be increased because of the increased risk and difficulty.

    - Szentasha / Unity of the Rose

  6. #26

    Thumbs down You Wish

    You wish. I saw no evidence of that at all. It's hard to me to say; mission booth camping was a lot less fun without AOMD, and AOMD doesn't work with the test servers. But as far as I could tell, rewards were about the same. Maybe not even as good.

  7. #27

    Re: You Wish

    Originally posted by Brad, STL/MO
    You wish. I saw no evidence of that at all. It's hard to me to say; mission booth camping was a lot less fun without AOMD, and AOMD doesn't work with the test servers. But as far as I could tell, rewards were about the same. Maybe not even as good.

    Does funcom have to take away ANY HELPFUL UTILITY? Doing what they should have done in the first place? Gee wiz.

  8. #28
    Will MOBs run into locked doors like idiots?

  9. #29

    Re: Re: I too remember this.

    Originally posted by cson

    I'd agree with you a 100% if I was still under lvl 80.

    Hell, at lvl 60, I remember I used to do 85% missions. I could kill 3 oranges or 2 reds at the same time. I remember being bum rushed by 5 greens/yellows in the main room. I killed all of them with about 25% health remaining.

    It's a little different at lvl 142. If I get debuffed by a yellow trader, I have to zone out.

    Then these GD pet classes. They do /pet attack and then hide in the safe spot until the MOBs dead. Who cares if there's a half a dozen MOBs attacking your pet; at least you're safe.
    Oh yeah sure.. I do /pet attack and I can sit down and watch the carnage. NO, that's not even close to the truth. When there are two or more mobs in a room, I send the pet to attack and 100% of the time the other mobs aggroes the pet's master. When the mobs then hit ya for 500+ damage a hit, you are in a real hurry to make them aggro your pet instead. I have zoned in and out of missions a gazillion times (like most higher levels have to do) because I just can't tank. And I'm not supposed to tank. I can send the pet to attack 3 rooms away and I can run all the way to the mission entrance, but the mobs will spawn right next to me no matter what. Sometimes I get that nasty attacked by none message, see my dmg shield do damage then I'm back at the reclaim. It is also extremely amusing to be attacked by two enforcers and the pet is stuck and won't help you as you get beaten to death.

    Sure, I can do 50% difficulty missions at level 150, but am I overpowered? Shouldn't you be more concerned that ALL classes should be able to solo a 50% difficulty mission instead?

    Yes, my pet tanks, and does a very nice job at it. But in no way can I ever rest in missions or feel safe.

  10. #30
    this is great and all but it does not fit into the current game dynamics, single person missions are just that... and should not require more than one person for a realistic difficulty setting... this is just going to end up with everyone getting ganked ALL THE TIME and it will probably be yanked once people start *****ing about it

  11. #31

    Thumbs down greaaaaat

    im not sure i like this... most mobs are hard enough to kill when you solo missions... i die my fair share. now w/ half of the misssion agro as soon as you attack 1? oh joy. get rid of the min dmg bug before this stuff comes out.

    and tactics dont really work when your enemy can float thru walls and a sniper cant see over a TABLE to use aimedshot.
    3305 Local Veteran

  12. #32

    erm........they already do this!

    Mobs are already walking in and out of other people's rooms. They have been doing it since the last patch.

    I do solo missions exclusively with my MA...Im trying to get the 400 token board...and I see this night after night.
    Even in the team missions I do with my doc and 5 regular friends we see this happening. And these strolling mobs *do* aggro, they will only stand there doing nothing if they are "ghost" mobs, then they cannot be attacked and return to their own room when you walk out of range.

    This is not a new thing. Don't get worked up. I see it and deal with it every day. If you haven't noticed it before now it's obviously not as life-changing as you would have people believe

  13. #33

    More problems

    I have a huge problem with these wandering mobs. I am a Nano-Tech. I'm lucky if i can take 2 greens without zoning. This means I have to resort to lowering the diff slider so that all that is left are grey mobs. With the slider at even, i have to see what mobs are in beginning room. If they are orange, I walk back out and go to the next mission. It's to the point where I can't take oranges without zoning 5 or 6 times. Reds are right out! In my opinion they need to fix all the professions. I know the nano techs are really broken. All we can do is damage. And really not that much more than some of the other classes. My buffs suck comparatively. Roots are almost completely worthless. Blind nanos don't seem to have much effect either. Nano regen is ok, needs to be better. We were supposed to be the prof that specialized in nano tech. seems the MP took that slot. Kinda f***ed up for them to do that imho. They get nano prog buffs, i mean come on. they buff matcrea and we can't(our specialty). Well I've been here before so i'm gonna just stop right there.

    Try to have fun all.

  14. #34
    No, leveling via camping a hunting spot is VERY slow leveling at higher levels. The only viable (not taking a month per ding) way to level is via BS Missions.. if the risk becomes too great; then it is simply not possible..
    ^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

    Man i love seing people say this all the time. It honestly makes me laugh. I think the "Slow" part might be you have to actually find the spawns for yourselves now right? Or that everyone swears to god there are none. Yet they don't look. they all follow the crowd wherever one is. ATM that crowd is BS so you follow them there. I have been in groups in BS doing missions and as soon as I say the words "I know a camp at XXX". People already assume it must suck. Yet most of the camps contain the same mobs we hunt in bs missions. the only reason your all at BS missions and not off hunting at one of the 30 somthing 160+ camps is because there are no saves in the middle of the camp. Don't try and blame it on being "Slow" rather than Dangerous and a nice distance from saves. Or rather not so far from saves you have never found.

  15. #35

    The do already

    Mobs already move from room to room, not that often, but I've had a mob move in 3 rooms before, while i was sneaking a high lvl mission. I always see mobs move from room to room.

  16. #36
    Jebus Crist on a stick...

    "Missions are too easy and boring!"

    "Oooh, missions are to hard and random!"

    As long as team missions are fixed, this is a welcome change to make the world more realistic, fun, and random - power leveling through dungeons has always been an issue, and anything to slow down leveling is welcome. What, you say? People whine about nothing existing at high level. This is largely because 1) everyone advanced quicker than FC expected, so high level balance and content was lacking, and 2) The thing that made high levels a challenge - lack of items - was screwed by people camping mission terms for those same rare items. Both of these are FC's problem, of course, but any attempt to remedy them is welcome.

    The way I see it is that a yellow mob should be an even match for you. FC poorly balanced mobs, so they made up for it with madly high AC and HP. OK, whatever. To combat profs, oranges are no prob, and to non combat profs, greens can be a real b*tch, especially if you are a Doctor/MA who can't OE and does min damage *cough*. I can solo 60% missions faily easily with both of those conditions, depending on the mobs (monster missions are easy because I do more damage, human missions are terrible because of min damage and one trader removing all of my healing abilities and halving my attack rating with 2 nanos). OK, such is life. Non combat profs should expect a harder time with missions, and expect to team; they are, after all, basically a support role, and should have issues fighting. They were designed to make money and (theoretically) XP in other ways, but that is another discussion (since non-combat XP and item gain is a farce. Oops, another discussion).

    OK, slower leveling. You have more to work on, the game actually becomes a challenge instead of passing time before leveling. Funderful. Hard game = good. Free XP = bad.
    Aleksei "Zagadka" Garcia - Savior, Council Clerk
    Cindi "Razishlyat" Bolieu - Advisor Eternalist

  17. #37
    Ah, also, you forget that this also allows you to sneak through unguarded rooms much more realistically, take out the odd mob who won't move etc, evade patrols, etc, instead of trying (stupidly) to simulate it all with skills. Much more fun, IMHO.
    Aleksei "Zagadka" Garcia - Savior, Council Clerk
    Cindi "Razishlyat" Bolieu - Advisor Eternalist

  18. #38
    I will make it harder to know if you have cleared all of the rooms especially if you are always a few rooms behind the wanderers. Enemys do not always show up on the radar.

  19. #39
    wow this is great, now when i cast a team heal, instead of having 3 ace ruffians up on my ass, ill get 7! im loving this, really........ christ...... docs already get mad aggros dont make it even worse pls.

  20. #40
    unless this comes with a serious nerf to mobs damage output/ac's/hp's and a healthy dose of exp from them it's going to make missions impossible after the 82-100 titlecap. I was able to do ql120-130 (99%'s) up to 82 without much of a problem solo, now that im 99 i can *BARELY* do a ql110ish mission, the next step on the difficulty slider to the left is all green and grey and would take aproximately 6 years to level on, the next step to the right is all red to deep red with an occasional orange but without a *full* group any enforcer mobs at this level are generally death to everyone (2-3 people usually)

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